Lumia 930 overheating!

I now have the second 930 and it also has the overheating issue. Doesn't matter if I restore from backup with transparent live tiles, go without restore from scratch, update or not update different apps, do hard or soft resets.
A third one that we got at work on Friday for testing purposes also has this issue.
Interestingly I also have a galaxy note 3 for testing which has basically the same hardware in it (quad core snapdragin 800, 2gb ram etc.) and it doesn't get hot at all which to me shows that there is something wrong with this thing by design.
I'll give the 930 one more try mid September just before the new iPhone comes out to see if they then have sorted out these issues.
My gfs 920 gets uber hot when using GPS. I think if it had a metal band around it like the 930 it would feel like it was overheating. I think all high end phones with dual and quad core phones will produce similar heat. Obviously there isn't much space for a heat sink.
After almost 2 years of WP 8 released,MS should have eliminate those issue with the 8.1.

The 8.0 name is a bit deceiving .. I always thought of 8.0 as 1.0 since they went from WinCE to WinNT, its a big change so 8.0 was pretty much a new beginning in terms of mobile.. so the "beta testing" feel is normal. Remember iOS when the first iPhone shipped or android in 2008 ? Compared to that WP 8.0 is much better, but still not as mature as a 5-6 year old software. My guess is that by 2016 we will have a pretty stable product.
My replacement 930 now is behaving as bad as the first one... I put it in flight mode yesterday evening with 30-40% battery left and it shut down during the night, running out of power!

Still, I'm 100% sure that it hadn't the issue when I first got it a week ago, so it may be apps or settings that cause the issue after all... Hard to say what. I have the feeling that it started after I changed the keyboard settings (removing the Chinese ones and adding the French one), but I can't be sure. Would need to go through a hard reset again to verify, but that's so annoying.
If it drained 30% over the night in flight mode - it's definitely an app issue or your mailboxes are not syncing correctly.
My 930 drains 3-4% over the night in flight mode and it is a goal you should aim to.
It is definitly not an app which causes battery drain if the phone is in "standby".
All apps are thombstoned in Windows Phone 8.1 (Like Modern UI Apps in Windows 8.1) - shortly after closing some App or switching away it will be freezed.
Even if the app is registering and allowed for running in background the app has only a short amount of time to do his job.
Disabling background tasks will only bring a little bit of improvement.

In my opinion the biggest source of battery drain it is some bug or "feature" in Windows Phone OS, for example some service is hanging and running all the time in background.
Or some issue with a mailbox sync and the phone tries to sync again and again (like you said).

Other aspect is that some Apps are poorly written and they cause massive battery drain if they were activly used - like WhatsApp, FB Messenger, Readit...

My experience after upgrade to WP 8.1 Update 1:
After upgrading to Update 1 at least on standby my phone uses now only around 1-2% per hour.
Also if I now use Internet Explorer the phone is not getting hot anymore like before (ok, a little bit warm but thats ok).
So it seems there is a lot of space to improve battery drain by Microsoft itself.
If it drained 30% over the night in flight mode - it's definitely an app issue or your mailboxes are not syncing correctly.
My 930 drains 3-4% over the night in flight mode and it is a goal you should aim to.

Mine drains 3% in 9 hours over night with data enabled. Good standby time!
I have L820. I saw that heating problems , appear only when internet connection is on ( 3G ); on wireless everything looks ok . Can someone with 930 , test if heating problems appear always, or only on 3G or WiFi?
Thank You
As I owned galaxy s 2 and iPhone 3gs before, I think the heat is because of the metal parts which conducts heat. On my 1020 I can make an egg on the camera hump when using the phone while in the charger..
Sent from my NeverAndroidAgain**1020** via Tapatalk
haven't had an overheat / battery drain since installing the update 1 preview earlier this week, haven't changed any settings or apps in that period
I've tried everything with this damn phone and I cannot get a half days use out of it. I'm comparing it with my ancient Omnia 7, my 8X, and my 620. They all had the same things running and were using the same amount of apps.

Expansys is being a pain, it's been two weeks and they haven't sent me an RMA, they closed my support ticket. Now they're gonna say that 14 days are over. This is the 2nd phone that I bought from them which has given me problems. Never again.
I've tried everything with this damn phone and I cannot get a half days use out of it. I'm comparing it with my ancient Omnia 7, my 8X, and my 620. They all had the same things running and were using the same amount of apps.

Expansys is being a pain, it's been two weeks and they haven't sent me an RMA, they closed my support ticket. Now they're gonna say that 14 days are over. This is the 2nd phone that I bought from them which has given me problems. Never again.

That's why I always go with Amazon, by far the best returns process ever. Sometimes if the item's < ?30 they don't even want it back!
It seems heavy usage of GPU and processor is made in background or some games/heavy apps.

overheating can slowly damage your phone
Ok so sitting on the train about 27c ambient temp and streaming on Spotify whilst browsing the web! Not a good cocktail because I can't even hold the phone. Had to wait for it to cool down before I could type this post.

This time the heat actually transferred to all the aluminium around the phone.

I'm putting it down to the hot weather.

But I will request a new one from Nokia eventually just for the future. Just need to find a temp phone!
People having heat issue should ask for replacement or refund.
As I did with mine 930 but get refund because I think more or less the heat issue is very common in every 930 the only differences is that maybe some device is little less heat than other that having much worst heat issue as mine that's why I returned it back and not request for replacement because I'm not going to play jackpot if I get the good or the bad unit.
Mine has this heating and battery drain symptom. Did all the tricks successes in these forums and survived two weeks. This morning all was ok, but afternoon when left the beach the only thing I saw in phone's display was goodbye ant it was rather hot.
Needles to say that the battery was empty.
If this symptom occurs during the night when it's in qi charger something surely melts.
I still believe its a bug in the OS rather than HW related.

We'll in my personal opinion when I pay 500 euro for any kind of device I demand everything working excellent without any kind of issue(heat,or restart or unexpected shutdown or battery drain or something alse witch is not normal.

I'm not going to wait for software update because you are not 100% guarantie that the issue been resolve.

And what happens if not resolve with the update,are you going to run all the time to service and wait from couple of day to 2-3 weeks to be repaird.
Personally I'm not and never do that with any smartphone.
I bought the phone to do my job and nothing more and not doing all the time soft or hard reset or waiting for an update or start to close everything like bt or wifi or 3G to see if eventually the issue disappear.

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