Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

3hour since last charge
2hours remaining
Can't attach a pic from my phone

Maybe 40mins of browsing forums
Played little acorns for 10mins
Downloaded and setup amazing weather
Deleted some email

Don't want the hassle of resetting and bricking my phone
Doubt At&t will have another yellow one in stock
it can last all day if all I want to do is look at it

Guess I'll just charge it when its low ��
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

The first one I had was draining 25% of the battery in an hour of web surfing over wi-fi. I exchanged it today and thought the battery monitor was broken because it didn't move from 100%. Definitely some bad phones out there...

I don't know if this makes a difference (I didn't notice what my first 920 was listed as...) but the new one is a 920.2 on the box.

On my first 920, my set up was nfc off, every background off (as long as the app would still run), bluetooth off, almost all location services off, screen brightness low, most live tiles off and i still couldn't last 1/2 of a day. The new phone's setup has most defaults on and has amazing battery life. All apps updated.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I discharged my phone and then discharged zombie mode and the batter life the next day was amazing but now its back to soon as I do anything on the phone the battery starts draining quickly. There's no reason y my batter should drop 4-10% in 5 minutes of typing this post and reading this page. This is my second l920. This is very upsetting. At this point my 14 days is up do I don't care what the problem is I just want it fixed or I'm selling the phone and gonna let some poor chum deal with the craptastic battery life of the l920 and windows 8
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Are you guys who take the phone in to att taking everything back box and all or just the phone?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note II
When I took my first 920 in to AT&T (for bricking), I brought the box and everything. I handed them just the phone and they gave me a new phone. Noticing my box, he asked if I needed a charger or anything, and I said "No, I'm good."
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I havnt had any issues up until 2 days ago, when my phone was going through the battery, I was only seeing like half a day before i had to charge it again, and then I noticed my Facebook chat some how got enabled, I disabled that and my battery is back to a day and a half again ( have BT,WIFI, And locations ON , NFC, Nokia Drive are off)

Hopefully that helps some of you guys out.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Went to bed Friday with a near full battery. Went to work on Saturday morning with that same near full battery. Used it a few times at work to check email and text. Came home still had plenty of charge (~75%). Threw it on my charger for a bit. Few hours later threw it on the wireless charger for 15 minutes before bed. So it was nearly full before I went to bed around 12:30/1 am. Woke up around 10:30 am on Sunday and my phone was down to 8% batter left. Is the wireless charging to blame maybe? I've noticed that when I take it off the charger the charging symbol will remain for 20 seconds or so. Is it possible that the phone still thinks it's charging or something? This is completely whacky
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

what does common sense tell you

Well when you brick an iphone and go get a replacement, they just swap the phone and don't ask for anything else to make life easy. Hence the question. Thanks for the insight.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note II
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I discharged my phone and then discharged zombie mode and the batter life the next day was amazing but now its back to soon as I do anything on the phone the battery starts draining quickly. There's no reason y my batter should drop 4-10% in 5 minutes of typing this post and reading this page. This is my second l920. This is very upsetting. At this point my 14 days is up do I don't care what the problem is I just want it fixed or I'm selling the phone and gonna let some poor chum deal with the craptastic battery life of the l920 and windows 8
Unfortunately, I have a similar issue. The phone can stay at 100% for hours (7-8) as long as you don't touch it. The moment you put a load on, it starts to tank. And it tanks pretty fast. It's also difficult to quantify the what the load is either.

My phone is currently at 52% remaining with just 5 hours since last charge. I am in a location with good signal and all my internet has been through wifi. I haven't made a single call, but have been using Kik Messenger once awhile. Maybe 20 text so far since the last 5 hours and some light internet use (maybe 30 minutes on wifi).
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Perhaps it has got something to do with LTE? My friend said that his iPhone 5 drained battery much quicker when he is inside the LTE area at work (he lives in a suburb with no LTE and commutes daily to work in the city).
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I've only experienced the rapid drain issue a few times... and as I've said elsewhere, it seems to be more power-management related. Near as I can tell, it's not allowing one or more of the radios (3G, LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, or GPS) to enter standby mode properly. Without proper access to debug tools, I can't tell which, but it's not a particular app or service... I've tested so many varying conditions (with/without Skype, Facebook, Drive+, etc.) and the three times I've experienced it were when I had nearly nothing at all running and once was in Airplane mode. I've experienced it once in an LTE area, and twice in a non-LTE area.

Anyway, I will say that MOST days, I get excellent battery life from it... or at least, consistent with my Titan and Lumia 900. That's good enough for me until Nokia and/or Microsoft issue a proper fix for the issue.

In the mean time, when it starts draining, a full power down (with or without full battery discharge) typically solves it.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I've only experienced the rapid drain issue a few times... and as I've said elsewhere, it seems to be more power-management related. Near as I can tell, it's not allowing one or more of the radios (3G, LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, or GPS) to enter standby mode properly. Without proper access to debug tools, I can't tell which, but it's not a particular app or service... I've tested so many varying conditions (with/without Skype, Facebook, Drive+, etc.) and the three times I've experienced it were when I had nearly nothing at all running and once was in Airplane mode. I've experienced it once in an LTE area, and twice in a non-LTE area.

Anyway, I will say that MOST days, I get excellent battery life from it... or at least, consistent with my Titan and Lumia 900. That's good enough for me until Nokia and/or Microsoft issue a proper fix for the issue.

In the mean time, when it starts draining, a full power down (with or without full battery discharge) typically solves it.

