Lumia 810 - EOL - What about Firmware updates?


New member
Feb 2, 2013
Well, it looks like the 810 is not getting 8.1. Wow, what a surprise. After seeing the phones announced today, I wanted to drop the Note 3 but nevermind.

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Speaking of old timers to the thread, welcome back Dr_8820. Yea I'm with you, I think T-Mobile's done their typical abandon what we aren't currently selling stunt. I'm sad to hear though that the thought of all the 8.1 goodies isn't tempting you to get a new WP 8.1 device when the time comes..... Come on now, how can you resist? Isn't the 930 interesting?. I like the 930, but I'd like it a lot more if it had a SD Card slot. With an SD Card slot it would be damn near my ideal phone.

anyway, I do hope you end up coming back to the WP side at some point soon.....


New member
Jan 1, 2012
I never really left lol, the line that had the 810 now has my HD7, but most of us saw the writing on the wall a year ago when it was shafted. I am seriously considering AT&Fee...

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sahib lopez

New member
Apr 29, 2013
Bummer cyan for the 810 :/ well time to look for a new phone after tmobile rolls out Their new 700mhz band


New member
Feb 2, 2013
I never really left lol, the line that had the 810 now has my HD7, but most of us saw the writing on the wall a year ago when it was shafted. I am seriously considering AT&Fee...

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Yea, you got that right. Given T-Mobile's history the writing on the wall was pretty clear. I jumped to AT&T a couple of months back when they had that $200 dollar switching bonus. I have to say I really love my Red 920. I also expect that AT&T will eventually release 8.1 for the 920 OTA. If not there's gonna be A LOT OF REALLY ANGRY AT&T 920 owners. I was paying $50 on T-Mobile with their 500mb Simple Value Plan, now I'm spending $59.00 including the cost of financing the phone at $11 a month. Unfortunately I only get 300mb of data, but I do have LTE. I was hoping that AT&T would increase the data allotment to compensate for T-Mobile's increase from 500mb to a gig, but no go.

I am absolutely sincere when I thank T-Mobile for some of their moves in the US carrier market as they did in fact increase competition and created a space for customers like me. I never could have tolerated AT&T prices before T-Mobile started making some of their policy changes, however T-Mobile just really destroyed my faith in their customer service by their crappy support of the WP devices they sold people. They have a LONG history of abandoning their WP devices as you well know....

(My HTC HD7 is sitting in my closet, it's going to be one of those keepsakes that I have around for years. I will never sell it. When I want to get rid of it, by that time no one would have any interest in buying it, so I'll just end up recycling it some years from now. It was my first WP device, it's gonna be a memento.)


New member
Jan 1, 2012
I have a drawer full of defunct Microsoft devices. I'm not going to get deep into it and start a flame fest, but it looks like Microsoft hasn't still learned its lesson and AT&T will continue to get the marque devices, while T-Mobile continues to get WP devices and only push out 1 update and then forget about the phone.

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New member
Dec 20, 2012
Well, just as expected - no 8.1 for the 810, and probably none for the t-mo 8X. That's why I bit the bullet and now own an factory unlocked 8X & 925. AT&T's 920 customers will get 8.1, and probably their 820 consumers too. That's why it is better to buy unlocked.


New member
Jan 1, 2012
The only problem with buying unlocked is finding a phone that supports the T-Mobile bands, or you'll only get edge. I do know that T-Mobile didn't release the black update, and I find it hard to ever buy a Nokia again. I hope Sony makes a WP phone.

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New member
Feb 2, 2013
The only problem with buying unlocked is finding a phone that supports the T-Mobile bands, or you'll only get edge. I do know that T-Mobile didn't release the black update, and I find it hard to ever buy a Nokia again. I hope Sony makes a WP phone.

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Why did you turn anti-Nokia? If I remember correctly you've owned a lot of WP devices on T-Mobile that ended up getting abandoned. Both HTC and Nokia, but as you can tell, my tendency is to blame the carrier and not the OEM. Especially when there is such a freaking history of it with T-Mobile... I liked my HTC HD7, and I would love the styling if HTC came out with a HTC One type WP device, but at the end of the day I think I prefer Nokia's build quality rather than HTC. I do think that HTC is doing the right thing with their guarantee of support for two years, I think that's past due and should be an industry wide standard.

As far as Sony is concerned, I do own some Sony devices and have a certain trust in them. However their not exactly doing gangbusters themselves, they've spun off their PC division and I think they have or may spin off their TV division shortly. I'd have to check that, but their TV division is not doing super well either. God only knows how long they will be making phones. I wish Sony all the best, but Samsung and LG are hammering them.

EDIT- finally I'd have to say that jumping to Android in order to avoid missing out on updates is rather problematic. It's pretty much only the Nexus and Google Play devices that one can be sure will be updated. On the other hand, it is true that Android is significantly more feature mature than WP. However WP is advancing, and there's just no way in hell I am going to give up on WP at this time.

Come back..... come back to WP. the water's fine and getting warmer.... Come back....


New member
Jan 1, 2012
My problem with Nokia is that they, too, have abandoned the 810. They could have released the Black update without T-Mobile, after all, it still is a Nokia device, but they let T-Mobile make them look like fools. The #AskNokia page is filled with people asking why the 810 isn't getting updated, it's not just the few of us in this thread. Can you honestly recommend a Nokia after what happened to the 810? I can promise you that whatever WP T-Mobile gets will be mid range and only see 1 update. When Microsoft addresses that, I will gladly upgrade my HD7. I would've gladly got a 1520 instead of the Note 3, but once again Nokia went with the 1 carrier deal that we all know had been a huge success for them.

