Lumia 920 reviews


I decided to make a review one week after I got my phone to really get to know Windows Phone well. A short history, I bought my very first smart phone last February and went with the iPhone 5 because there were no Windows Phones available in my carrier of choice, now they have the Lumia 520 and 625 which are still at the lower end point of smart phones. The higher end ones, Lumia 920 and 925 are all carrier exclusives on the other carrier which I have absolutely NO interest in.

Why did I choose the iPhone 5 over the other Android phones? Well first because I had an iPod touch before and I know how to operate things on iOS plus it's more secure than Android will ever be. lastly, iPhones depreciate quite slow so if ever I finally have decided to get my Windows Phone, I could sell my iPhone and get my Windows Phone easily and that's what I did.

The Lumia 920 is one fantastic device. It has everything I need and more. Here is my review:

Battery Life
At first, I got really nervous about the battery because I've been reading WPcentral and was seriously stunned at how many 920 users experience horrible battery life. Battery life is a very important thing for me as my days are actually longer. I am out from 9 AM to 10 PM and I need my phone to stay long at least that much.

When I got my Lumia 920 during the first day, my battery life was horrible. It only gave me 4 hours and then I need to charge it but as a new user I held the phone so much so I guess within the next days, I'd get better battery life and it did get better. Now when I get home I still have some 40-50% battery life waiting for me to use! Amazing. My iPhone usually is at the 15-20% mark by then.

My usage is moderate, wi-fi is on all day, sometimes I need to turn on 4G because I need to check my social media (Facebook, forums) because they are all blocked at the office and I listen to music 8 hours a day, a few games when there's nothing to do.

Obviously great. On par or slightly better than my iPhone 5 on daylight shots but night shots are outstanding, my iPhone couldn't even compare!

Xbox Music
A pain in the *** for the first few days. It would sometimes skip iTunes bought songs, it sometimes wont. Probably a bug? Also, playlists from iTunes were imported. I'm actually surprised! I thought I'd re-make those playlists on WMP but the WP Program synced it really well. Overall it's decent. I just wish they add play counts. I love the UI, I even bought 8tracks for my iPhone when I was an iPhone user to keep me satisfied :D

Internet Explorer
It kinda lags when I scroll through pages, it's noticeable but I can deal with it. Any alternative browsers you guys can recommend?

Perfect. I think I bought more games on my WP than I did with my iPhone and Nexus 7. I experienced zero lag at all even with hardcore graphic games like Asphalt 8 and Nova 3 although when playing Multiplayer online I struggle to find someone to play with at times.

A struggle for me. It's VERY buggy. I'm really disappointed with the Facebook app. I can't really browse properly. It's slow, sluggish and I do not receive notifications on the app itself. Sometimes I also need to click several times for the photo to open in full screen. Microsoft fix this please!

Fantastic. I really LOVE the integrated Facebook chat on my messaging threads because strangely, it bypasses the firewall of my office and I can receive messages through wi-fi.

WP Store
Well.. Receiving app updates are random which sometimes annoys me especially if I browse WPCentral and saw there were updates of a certain app that I wasn't notified. I'd say Apple did a better job than Microsoft in this part.

It's decent, I'm in a bit of surprise because using Gmail on it seems to be running smooth. I wish "Hangouts" would be available in the WP Store though although we know there's very little chance for that. Google sucks so bad but Gmail is really good and is now my primary.

Final Words
Windows Phone has come a long way and the Lumia 920 is a pretty solid all-around phone. I'm glad I switched! Everything seems to work perfectly. The only things I miss on my iPhone are play counts and the App Store (not the apps but the way they update their apps). I also hope Microsoft decides to make a program like iTunes for media, it would be nice to have a desktop program like it. I'm still on Windows 7 so I don't know if there is a certain program like it on Windows 8.

My contract is up next year and I am hoping that my carrier gets some high end Lumia devices. More power to Microsoft, Windows Phone and Nokia!
I just bought my Lumia 920 and I love it so far, its an awesome device, had the iphone 5 before...i have only one question, it is normal that the metal plate on the back around the camera its not at the same level with the body? i mean on my phone its about a half millimeter out and its strange how i feel the edges of it with my palm...
My first smartphone is currently a Nokia Lumia 920. Never liked the iPhone experience (played with friends'), and was not familiar with Android.