I have a feeling it's the 4G/LTE and Wifi.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Hey guys, just wondering what you all think I should do and if it's a battery problem or to be expected. I want to preface this with i LOVE the Lumia 920 I have. I am coming from the iphone 4S and it really is an amazing phone. But I am having some battery issues and I have been reading the forums, news, and googled around for some fixes to see what I should do. The battery seems to be the only issue I am having on the phone. I don't have any dust issues, broken pixels, clicking corners, or anything so if possible, i'd like to not have to return it just from reading what phones some people got.

I got the phone around 5 pm yesterday and it was at half charge. I took this time to download apps, setup my start screen, download updates, download nokia drive maps, play around with the apps, a good solid use i'd say. I went from 50% to 8% between 5pm and 10pm. The phone did get hot too.

This morning I took the phone off the charger at 7 am and it was at 100%. I did light to moderate use between 7 am and 3 pm. browsed the internet, played a few games (nothing overly graphical or complex. I was playing snake and a bejeweled style game). Did some texting and had fun trying to figure out the iMessage fiasco that since I couldn't get texts from some people. I finished setting up my facebook and transferred my contacts. played around with office, etc. by 3pm my phone was at 4%. I charged it up and took it off at 5 pm.. i decided I was going to let the phone sit there and not use it to see how it would do idle.. from 5pm to 7 pm it went from 100% to 83% idle. So then i picked it up and started playing games and what not from 7 pm to now (almost 9pm ) and it's at 34%.

It seems to me like this is pretty fast, compared to my iphone which i could use for about 8 hours on a full charge with heavy use, or 10 hours or so with moderate use (normally would last me a full day since i don't use it much at work, and then some).. but this is also a larger, brighter display with the whole live tile thing going on and not just static numbers.

Here is what I have in my settings:
Currently I disabled everything from running in the background, just in case. I also didn't install skype or facebook apps since i read somewhere those caused problems at times.
email updates every 2 hours
lock screen is on 3 minutes
wifi is unchecked in all 3 boxes (notify, auto connect, and send info)
bluetooth is off
NFC is off
location services is on
battery saver is on (when low only)
date and time is not on auto (just in case...)
display and touch is not on high
brightness is on auto

I made sure i back buttoned out of every app and didn't hit the windows key to leave the app running.

Do you think the battery issue is with the phone, or something that i should wait and hold out for the apollo update and hope it gets fixed then? Thanks for the reply!
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Look at this, beast battery. Ok im kidding, i've had very minimal use on my phone, but at least i am not getting standby drain like i was with my first phone. My first phone would drain 2-5 % in like 30 minutes, this phone seems to work just fine, no drain. Of course, unless you start using the phone, its going to drain. I am in LTE area with nfc, bluetooth off, weather running in background, 3 emails with one set to as arrive with a people hub live tiles.

I think unless we are among the lucky ones, we just have to realize this phone sucks battery wise unless we use it very minimally.

At first, I didn't like the idea of having to block every background task. I gave in and disabled all of them, and even disable Wifi, location, and cellular data now. I hate having to do that. But even with all that, if I actually use my phone on and off even, the battery isn't very good.
I have come to terms with this sad reality.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I think unless we are among the lucky ones, we just have to realize this phone sucks battery wise unless we use it very minimally.

At first, I didn't like the idea of having to block every background task. I gave in and disabled all of them, and even disable Wifi, location, and cellular data now. I hate having to do that. But even with all that, if I actually use my phone on and off even, the battery isn't very good.
I have come to terms with this sad reality.

My 1st phone yes, but my current replacement can last me easily from 730am to when i go to bed at 11pm with 10-20% left with a lot of texting, surfing, apps, and about 30 minutes of UNO since that is the only game i play. Dont do phone calls that much at all.

My routine is almost the same everyday and this phone last just as long with my others phone iphone 4, focus s, galaxy s3, 900.

Just dont expect the phone lasting multiple days if you are surfing IE all the time, watching videos, pplaying games even though some people post their battery picture and say they do, usually it isnt true as those are the most battery draining activities.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I have a third Lumia 920 now and it also has the battery drain issue like the previous two. Replacing your phones isn't a fix guys, there is no possible way there are so many faulty batteries out. The three 920s I have were all bought different weeks so it's not even a bad batch type thing. I cannot quote this guy (and others in this thread) enough:

Others have said similar things, it is just a bug that has to be fixed. Enough with the 920 has terrible battery life posts, in general it does not EXCEPT when the bug hits. I have done my own extensive testing across three 920s and I have yet to be able to attribute the battery drain to any specific app or setting. I even left one of my 920s fully configured and then barely touched it for three days, it went that long before dying all the while syncing three e-mail accounts hourly with WiFi and GPS and all the usual apps installed and configured. But it mostly just sat on my desk, so of course WiFi was off mostly. I took it for a drive and snapped a few pics though just to see if radio changes would do anything. It lasted over three days before dying. If you love the 920, just keep at it and the fix will come.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I was able to link one app last night to significant battery drain. When i got my 2nd phone, the battery had been good for over a week. I find an imgur uploader app so i downloaded it. This app doesn't run in background or use location nor it should, i just uploaded a pic and got a link. I just did it once and that was it. So i left my phone alone for an hour untouched, i check back and my battery dropped from 60% to 40%. I was surprised, then i thought maybe my battery wasn't 60% and it was lower, so i left my phone alone for about 10 minutes and checked again, now the phone dropped again from 40% to 30%. I was like wtf! This is an imgur uploader app and it doesn't run in background or anything, there isn't even settings to change in the app itself.

So i decided to remove and my battery stabilized now my phone has been off charger for 14 hours and i am at 88%. I have had limited use on the phone thats why the performance is good, but clearly, this imgur uploader app is a killer and there is no way i would of known since there are no settings to change and it doesnt run in background or at least i didnt see it in my settings to block.

Now im curious how many apps are there that causes this.

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