Lumia 930 overheating!

Either your shower is broken or your skin is insensitive. At 40? hot shower my skin gets red. I think you don't know how much 44? means
Either your shower is broken or your skin is insensitive. At 40? hot shower my skin gets red. I think you don't know how much 44? means

I'm not sure how to put this. 44?C was the absolute maximum what I got from my phones hottest spot. Normally it doesn't even come near to it. So, all and all I have to purposefully try to get my phone to go to 44?C.

Btw. I like my sauna at 110?C. :)
Just thought i would share my oppinion.. And if it does not lag, freeze or.. Break!? What is the problem? I got a little scared from this thread, but i still went and got me a White 930, exept minor bugs, and that purple tint problem on automatic brightness (gone on low setting) I am pretty happy with this product! "Last" top Nokia L after all :P

And about the heat, Could not the solution be that this Phone as i have read dispels the heat through the back cover + mainly the aluminium frame? imo of course..
Many other brands seal the heat inside, and they have HOT screens!
I have already taken off the back cover many times already, and also replaced the adhesive holding down thescreen because it was as many others, a little lose on top left corner! perfect now btw! (just use enough!!)

Other phones with plastic or even different alu bodies, dispel the heat probably mostly on the aluminium/metal on thebackside of the display, resultin in hot glass..

I really cant see any other "problem" than a pretty hot body phone, but cooler hardware!??
I have already taken off the back cover many times already, and also replaced the adhesive holding down thescreen because it was as many others, a little lose on top left corner! perfect now btw! (just use enough!!)

Could you please explain me how you replaced adhesive which holding the screen and how tough is it?
Just got my new 930 up and running. Updated to denim and reinstalled my apps with absolutely no heat issues. I'll probably be up for hours playing with it. So far really enjoying it!
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My Dell Venue 8 Pro touchscreen gets hot sometimes, when I'm playing Royal Revolt 2 or FIFA 15 UT for over an hour. And the conditions need to be right too, about 34+ degrees Celsius ambient air temperature with anything above 26% humidity. It gets hot to the point that I'm feeling heat on my fingertips as I touch the screen and I think to myself "if I keep my finger here, it will burn". Luckily enough, the games require me to move my fingers a lot.

My Lumia 930 has never felt that hot on the screen, or anywhere near it. I play Royal Revolt 2 on the phone and it warms up the device. Especially on the back and towards the bottom end. Again, not as hot as I described above. I can hold and grasp the phone with heat discomfort and no risk of burning. When my phone gets that warm, it's a simple enough formula... stop using it and let it cool down! A pretty good indication to get my eyes to focus elsewhere, anyway.

During normal use of the phone, for mission critical stuff, my 930 does not get warm. That is, voice calling, photos and (full HD) videos. Browsing through Internet Explorer for 20+ minutes also does not increase the phone's temperature. I can imagine VoIP calls or Video Calling or 4k video recording might be a bit more taxing... but these are not usual operation for me.

A little common sense, everyone. Every device has the potential to heat up. Some more so than others. Variables are also a factor: ambient air temperature, air density, altitude, humidity, air pollutants ppm concentration, your own body temperature all play a role in the ability to dissipate heat. Then you have the variables that contribute to the generation of heat: activity performed, app used, programming efficiency, length of time. I'm sure there are more.

In the end, This phone is great. This smartphone is awesome. So are all the competitor's devices.
But please, how can you begin to compare how "hot" the device is if you cannot control all those other variables?
Then again, some people will get defective hardware (and it doesn't matter which phone you have) and caution must be taken to ascertain whether you have a legitimate heat problem.
For the first time I experienced this heat issue while browsing, using Mobile data, the heat is mostly towards bottom right corner. Someone mentioned in this thread, that, the heat issue is because of the design. So is this a design flaw??
Hi everyone, I just registered to be able to post in this thread. And yes my 930 also overheats, but it's weird because playing some more complex games it doesn't get hot, like angrybirds starwars, or others, and it gets really, really hot playing Microsoft Klondike...
I found that in profile, i get the heat but not when I use the phone in landscape.
It must be the way I hold the phone, covering the bottom right corner with my hand causing the build up of heat.
Walked into Subway this afternoon with 91% battery life. Browsed Twitter and read some stories for the 30 minutes I was there. When I left my 930 was burning hot and the battery dropped to 74%.

I've never had a phone with so many issues.
Walked into Subway this afternoon with 91% battery life. Browsed Twitter and read some stories for the 30 minutes I was there. When I left my 930 was burning hot and the battery dropped to 74%.

I've never had a phone with so many issues.

Yes but maybe problem with poor signal 📶
Could be but none of the other phones (windows or android) have had such as much of problem as the 930 (even in areas of less than ideal reception) I had before I returned it.


Yes but maybe problem with poor signal ��
FYI. I managed to fix my L930 overheating and battery drain issues. I did a hard reset and turned off facebook and twitter connect in the apps. The constant pulling and syncing of facebook and twitter contact info ( I had 1000+ in both cases) seems to be what was straining the processor and causing overheating and battery drain even though I had it sync only hourly. Had no heating and over a day battery life since. Give that a shot.
Could you please explain me how you replaced adhesive which holding the screen and how tough is it?

Hii!! Have not been signed in for a while sry! I used some adhesive strip I got on a local store, and I just followed a youtube video, was rather detailed! I'll try to find the one I used and post it here when I get on my pc! :) was the same thin adhesive strips he used, and I got a vacume cup from ebay.

There, back from reaching 10+ posts. (links)

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yes, the "reset phone" can minimize the overheating problem.
I reset mine, choose the custom setup, then switch off all background task, no feedbacks, no NFC, no to anything and everything ---- to isolate the problem whether is it hardware faulty or software run rogue.
I then use the camera, switched on LTE for web and FB, the 930 generate heats as like my previous lumias --- normal acceptable warm.

so, I can roughly concluded that the overheating was caused by software, be it WP8.1-update itself, the officials bundled apps, and third-party apps.
all these apps are competing to initialize at the beginning, grapping information send back to their masters. and all these subroutine activities will shoot up cpu usage and antenna, thus generating heats and drain battery. some subroutine might poorly written & executed, resulted in hanging / infinite loop, making your 930 doing more work than you can expected by looking from outside.
hi, i got overheating warning messages while doing the video recording just in 5 min, what the **** is this...
I am not able to record videos

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