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New member
Dec 20, 2012
The only problem with buying unlocked is finding a phone that supports the T-Mobile bands, or you'll only get edge. I do know that T-Mobile didn't release the black update, and I find it hard to ever buy a Nokia again. I hope Sony makes a WP phone.

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Simple, you get another carrier model that has the appropriate bands, AKA a Rogers model. It is interesting as in my area, I pull roughly the same speed on my Z Ultra (got the one with all 8 LTE bands) and the T-Mo 925. You still have to pay either way if you want to be free of t-mo. Is LTE nice? Sure, I love it when I use my Z Ultra, but H+ on my 8X and 925 is still good enough for me. Nokia won't do the N8/N9 stuff where it had all the radios in it because they're going through the carriers to move phones.


New member
Jan 1, 2012
The HTC One has all the radios like the iPhone does. If they make a WP like that instead of a gimped Android knockoff, I'd give it a look.

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New member
Dec 20, 2012
My problem with Nokia is that they, too, have abandoned the 810. They could have released the Black update without T-Mobile, after all, it still is a Nokia device, but they let T-Mobile make them look like fools. The #AskNokia page is filled with people asking why the 810 isn't getting updated, it's not just the few of us in this thread. Can you honestly recommend a Nokia after what happened to the 810? I can promise you that whatever WP T-Mobile gets will be mid range and only see 1 update. When Microsoft addresses that, I will gladly upgrade my HD7. I would've gladly got a 1520 instead of the Note 3, but once again Nokia went with the 1 carrier deal that we all know had been a huge success for them.

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Had a long reply that got deleted and I don't fell like typing that over.

Simply put, if an exclusive carrier variant doesn't sell, it is death. T-mo contracted Nokia to make the 810, and in the contract to give them final say on updates. Phones are made in batches, so if the phone is popular, it gets reordered and the OEM can continue to provide support including carrier supported software.

Facts: the 925 sold more than the 810. The 521 certainly sold more than the 810, and probably the 925 too. So of course t-mo will order more from Nokia. The real person who screwed 810 users is MSFT by going OTA only for updates. At least under WP7, for carrier variants like the Focus S, you could go through Zune to get the update directly from MSFT. Nokia would happily support the 810, but money talks and if t-mo said it didn't sell, there's no reason to spend man hrs on it. Nokia cannot go against t-mo and release the update. That's breaking contract and t-mo would never buy phones from them.

That's the breaks, folks. That's why I cut my losses and ditched the 810. I would recommend Nokia, but carrier free if you can afford it.


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Jan 1, 2012
All I can remember is someone saying last year that AT&T was a horrible WP partner, I think that distinction belongs to T-Mobile.

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New member
Dec 20, 2012
All I can remember is someone saying last year that AT&T was a horrible WP partner, I think that distinction belongs to T-Mobile.

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Under the old WP7 system, AT&T was as bad overall as t-mo has been with the 810 for WP8. They have improved, even though the 920 fiasco with the Amber update was funny as hell. But they fixed that by releasing Black quickly after their 925 and 1020 got it. At least you know with them that all their devices got it.

I'm curious to see if the Ativ Odyssey (a carrier variant on VZW from Samsung) will follow the same fate as the 810. You would think that it wouldn't because Samsung only has the ATIV SE (not out yet), the OG Ativ S, the Ativ S Neo (on AT&T and Sprint) and the Odyssey to support. So 4 phones should be easy to update. But you never know. I do think HTC in terms of the US big 4 will push 8.1 to everyone but t-mo. I doubt people remember that t-mo had an 8X in the first place...


New member
Dec 20, 2012
To me, it is sad to screw the 810 users from the most critical feature of all on 8.1 - apps to SD support. The 8GB, or technically the 7.44GB of onboard storage was crippling, but no apps to SD makes things worse. Sad state of affairs about the black sheep of the family that gets locked in the basement when guests come over to visit...


New member
Jan 1, 2012
Sprint announced that the 8XT and Ativ would both get 8.1. As I've stated earlier, I only joined T-Mobile because of the HD2. I can say with great certainty that T-Mobile don't give a damn about Windows Phone.

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New member
Feb 2, 2013
The HTC One has all the radios like the iPhone does. If they make a WP like that instead of a gimped Android knockoff, I'd give it a look.

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There's a lot of people that would be happy to see a WP version of the HTC One. I really like a metal case phone and the HTC One is a damn fine looking phone. I still have this feeling that I'd prefer Nokia's build quality, but I'd consider a WP HTC One.

Yea, I still don't really lay the blame at Nokia's feet, but rather T-Mobile. I tend to think that's pretty much what MSFTisMIA is stating, that T-Mobile has Nokia by the short and curly's. As far as doing well by shaking up the carrier industry, T-Mobile has done a great job. As far as being a good WP partner T-MOBILE SUCKS!!!

I think MSFTisMIA has a favorite place to get unlocked WP devices, but I know that a number of us were talking about the 925 v2 over at Negri Electronics. It was pretty much our conclusion that it should work on T-Mobile without issue, including LTE. If it wasn't gimped in my estimation to just 16gb, I'd be very interested (if I wasn't so pissed of at T-Mobile).

(edit: past tense, I just checked the site and I guess they've all been discontinued)


New member
Jan 1, 2012
I'm still trying to figure out Tapatalk, so pardon me for not liking these posts 👍! I'm not disagreeing with anyone, just disappointed with the 810. We started this thread a year ago and nothing has changed lol!

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