Lumia 929 Released Date Nov 21


Active member
Aug 1, 2011
If the 929 really is pushed back to the first quarter that is a disappointment. I was hoping to have a chance to try this phone pretty soon so I could make a decision on what phone I'll be getting.


New member
Jul 23, 2013
I was hoping to jump to the 929's predecessor by the first qtr. Frown face.

I'm seriously debating going back to att, but I really dig the Qi charging. Ugh.


Mar 11, 2010
I'm now considering AT&T for the first time ever.
Interesting. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go get the 1520 day after tomorrow. Prepaid is $60/month and I can test drive the network with no obligation while keeping my Verizon account active. If ATT doesn't work out after awhile I can still have an awesome WiFi phab to use. Or if it does work I can stick, port my number and save some money every month. Same device anyway, just that one inch bigger. Might turn out to be a good move. Nothing ventured nothing gained.


New member
May 22, 2013
Argh, now I have to keep using this GS4! The phone is nice enough, but the lag is killing me. I gave the 928 to my wife and she won't give it back. :( If it isn't announced in the next day or two we might get a Christmas launch. Otherwise I wouldn't be surprised at Q1, then they'll push it back to wait for 8.1. By the time it is released it will be 6 months old.


New member
Jul 13, 2012
Well this makes the decision on what to get for Christmas a little easier...... XBOX ONE!


New member
Apr 17, 2011
So why not just wait for an 8.1 phone at this point?

This is where Verizon and Nokia continually fail: releasing a phone at the apex of technology. Verizon's the biggest carrier in the US and Nokia is the most desired WP device maker. News leaks of a mainstream device that has all of the bells and whistles (ala 920 when it released over a year ago), yet the only thing we get for over 6 months is the 1020 and 1520, both niche devices for different reasons and both only on the number 2 carrier in the US.

I really,. REALLY hope that when MS buys them completely we will see this fixed, because I really can't see how anyone could truly believe this strategy is sustainable for market growth.

In the meantime, I remain with a Trophy ...


New member
Nov 15, 2013
This "AT&T 1st" trend may die with the MSFT purchase of Nokia. AT&T gets them because they pay for them. Nokia's been cash-strapped for awhile, which is why they have to sell the handset biz to MSFT. MSFT has no cash issue though, and their overarching goal is to grow the customer base, which happens more effectively when the latest tech is launched on the 2 largest carriers in the U.S. simultaneously rather than on one of them 6 months later.


New member
Nov 20, 2013
The so called "insider" from Verizon...must of worked for the government at one time... (can't believe a word of it). In the future, let's just ignore insider information, or at least not plan your life around it. You know your screwed...when its easier to signup at than get a new Lumina 929.


New member
Nov 18, 2013
I'm still expecting a December 6th release date. There are far too many Lumia 929 accessories listed on Amazon with that date. Surely Verizon talks to accessory manufacturers because they want there to be related products available just as much as the accessory company wants a phone to be available. If they were all taking stabs in the dark on a release date, why would they all fall on the 6th?


Active member
Nov 16, 2012
You know your screwed...when its easier to signup at than get a new Lumina 929.

Lumia. It's spelled Lumia. There is no "n". Why do people do this?

I know its coming because I've seen the device in testing and like I posted previously you could find the otterbox case for the 929 in our system. I'm hoping my source is wrong about a first quarter release and we get it next month instead

Thank you for the continued updates, Broadway. Please keep them coming. Regardless of the negative direction this thread has taken, we do appreciate your willingness to share information to we who are often left in the dark when it comes to Verizon's WP8 offerings.

So disappointed. And surprised Verizon would pass on the opportunity to release the 929 with the 2520.

So why not just wait for an 8.1 phone at this point?

This is where Verizon and Nokia continually fail: releasing a phone at the apex of technology. Verizon's the biggest carrier in the US and Nokia is the most desired WP device maker. News leaks of a mainstream device that has all of the bells and whistles (ala 920 when it released over a year ago), yet the only thing we get for over 6 months is the 1020 and 1520, both niche devices for different reasons and both only on the number 2 carrier in the US.

I really,. REALLY hope that when MS buys them completely we will see this fixed, because I really can't see how anyone could truly believe this strategy is sustainable for market growth.

In the meantime, I remain with a Trophy ...

This is what gets me. Verizon had a great opportunity to release top of the line specs in a timely manner. On top of that, they have a tablet that they could pair very well with the device to sell multiple devices and contracts at once. It's gold. Instead, they decided they wanted to unload old inventory of the devices predecessor, presumably for two reasons: 1.) Keeping the balance sheet looking nice. 2.) Supply chain management.

I understand. But it's a real pain for those of us, the customers, who are trying to maintain OUR personal balance sheet. We want devices as they are available, not as it perfects your supply chain. WP users are once treated like second-class customers.

In my annoyance last night, I bought an 822 off Ebay for $75, my Trophy is finally starting to slow down.

I'm still expecting a December 6th release date. There are far too many Lumia 929 accessories listed on Amazon with that date. Surely Verizon talks to accessory manufacturers because they want there to be related products available just as much as the accessory company wants a phone to be available. If they were all taking stabs in the dark on a release date, why would they all fall on the 6th?

I think you're right. I just wish Verizon would announce the friggen date already. We know they're not going to announce it two weeks in advance because it's a Windows Phone and that's not how Verizon likes to deal with Windows Phones. But hopefully we can at least get a Verizon source to confirm it.


New member
Nov 15, 2013
I know its coming because I've seen the device in testing and like I posted previously you could find the otterbox case for the 929 in our system. I'm hoping my source is wrong about a first quarter release and we get it next month instead

Did we happen to find out the battery size on the 929? Cause I really don't want to spend any more time and energy on this phone only to find a 2000mA battery..... :/


New member
Nov 6, 2012
WTF?! Verizon just announced the HTC One Max, available today. I think they're forgetting a very important device!


New member
Jan 18, 2013
Well this sucks. I'm not sure what I'll do. I have an unlocked 920 on Tmobile right now and want desperately to leave Tmobile. When service is good it's great but I get too many dead zones when driving around. And when I'm in my office I only get one bar and sometimes none. But get and walk 10 feet and it jumps back on. Sigh. I have my daughters on Verizon with their iphones so I want to jump on with them and save money at the same time. I won't pay for a 928 but I also don't want one free and the 929 comes out 2 months later after I get it. Darnit!


New member
Nov 21, 2013
This blows my contract is almost up with verizon my Iphone is dying cause of damage and I was gonna go and get this phone today. Disappointed in verizon, they always seem late to the party with every phone At&t seems like the best bet.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
I can't take it no more, I'm done with Verizon, the second my contract is up they can go**** ** **** *** **** *************

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