Lumia 810 - EOL - What about Firmware updates?


New member
Dec 20, 2012
I typically use 2 sites, expansysUSA being one of them. I do know that Newegg still has the unlocked 920 for sale at $300. Both of my sites don't have the 920 on sale anymore, or in the case of Expansys, it isn't in stock. My other site has the global 925 for $400, including shipping.

Honestly, I would buy a t-mo 925, but through Newegg or HSN for under $250, no contract. That's a great deal, from a price perspective, since t-mo plans to support the 925 a lot longer than it did the 810. But because the updates are more important to me than the extra data speeds, I have an unlocked 925 instead.


New member
May 4, 2012
Well, if anyone watched today for Windows Weekly live today, Daniel Rubino. was on and someone named DB from the chat room asked about T-Mobile and the L810 and it's updates. Daniel said that Nokia and Microsoft wants to update it, but it's T-Mobile that is stopping updates and it's the bane of being tied to carriers I guess that's the best answer we're going to get (which I hate to say it...I told you so).

So now we need to hammer T-Mobile, HARD!!! Any ideas?


New member
Feb 2, 2013
Well, if anyone watched today for Windows Weekly live today, Daniel Rubino. was on and someone named DB from the chat room asked about T-Mobile and the L810 and it's updates. Daniel said that Nokia and Microsoft wants to update it, but it's T-Mobile that is stopping updates and it's the bane of being tied to carriers I guess that's the best answer we're going to get (which I hate to say it...I told you so).

So now we need to hammer T-Mobile, HARD!!! Any ideas?

yea Guzzler I saw that and was thinking about this thread. I actually had a little twitter conversation with someone who claimed that Nokia has firmware ready to go for the 810, but because of T-Mobile having control, Nokia does not dare to release it. I'll see if I can find and post the comment.



New member
Feb 2, 2013
As far as hammering T-Mobile hard, I really don't know what to say... People have been doing that for quite some time and there's still no GDR3/Black OTA. You know there's always a chance that the 810 will get 8.1 with Cyan, but I would bet against it. T-Mobile really has a long history of abandoning their WP devices. The twitv episode also talked about how MS is to some degree accepting the idea that customer satisfaction and experience is just as important to the bottom line, and in the long term is critical to the bottom line financial growth of a company. T-Mobile is doing a good job on part of the equation of resolving policy issues, but their customer service regime and policies are still quite problematic.


New member
Oct 4, 2012
Call me optimistic, but I have a feeling that now that BlackBerry is pulling itself away from T-Mobile, Windows Phone will get a lot more attention from T-Mo. I also think we're going to be getting more than just that Lumia 635 that was announced yesterday. There's no way I believe that phone is the "Monarch" that's been mentioned.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
Doesn't really matter what the Monarch is imo. It does't appear to be a midrange device. Nokia has been throwing everything at the market, but totally abandoned the midrange market... while the 920/928/925 all fit the bill now, they are built on last gen hardware... I'd much much prefer that Monarch be an 830 type advice. (Still placing my bets on it being the 635.)

While I'm not putting it past TMO/Nokia to give us Cyan, I won't be hyping myself up for anything. What Microsoft is promising, what TMO is saying, and what Nokia is doing are all different. TMO has yet to make a single mention on the 810 including Cyan, and until I update it myself I'm not believing it. As for hammering TMO? Not much to lose, nothing to gain. They'll link you to the update page, and tell us to "shut up and wait." Still won't stop me from trying. Maybe if enough of us prod TMO, we can finally put an end to this thread...

sahib lopez

New member
Apr 29, 2013
I would be happy if tmobile had a mid range phone like the 810 but even if they did would anyone of us trust tmobile again?


New member
Jan 18, 2013
I would be happy if tmobile had a mid range phone like the 810 but even if they did would anyone of us trust tmobile again?

Question of the year. Personally I'll likely go for an unlocked uncarrier device. Cut the middle man out when it comes to updates.


New member
Dec 20, 2012
I would be happy if tmobile had a mid range phone like the 810 but even if they did would anyone of us trust tmobile again?

I certainly don't and won't. Look, I've said it many times only still on t-mo because I'm in a high coverage area. So I don't lose from a pricing standpoint. All 4 of the big US carriers are the same. At least with AT&T and VZW, they update their WP a bit better these days. Sprint doesn't count. T-mo is positioning itself as it always has been: the cheap iPhone and Android carrier. That's great if you have those devices. Otherwise, everyone else gets strong-armed. See, BB left, and rightfully so. T-mo is only necessary to MSFT in the cheap market, hence why the 635 and 521 will sell. They may get another high end model but keep and sell smaller quantities.

I think you won't see another HTC WP8 device on t-mo, unless it is one that's available on all carriers. T-mo has decided to carry only 1 HTC device at a time these days. Preferably the Android flagship. If you think the 810 used have it bad, the 8X users have it worse.

Sorry. Cannot trust them. The best phone they have to offer is the 925. And not directly through them. You're better off getting it through HSN or newegg. Otherwise, bring your unlocked WP8 model to t-mo and work with the H+ speeds, or LTE if your model allows it. I rather have latest updates and slightly slower speeds, than all the speed in the world on old software.

