"We do support the phone but no longer carry it in stores or online." That sounds like a response you'd get from a passive aggressive person.
Supporting the phone means making sure that T-Mobile and Nokia works together to release firmware and OS updates for the phone for a reasonable amount of time, and the 810 was dumped in an unreasonable hurry. Yea, #$%^#$^^& answers like that! They might as well say, "You bought the phone sucker, if you want support line our pockets and buy another phone. If you're lucky we won't dump that phone too. That is real #%^^ lucky, sucker"
A lot of you know my story with T-Mobile. I bought a T-Mobile HTC HD7 off of cowboom and brought to T-Mobile's prepaid. That phone ended up never receiving 7.8 from T-Mobile even though I flashed it via the cab update method and it worked great. Then I got the 810, and we know how it's been abandoned. Then I got the HTC 8x and it is in exactly the same situation that the 810 is in, abandoned for time being. I have little faith that either of those phones will ever get another OTA update from T-Mobile and I place that fault squarely on T-Mobile's shoulders. That's a ****ty way to treat your paying customers.
So now I am on AT&T with a 920. I've already received GDR3 and Black OTA and I expect to get 8.1 OTA as well (no doubt with a significant delay).