Lumia 929 Released Date Nov 21


New member
Oct 29, 2013
Well just left my local VZW corporate store, I got a buddy that works there. I was talking to him about it and he told me he does know about it and yes it has been delayed. He said he doesn't know how long for. He did pull up his tablet and looked and said yeah if it would be coming out it would be at the top. Then he showed me the screen and he said anything that comes out within that week would be at the top. Not much news just wanted to report back. By the way the 2520 looks amazing.

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Active member
Nov 16, 2012
Well just left my local VZW corporate store, I got a buddy that works there. I was talking to him about it and he told me he does know about it and yes it has been delayed. He said he doesn't know how long for. He did pull up his tablet and looked and said yeah if it would be coming out it would be at the top. Then he showed me the screen and he said anything that comes out within that week would be at the top. Not much news just wanted to report back. By the way the 2520 looks amazing.

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Make sure your buddy let's you know as soon as he knows anything!

Digital Chris

New member
Oct 27, 2013
I may have to satisfy my urge with getting a 2520 to hold me over lol.
Well just left my local VZW corporate store, I got a buddy that works there. I was talking to him about it and he told me he does know about it and yes it has been delayed. He said he doesn't know how long for. He did pull up his tablet and looked and said yeah if it would be coming out it would be at the top. Then he showed me the screen and he said anything that comes out within that week would be at the top. Not much news just wanted to report back. By the way the 2520 looks amazing.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using WPCentral Forums mobile app


New member
Nov 14, 2012
A little humor

Verizon...let's prep the new Windows phone and call it the 929, that way we can get around the 6 month clause like we had to do with the 920>928
ATT....Um, we heard you have a phone designed after our exclusive 1520 and plan to release it before the 6 month clause, this is simply an upgraded 928, nothing to see here move along.
ATT....we have Nokia on the line and they said all you did was change the screen size and type from our 1520
ATT...what was that?
Verizon.....fine, I said fine. We'll call it the 1529 and release it in April. BYE!

Funny if it happened this way, but of course, it wouldn't. See AT&T exclusive on 820 with VZW launching 822. The 929 is notably different than the 1520, but even so, the 822 is basically a reshaped 820 with more storage. Far more similar to the 820 than the 929 is to the 1520.

It sucks that this is delayed. I want to get my hands on this device and see if it's to big or not. If the size is right, I want the higher DPI and better camera on the 929 versus the 928, as well as the faster cores for the future. Otherwise, that free 928 is looking good as my previously used 822 can't always capture the lower light shots that I often want. I am so seriously considering getting the 1020 on AT&T. I really don't want to leave Verizon due to the signal strength differences. But if this stuff keeps happening...


New member
Jan 18, 2013
Looks like we won't be getting this anytime soon and the 928 went from 99 to 149


New member
Jan 18, 2013
I guess I'll pull the trigger on Amazon for .01 for the 928. I have got to get off T-mobiles service and I'm not going back to AT&T. After being with them for 10yrs they treated me like crap. I don't want to go back to Android so my options are really limited. Sigh.


New member
Nov 6, 2012
I guess I'm going to give up at this point. My logic, if they didn't release it with the 2520 then it will be a long time before it comes out. And if they don't get it out in time for the holiday shoppers, they're losing out on big sales opportunities. With that said, no word on the 929 must mean they have no near-term plans for the 929. It was a nice ride, Verizon. Off to the AT&T store I go! :winktongue:


New member
Jan 18, 2013
From the flyer posted above, I would guess that the 929 release date will be 1/16/14.

Not sure about that. Could be. But with Nokia running that promotion with Verizon I don't see us getting a new WP on Verizon before 1/15.


New member
Jun 19, 2013
Talk about a sub-forum being demoralized.. I wonder if WPCentral will move this back to the rumored device section...

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