Lumia 930 overheating!

Finally got my return bag from phones 4 u yesterday and will post my faulty one back in the way home from work.

Hopefully I should get my new one by sat fingers crossed it's a good one.
Is there a way to make a poll in this thread to check how many people have issues with overheating and how many don't?
something like

I have issues with phone overheating
I don't have issues with phone overheating
It seem mine got a lot better after a hard reset. No big heat issues and better battery time. Still not as good as my iPhone but acceptable.
I installed GTA and the phone gets ridiculously hot at the bottom left hand corner where the search button is (when holding the phone length wise to play). The screen gets that hot that normally you place your finger on the bottom left of the screen to bring up the cursor, it no longer functions correctly.
My Icon used to overheat and have excessive battery drain even with simple tasks until I realized that my email accounts were constantly syncing in the background - they were set to "based on my usage" / "As items arrive". I set them to 1 hour and my situation improved. I also turned off all the "sync my settings" options. Also make sure to manage the background tasks using Battery Saver.
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My Icon used to overheat and have excessive battery drain even with simple tasks until I realized that my email accounts were constantly syncing in the background - they were set to "based on my usage" / "As items arrive". I set them to 1 hour and my situation improved. I also turned off all the "sync my settings" options. Also make sure to manage the background tasks using Battery Saver.
Which apps did you limit in battery saver?
Which apps did you limit in battery saver?

I disallowed anything that I don't use frequently or apps that I don't find necessary to have background task for, such as some games, Podcasts app, FM Radio app, Internet Explorer. I also disallowed Twitter and 6tag since I don't need push notifications for them. I have Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp set to always allowed since I use them frequently.
1. Became warm and rapidly lost it?s charge. Put it on charge and it came back to life but went back to its default settings.
2. Second time it became extremely hot and rapidly lost charge while in my pocket not in use when I went to use the phone it would not start put it on charge and still would not start. The only way I got it to start was to do a soft reset, and although it had been on charge during this period and totally drained the nokia portable wireless charger, the battery on the phone was more or less dead.
3. Warms up and losses charge without user interaction. So it`s not just the fact of it warming up my phone is crashing.:unhappy:
1. Became warm and rapidly lost it’s charge. Put it on charge and it came back to life but went back to its default settings.
2. Second time it became extremely hot and rapidly lost charge while in my pocket not in use when I went to use the phone it would not start put it on charge and still would not start. The only way I got it to start was to do a soft reset, and although it had been on charge during this period and totally drained the nokia portable wireless charger, the battery on the phone was more or less dead.
3. Warms up and losses charge without user interaction. So it`s not just the fact of it warming up my phone is crashing.:unhappy:

Do you have Cortana pinned to your start screen?
I disallowed anything that I don't use frequently or apps that I don't find necessary to have background task for, such as some games, Podcasts app, FM Radio app, Internet Explorer. I also disallowed Twitter and 6tag since I don't need push notifications for them. I have Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp set to always allowed since I use them frequently.
Done. Heating isn't as bad now.

Nokia UK still want me to exchange my 930, so I'll see.
Mine still,hot after two,weeks. Its cold when not in use, but get warmed up very quickly when,used.
I checked my local stores' demo models on Tuesday, 2 were cold and 1 was quite warm. My 930 arrived yesterday, it is now all configured, I have been watching youtube, itv player, used some GPS apps and had a 5 minute conversation; perfect! At worst the phone was just luke warm and cool most of the time, no problems at all - great phone by the way I am really pleased with it.

I must agree with some others in the forum that there could be a faulty batch around and I suggest the best thing to do is to get the hot ones replaced.
Its amazing to me that they are still having issues with this.. being able to use your phone for normal/light tasks shouldn't warm up the device... this is no bueno. Whenever the battery heats up, it means that its discharging at a fast rate, which isn't good considering that you are only using your GPS for example.

Windows NT is great for desktop/server, but they still have work to do on the mobile side.. its has come a long way, but its still far away from a pure mobile oriented core like EKA2 for example. Hopefully they will manage to figure it out soon..

I am impressed with the work Apple has done on iOS to be honest, especially considering that its based on Unix (Darwin) kernel.. they've come a long way, and still look what I pulled out of an iPhone 5 a few days ago:


It was melted/stuck onto the panel, so they still have work to do, but overall I would say Darwin > Windows NT when it comes to mobile (limited resources), etc.

But both are inferior to EKA2 which was developed with all that in mind from the ground up.
Still hot. No cortana. Its just a beta software, i guess. Just like phantom touch on my gone,with cyan. So 930 probably need 8.2 to become stable. 1 more year.
Just got mine (CV BeLux, with the xxxx1 firmware) in white.

Got damn it, it's hot from the moment i turn on the screen.
I have been reading about this overheating issue ever since I got my 930, I thought I was lucky in that mine never went above luke warm. This was until I installed Transparent Tiles and then pinned some transparent tiles to start. As soon as the tiles were pinned to start I started to feel that the phone had gotten a bit warmer, it was then even more apparent when I started to browse the internet and the phone temperature just shot up to really hot. I straight away thought it must have been the transparent tiles I pinned to start. As soon as I uninstalled Transparent tiles from the 930 the temperature has again dropped and has not risen above lukewarm even when gaming. All you guys having overheating problems try uninstalling Transparent Tiles and see if your temperature settles down.
I hope this helps in identifying the overheating issue for you guys as it has solved mine.
Still hot. No cortana. Its just a beta software, i guess. Just like phantom touch on my gone,with cyan. So 930 probably need 8.2 to become stable. 1 more year.

After almost 2 years of WP 8 released,MS should have eliminate those issue with the 8.1.
You can not be all the time beta testers.

1.Live title once work once not.
2.Background issue with many app.
3.Multitasking not working as it should be.

You can not do all the time soft or hard reset,also it's not solution turning off everything(no bt,no gps,no wifi..)
For what reason we got the phone the only for calls and SMS?

MS should work much more.
I checked my local stores' demo models on Tuesday, 2 were cold and 1 was quite warm. My 930 arrived yesterday, it is now all configured, I have been watching youtube, itv player, used some GPS apps and had a 5 minute conversation; perfect! At worst the phone was just luke warm and cool most of the time, no problems at all - great phone by the way I am really pleased with it.

I must agree with some others in the forum that there could be a faulty batch around and I suggest the best thing to do is to get the hot ones replaced.
According to the guy at my Nokia Service Centre, it's a software issue (yet Nokia want the hot one's back).
That tells me it's not a pure software issue...

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