Lumia 920 falling off table/moving ON ITS OWN!!!

Why the attitude?
I apologize, I guess I find everything you suggested (including the leveling thing) sort of obvious. Sorry.

I just think simple physics would also be used by the guys that make the phones so they won't travel on their own, ya know?
The phone is trying to distance itself from the laptop because its a DELL. (I'm qualified to poke fun at Dell computers because I own one :wink:)
Whatever you do, don't take the air hockey effect to a normal surface, no matter how smooth you think it is! I just made that mistake and now have a three week old phone that looks like a 3 year old phone.
Whatever you do, don't take the air hockey effect to a normal surface, no matter how smooth you think it is! I just made that mistake and now have a three week old phone that looks like a 3 year old phone.

I paid $450 for this phone. The thought never even crossed my mind to test this "phone possession" trick.
Why lay the phone screen side down?
Yes, it's just habit and I never lay things with curved surfaces down on the curved surface. For the record, though....a lot of people are reporting and saying it's only happening screen-side down and that's false. My daughter laid mine down on its curved back and I heard it crash from the other room when we left as well. It's happening on both sides. Thanks to all for viewing and being a part of the Nokia GhostPhone Phenom! =)

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