Lumia 535 screen issue ?


New member
May 15, 2014
So not long after release I've heard that 535 had some screen problems. Still I believed that those were only for early models. So recently I offered my brother to buy this phone and he bought one. He has never complained since he comes from asha series which is barely usable, but when I tried to type a message fast with my two thumbs it started clicking nearly all letters in keyboard randomly without me doing anything. If I use only one finger and type slowly it works acceptably, but still I guess there's somethinf wrong with it. As far as I remmember it got some kind of denim update back in January(which I think had to solve screen issues), so I'm a bit confused. I want to recomend this phone for few people around me but I won't if it has some kind of unrepairable, hardware related issues. Also maybe I should get it repaired (if its posible as I heard that they were replacing screens in India) cause it's still on warranty. :?
So not long after release I've heard that 535 had some screen problems. Still I believed that those were only for early models. So recently I offered my brother to buy this phone and he bought one. He has never complained since he comes from asha series which is barely usable, but when I tried to type a message fast with my two thumbs it started clicking nearly all letters in keyboard randomly without me doing anything. If I use only one finger and type slowly it works acceptably, but still I guess there's somethinf wrong with it. As far as I remmember it got some kind of denim update back in January(which I think had to solve screen issues), so I'm a bit confused. I want to recomend this phone for few people around me but I won't if it has some kind of unrepairable, hardware related issues. Also maybe I should get it repaired (if its posible as I heard that they were replacing screens in India) cause it's still on warranty. :?

There has been a lot of complaints about the screen of the L535, so much that Microsoft even pushed an update for the L535 but the issue still remains. Having your phone "repaired" will likely have no effect on your phone, since the bug is inherent to the model. I'd recommend a L6xx against the L535 - now that I've got an L535 as a temporary phone. But if your peers are not as keen as we are with the "operability" and response resolution of phones in general, the L535 should already do well as an entry level phone.
There has been a lot of complaints about the screen of the L535, so much that Microsoft even pushed an update for the L535 but the issue still remains. Having your phone "repaired" will likely have no effect on your phone, since the bug is inherent to the model. I'd recommend a L6xx against the L535 - now that I've got an L535 as a temporary phone. But if your peers are not as keen as we are with the "operability" and response resolution of phones in general, the L535 should already do well as an entry level phone.
Damn, if there wouldn't be this bug, lumia 535 would be another 520 :( But still I'm curiuos if it's fully software related or there's something wrong with the hardware too :? My peers may type 10 messages a year and browse a web for a bit, but again they're buying a phone for ~4 year run, so I has to be at least a bit durable and future proof... 635 might be the answer... Again, if it's possible to release update and fix it l535'd be the killer:)

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