Lumia 822

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Nov 12, 2012
Description: Looking for a Lumia 822 (Verizon)

Price Range: On eBay, used ones are going for around $40 on the low end to about $60, so looking for around there. However, let me know what you have :)

Condition: Preferably excellent

Payment: PayPal

Additional Info: Looking to buy a used Lumia 822 for my grandmother. Preferably in excellent condition and with box. I have nothing but positive feedback on CrackBerry if you want to take a look over there.

Contact Info: PM or reply to thread
I have a black one (for that matter I can make it into a white one as well) with a couple of imperfections but they will not show in a brand new Incipio feather case:-) I can make it into a mint one if you want to pay me $75 ($10 for a new frame and $5 for a new cover). Let me know your thoughts via PM.
I have a black one (for that matter I can make it into a white one as well) with a couple of imperfections but they will not show in a brand new Incipio feather case:-) I can make it into a mint one if you want to pay me $75 ($10 for a new frame and $5 for a new cover). Let me know your thoughts via PM.

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Transaction has been completed and device was delivered yesterday. Feedback will be left shortly
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