Well, if anyone watched TWIT.tv today for Windows Weekly live today, Daniel Rubino. was on and someone named DB from the chat room asked about T-Mobile and the L810 and it's updates. Daniel said that Nokia and Microsoft wants to update it, but it's T-Mobile that is stopping updates and it's the bane of being tied to carriers I guess that's the best answer we're going to get (which I hate to say it...I told you so).
So now we need to hammer T-Mobile, HARD!!! Any ideas?
I would be happy if tmobile had a mid range phone like the 810 but even if they did would anyone of us trust tmobile again?
I would be happy if tmobile had a mid range phone like the 810 but even if they did would anyone of us trust tmobile again?
I do think though that there is some reason why Nokia is doing the firmware updates, so anyone who updates via the Developers program, but does not get the associated firmware will be missing out on some features or fine tuning. It's probably pretty easy to look up the typical features of the firmware.
I'm curious as to if black could still possibly arrive. Amber did come a few months after its initial release, and the 521 was one of the last to get black recently. Updates for the 810 could be sort of in a "hobby" situation: T-Mobile will Prep & Push updates to it in their spare time, but they elect not to focus on it currently in order to direct resources towards more prominent devices.
I am gonna install 8.1 via the developer preview program though, and i doubt black would really add much to the 810 anyways. I already have GDR3.
Amber was available OTA for the 810 less than 10 days after the leak available via NSU for Retail, not months.
Amber was w/GDR2 not Update 3 ( GDR3)
The 925 first sold July 17 had Amber/GDR2 preinstalled so I wouldn't call that a launch ( but some might) and T Mobile sent it OTA August 15, 2013 for the 810.
Beginning October 3, the Lumia 810 received a software update to 3043.0000.1326.0017
My bad. Mistyped "3" instead of "2".
According to T-Mobile, the last update was pushed in October,
Which lines up with the version number listed by Nokia