I love my Nokia phone (I've been a Nokia user since 2002), but while I love my currently Nokia Lumia 920, I may end up switching to Android IF the following "defects" are not fixed by this coming November (when my term ends):

- Overheating. The phone gets super hot on regular usage, such as simple browsing through Facebook or reading the news. When playing games, it gets even hotter.

- Battery drain. With the heat issue from above comes battery drain. Like mentioned, "light" usage such as reading the news or browsing through FB drained my battery by ~30% within 40 minutes.

- Interface. I actually love the interface; the tiles are awesome, but why can't the battery icon on top right also show the %? Instead, it's just a battery icon, forcing us to download apps to place tiles onto it. So here I ask, is it really necessary to have a tile dedicated to a battery %? Maybe some people like the live tile thing, showing when it was last charged, how much longer the battery have (which is mostly inaccurate), etc. But for me, I simply want to know the battery %. Simple as that. Same concept with the date. We do NOT need separate apps just to show battery % and date. And also, the thing about the battery tile... it doesn't even update real time! Most of the type, I need to tap on it to manually "update" it. What's the point?!

- The Windows Store needs some major renovation. One major thing it needs is a filter feature. Sometimes I'm looking for apps, and I want to filter it by user reviews, new to old, # of downloads, etc. Another major feature it needs are keywords. When searching for an app, it only searches by title. Take "battery" as an example again. Type in battery, and you get like 20+ results. Wow.

- Music. There NEEDS to be a much simpler way of managing my music without being "locked" into a Zune-like format. I HATE that format. I do NOT want my songs to be categorized by artists, albums, etc. I do NOT want to have to connect my phone into a computer and download a separate WP8 software for the computer in order to create a playlist or something. I WANT to be able to just simply create my own playlist within the phone, AND add in songs from my computer to my phone in a simple "Music" folder WITHOUT having the phone "categorizing" it and stuff. KEEP IT SIMPLE.

I know not all smartphone OS are perfect. I also know some of the issues I'm mentioning is probably a Microsoft problem than a Nokia problem. Windows Phone 8 certainly isn't perfect, but I like it so far. However as mentioned, if the above 5 "problems" I'm facing isn't addressed within 2 years of me purchasing this phone (since Nov 2011), I'm going to have to reconsider possibly going to Android.

PS. If anyone here have a fix or solution for any of the 5 issues I mentioned above, PLEASE provide it here. Thanks!
Before Amber Update, the photo was wonderful, sharp and not yellowish which makes my friend using iPhone 5 and S3 Jealous.
After Amber Update, the photo was blurred and yellowish. ruined by jpeg/photo processing.
Nokia said that they address this issue with Black Update but unfortunately, they ended the support for their beta phone guinea 920 not fixing the problem.

Since Nokia ended their support for fixing camera issues with guinea 920, how do I get back to the stock firmware? Not Amber or Black.

PS: Open Nokia Camera App, Go to settings, and turn on Photo Preview. You will see how processing ruined the photo. As I said, before Amber the photos was sharp, wonderful, and not yellowish.
Re: impressions over the first 24 hrs

I like it a lot, except some issues me and other people have , such as a hardware problem which looks like a cyan vertical line, and my earpiece is buzzing all along. I thought about upgrading to the new 930 but I don't want those defects to happen there too so so far im staying with this one
Anyone else have problems making screenshots or saving their text conversations with the Lumina 920?
Anyone else have problems making screenshots or saving their text conversations with the Lumina 920?

What type of issue are you having with taking screenshots? Any error messages or it just doesn't do anything?

I haven't tried saving text conversations yet so can't really comment on that issue.
The best just got better. I am a smartphone crazy. always have the letest in the market. bought my lumia two years ago and with no doubt it is the best I everhad. it remain my main number through out these two years and all the other i bought in the period remain my side phone. it was iphone 4s, galaxy s3, s4 i bought them when they arive but the fact is they never got my main number sim. because my lumia 920 was tested to extreme. I think nokia marketing team never market it well. because you never get the wow factor when you see a nokia commercial old time it was . but now you get this factor when you buy the phone and use it. then you find out oo my phone has this as well. I never knew.i do not think i have got a tougher phone than this. in the end my son drop juice on it and it was short when i put it to charging later. and melted the plastic around the charging pin. i tried it with Qi charger and it works. Hats off to nokia lumia 920
This game won't update ��
I have WP 8.1 Cyan.
Did anyone of you get the same error?
I have automatic app updates
Thank you.
Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk


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