Which apps did you limit in battery saver?My Icon used to overheat and have excessive battery drain even with simple tasks until I realized that my email accounts were constantly syncing in the background - they were set to "based on my usage" / "As items arrive". I set them to 1 hour and my situation improved. I also turned off all the "sync my settings" options. Also make sure to manage the background tasks using Battery Saver.
Which apps did you limit in battery saver?
1. Became warm and rapidly lost it’s charge. Put it on charge and it came back to life but went back to its default settings.
2. Second time it became extremely hot and rapidly lost charge while in my pocket not in use when I went to use the phone it would not start put it on charge and still would not start. The only way I got it to start was to do a soft reset, and although it had been on charge during this period and totally drained the nokia portable wireless charger, the battery on the phone was more or less dead.
3. Warms up and losses charge without user interaction. So it`s not just the fact of it warming up my phone is crashing.:unhappy:
Done. Heating isn't as bad now.I disallowed anything that I don't use frequently or apps that I don't find necessary to have background task for, such as some games, Podcasts app, FM Radio app, Internet Explorer. I also disallowed Twitter and 6tag since I don't need push notifications for them. I have Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp set to always allowed since I use them frequently.
Try replacing your wall adapterMine gets hot during overnight charge. Cools down as soon as I disconnect from the charger. What is it up to during charging?
Still hot. No cortana. Its just a beta software, i guess. Just like phantom touch on my 925..now gone,with cyan. So 930 probably need 8.2 to become stable. 1 more year.
According to the guy at my Nokia Service Centre, it's a software issue (yet Nokia want the hot one's back).I checked my local stores' demo models on Tuesday, 2 were cold and 1 was quite warm. My 930 arrived yesterday, it is now all configured, I have been watching youtube, itv player, used some GPS apps and had a 5 minute conversation; perfect! At worst the phone was just luke warm and cool most of the time, no problems at all - great phone by the way I am really pleased with it.
I must agree with some others in the forum that there could be a faulty batch around and I suggest the best thing to do is to get the hot ones replaced.