Spoken to Expansys UK, who advise they are looking at a July 3rd release. Just awaiting confirmation (if any) who their source is.
MediaMarkt.de now says 7/11, and one of the big electronics retailers in Hungary just listed white and black preorder for with a delivery date of 7/09. The price is EUR 580, but we are blessed with a 27% VAT.
It's Extreme Digital (edigital.hu). You can also find it on expansys.hu for 10k HUF cheaper, but they don't have an ETA...Could you kindly share which retailer is it in Hungary? Thanks.
I think its now fair to say that we can expect to see the Lumia 930 start shipping from about the 9th July, or 2nd week (Week 28) in July might be more realistic.
I suppose its now a choice of so you wait for the device, or do you look at one of the others you have considered if you cant be bothered to wait another 3 weeks (approx). And then that's only if there are no further delays with the device or issues with Windows Phone 8.1.
Nokia Lumia 1020 w/free grip... or Lumia 1520* same spec as the 930, but with larger screen and SD slot.
*But not in green as 8.1 has not yet been released!
I would personally just. I wouldn't want to buy a 1520 and then the 930 comes out the next week and I'll be stuck.
This is what I fear
Also i just fear the 1520 in general... I don't want to go back on the fact that I said I would never get a phablet, then end up taking one anyways.
but damn, the 1520 is the next best thing since I most likely won't be getting a 930.
Else settle with a 1020, atleast I'll have a epic camera to brag about.
I would personally just. I wouldn't want to buy a 1520 and then the 930 comes out the next week and I'll be stuck.