Lumia 820 or Ativ S?

I have an 820. I haven't played with or even seen an ATIV but I'll pass along my thoughts on the 820.

I went into a store expecting to buy a 920 or an 8X but walked out with the 820.
-The in-hand feel of the 820 was my favorite. The 8x was too dainty, the 920 was too bulky. The 820 was just right.
-The screen on the 820, while low resolution was a big draw for me. I love the deep blacks of AMOLED and unlike most AMOLED screens the colors look accurate to me.
-I prefer the 16:10 aspect ratio of the Lumia devices over the 16:9 on the 8X. Purely personal preference.
-I like having the micro-SD and removable battery on the 820. My biggest complaint initially with the 820 was that the on-device maps chewed up the on device storage, but Nokia came out with a beta app that allowed me to move the maps to my SD card so I no longer have any issues with storage.
-I'm in the US on AT&T, I'm a fairly light user but at the end of a 16 hour day I'm usually at 60-70% battery. It's not as good as my iphone 4s was, but I'd say it's within about 10-15% of what I got out of that phone. I do occasionally have days where something chews thru the battery, I've always caught this before it left me with a dead phone but it is something that I'm hoping is fixed with GDR2. I don't know if battery life varies from one network to another, so YMMV.
-The camera is better than I'd hoped. I'm not a photo enthusiast, but I do use the camera/camcorder as a practical tool (snapping photos of prices when planning a home improvement project, recording video of an area I can't fit my head into when working on my house/car). It quickly focuses, colors look good, exposure is good. No complaints. It's also handy having a flashlight in my pocket at all times.
-It's a good phone. Yes, I make calls on my phone.

Keep in mind that when I make a decision on something I'm usually pretty darn happy with my decision. So obviously I'm biased :).
So you're saying that I'm lying then?

Pro Shot DOES work on the ATIV S it's just certain features that don't!!!!!

lo, keep calm! :D
I was referring to the app description, and most of the manual functions (that make Proshot the awesome app it is) don't work, and that's it.
i am the owner of lumia 820 and i really dont suggest anyone this phone ~ no gorilla glass ~ even its too much heavy phone ~ i just spend 8000 Rs. (130 $ ) on broken display and touch today . just fall from around 2 feet and phone is damaged . better buy any other phone with gorilla glass
i am the owner of lumia 820 and i really dont suggest anyone this phone ~ no gorilla glass ~ even its too much heavy phone ~ i just spend 8000 Rs. (130 $ ) on broken display and touch today . just fall from around 2 feet and phone is damaged . better buy any other phone with gorilla glass

did you already have one with gorilla glas? It really depends on the situation, Gorilla Glas is just a brand - they also break. A lot.
did you already have one with gorilla glas? It really depends on the situation, Gorilla Glas is just a brand - they also break. A lot.

Yes, definitely people do not understand how works these protected glasses and think GG is a alien technology that never broke.

My father had a Lumia 710 (GG glass) and broke on the first drop. My last smart had many scratches. GG too. So...
Wow, thanks for all the help. I didn't thought that this thread would have so many responses.

I'm still on a lockdown and I guess I will get out of it the moment I buy it. However all the posts give something to me to think about. When I do, I will update the thread.

Thanks for everything and I still appreciate any help I can get.

So, OP, did you decide between the Ativ S and the 820? Don't keep us in suspense...
He bought Ericsson T10 I believe


So, OP, did you decide between the Ativ S and the 820? Don't keep us in suspense...

I still haven't received my paycheck yet but I'm going with Lumia. Ativ S looks good, but I'm afraid to be left in the dark on OEM...

Nexus 4 dropped in the same price for a few days, but I'm determined to go with Windows Phone. I hope that Redmond won't make me regret this.

When my new device arrives, I will post here. And again, thanks for everything :)

I still haven't received my paycheck yet but I'm going with Lumia. Ativ S looks good, but I'm afraid to be left in the dark on OEM...

Nexus 4 dropped in the same price for a few days, but I'm determined to go with Windows Phone. I hope that Redmond won't make me regret this.

When my new device arrives, I will post here. And again, thanks for everything :)

Well, congratulations on choosing the 820. It is a fine device. I'm actually about to start the process of selling my 810 (carrier variant of the 820) and get an Ativ S. As much as I like what Nokia is doing, I want the successor to the 1020 and am willing to wait a year for it. In the interim, the hardware of the Ativ S and my concerns over support from t-mobile makes this better compliment to my 8X.

Yes, people are concerned with OEM support, but if you've been reading recently, Samsung has actually updated most of not all of its apps for WP. If the S4 and S3 weren't still selling well, Samsung might put even more effort into the Ativ line.

Let us know how you feel about the 820 when you get it.
It took long enough, but I have my Lumia 820 in my hands.

I just wanted to thank all of you again for supporting me in this choice. So far, I don't have any regrets from switching.

Cheers! :)
It took long enough, but I have my Lumia 820 in my hands.

I just wanted to thank all of you again for supporting me in this choice. So far, I don't have any regrets from switching.

Cheers! :)

Good to hear. How has it been using the 820 so far? What color did you get?
What problems are you experiencing?

Bluetooth is a pain to work with my headset, Nokia Music and Xbox Music are messing up with my library... And I have to get used with this battery yet

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 820 using Tapatalk
Good to hear. How has it been using the 820 so far? What color did you get?

I got a Black one, on retail they only sold Black and White. I dont know if a shell from another color is avaliable around

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 820 using Tapatalk
I got a Black one, on retail they only sold Black and White. I dont know if a shell from another color is avaliable around

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 820 using Tapatalk

You should be able to order shells online. I think there is red, white, yellow and cyan.
Bluetooth is a pain to work with my headset, Nokia Music and Xbox Music are messing up with my library... And I have to get used with this battery yet

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 820 using Tapatalk
Ah, those are common problems.

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