Lumia 900 or iPhone 4S?

i think you already know what you're getting with iphone 5 software wise. so it will probably be just like the 4s with a possible larger screen and lte. and the hellll of a lot of hypes :D
Well you know what iOS6 is getting or its easy enough to find (just go to one of the thousand apple blogs) iPhone 4S will get all the features as will the iPhone 5. THe iPhone 5 will likely finally have a larger screen but its all rumor right now we won't know until they announce it officially whenever that will be.

The Lumia 900 however we know all about. WP8 will not run on it. So I would not recommend getting it yet until the end of the year approximately. Also we don't know all the features coming to it yet.

If you need a phone now I would say the 4S is the stronger contender as much as I like WP7.5 its and EOL device and you don't want to be stuck with it I think for 2 more years. If you can wait until the end of the year we will see the iPhone 5 and hopefully a Nokia WP8 launch device.
Either device you should buy unlocked. There are new versions of both phones coming out in the fall. Lte is not a big battery drain if it's consistent, but you can't disable it. Whether iPhone or lumia, buy it used
LTE uses more battery life than HSPA+

In your situation I would definitely stick with your iPhone for now. Windows Phone 8 is going to bring the first real major updates in both hardware and software that WP has ever seen, so buying a new Windows Phone now, if you already HAVE a phone, would not be practical.

FWIW, the iPhone 4S is definitely going to take better pictures than the Lumia 900 or the Titan II for that matter and it will also trounce both when it comes to battery life.

If you're interested in coming back over to the Windows Phone side, and I can definitely see why you would be, wait for fall. In the fall/winter you should have some nice new Nokia phones with better cameras, higher resolution and Windows Phone 8 to choose from and the iPhone 5 will probably be out as well too, so you you will be able to compare and choose from some up-to-date hardware and software instead of picking over the warmed up leftovers. :P
I would sit tight and wait for Window Phone 8 or iPhone5. They are both coming out later this year. In the meantime you could buy a cheap feature phone for your call quality problems. Walmart is now selling a prepaid Lumia 710 for $270. That will give you a chance to test Windows Phone and not be tied to a contract.

As for the camera in the 900, well... The more light the better the pictures. In low light it just plain sucks. I have given up taking pictures indoors because they come out so grainy and I don't have a steady hand.
Either device you should buy unlocked. There are new versions of both phones coming out in the fall. Lte is not a big battery drain if it's consistent, but you can't disable it. Whether iPhone or lumia, buy it used

It is possible to toggle EDGE, 3G, 4G.

I switched to EDGE and got only 0.19 Mbit/sec down and 0.20 Mbit/sec up. LTE is definitely turned off when using the Diagnostic Menu tweaks Se1fcr3ation posted.
It is possible to toggle EDGE, 3G, 4G.

I switched to EDGE and got only 0.19 Mbit/sec down and 0.20 Mbit/sec up. LTE is definitely turned off when using the Diagnostic Menu tweaks Se1fcr3ation posted.
In my controlled battery tests using Edge on my L900, it actually consumed a little more power than LTE. Probably something to do with the chip being optimized for LTE. Also, of you do switch to Edge, be sure to soft reset. Otherwise you drain much more quickly. I got about the same speeds using Edge.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro
Nokia Lumia 900 and iPhone 4S best smart phones. Both are including lots of features and applications. But if I have to select only one from both then I will go with Apple iPhone 4S because it has so many nice application which are batter and more than Nokia Lumia 900. Mobile camera result of iPhone 4S has batter than Nokia.

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