Dustin Hodges

New member
Jan 22, 2013
I'm curious as to if black could still possibly arrive. Amber did come a few months after its initial release, and the 521 was one of the last to get black recently. Updates for the 810 could be sort of in a "hobby" situation: T-Mobile will Prep & Push updates to it in their spare time, but they elect not to focus on it currently in order to direct resources towards more prominent devices.

I am gonna install 8.1 via the developer preview program though, and i doubt black would really add much to the 810 anyways. I already have GDR3.
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New member
Feb 2, 2013
I lack any real optimism about OTA updates for either the 810 or the HTC 8X. However if I still owned either, I would definitely update to 8.1. From what I am seeing there's no reports of bricking or such due to the Developers Preview program. I do think though that there is some reason why Nokia is doing the firmware updates, so anyone who updates via the Developers program, but does not get the associated firmware will be missing out on some features or fine tuning. It's probably pretty easy to look up the typical features of the firmware.

sahib lopez

New member
Apr 29, 2013
dustin may have a point though I do lack optimism because their history has showed if a device donest sell well they drop it. thought the 521 and 925 have proven other wise

Dustin Hodges

New member
Jan 22, 2013
I do think though that there is some reason why Nokia is doing the firmware updates, so anyone who updates via the Developers program, but does not get the associated firmware will be missing out on some features or fine tuning. It's probably pretty easy to look up the typical features of the firmware.

Honestly, with exception of fine tuning and support for apps like Beamer & Treasure tag, every other feature Nokia mentions on their Lumia Black features page I got with GDR3 & the corresponding updates to system software. Even things you'd think are firmware, like lock screen notifications in glance, I have with GDR3.

In reality its usually the low & high end devices that benefit from firmware, with high end getting the bulk of new features, and low end getting OS optimizations and optimized versions of features they missed out on in previous firmwares. As such i wouldn't mind too much if i missed out on Black. However, the EOL business is a shame. And worse, i doubt it'd of even happened if T-Mobile didn't over price the 810 originally and would of widely sold its accessories.

Mr Lebowski

New member
Dec 11, 2013
I'm curious as to if black could still possibly arrive. Amber did come a few months after its initial release, and the 521 was one of the last to get black recently. Updates for the 810 could be sort of in a "hobby" situation: T-Mobile will Prep & Push updates to it in their spare time, but they elect not to focus on it currently in order to direct resources towards more prominent devices.

I am gonna install 8.1 via the developer preview program though, and i doubt black would really add much to the 810 anyways. I already have GDR3.

Amber was available OTA for the 810 less than 10 days after the leak available via NSU for Retail, not months.

Dustin Hodges

New member
Jan 22, 2013
Amber was available OTA for the 810 less than 10 days after the leak available via NSU for Retail, not months.

I meant initial Amber "launch". If I'm not mistaken, Amber debuted with GDR2 on the 925 in July, with a majority of Lumia's receiving the update the following month.
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Mr Lebowski

New member
Dec 11, 2013
Amber was w/GDR2 not Update 3 ( GDR3) and the leak for Amber via NSU ( that's how I got it) around August 1-5 (exact date I don't remember but I had it on the 4th) was before the official ( any US platform ) OTA release. The 925 first sold July 17 had Amber/GDR2 preinstalled so I wouldn't call that a launch ( but some might) and T Mobile sent it OTA August 15, 2013 for the 810. The 810 got Amber before the 920, 822, and the even 820 I believe. So yes Amber was released OTA a little less than month (not months) after the 925 debuted with it.

Dustin Hodges

New member
Jan 22, 2013
Amber was w/GDR2 not Update 3 ( GDR3)

My bad. Mistyped "3" instead of "2".

The 925 first sold July 17 had Amber/GDR2 preinstalled so I wouldn't call that a launch ( but some might) and T Mobile sent it OTA August 15, 2013 for the 810.

According to T-Mobile, the last update was pushed in October,

Beginning October 3, the Lumia 810 received a software update to 3043.0000.1326.0017

Which lines up with the version number listed by Nokia

Mr Lebowski

New member
Dec 11, 2013
My bad. Mistyped "3" instead of "2".

According to T-Mobile, the last update was pushed in October,

Which lines up with the version number listed by Nokia

Amber was suspended by MS in late September and re released to TM in October ( that last update wasn't a "new update" but a minor fix of Amber ) but it was first issued OTA August 15. BTW my phone when I connect to NSU for Retail lists 3043.0000.1326.0017 as it's current Firmware ( I have OS Update3 tho' ) and I got Amber on August 4 via a torrent that was first (mistakenly?) leaked by NSU for Retail and I didn't then again get it OTA. The firmware number hasn't changed since that "mistaken" leak by NSU.


Nov 15, 2012
What I was hoping is that they were just skipping GDR3 and going straight to 8.1. I understand it didn't sell well but I figured maybe as a result they just wouldn't update it as frequently. But still update it.

You get what I mean? Instead of doing these little gdr updates they would just do major OS updates since they include previous patches too..

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