Lumia 930 overheating!

hi, i got overheating warning messages while doing the video recording just in 5 min, what the **** is this...
I am not able to record videos

If you're recording 4K video the phone may become hot. What are the other factors, what was the surrounding temperature, did you use a protective case with your phone etc?
Hi to all,
does anyone knows if something has been made to avoid this failure of green spot due to overheating? My 930 has 10 month and now is spotting the green haze, i've made a warranty claim and in few days the little man will come to take my device to the assistence, but after, the problem will represent itself?
Hi to all,
does anyone knows if something has been made to avoid this failure of green spot due to overheating? My 930 has 10 month and now is spotting the green haze, i've made a warranty claim and in few days the little man will come to take my device to the assistence, but after, the problem will represent itself?

If they change the motherboard it should be fine.
I hope, in Italy seems that 9 times over 10 the assistance is asking more than 180? to make the repair... telling that the problem is due to a hit, simply ridiculous, but it's Italy. :)
the overheating is weird because in some games it gets really hot while with others it doesn't. solitary is one of the games where it gets really, really hot. Angry birds I can play for hours and it doesn't get hot. It's strange.
I did a restore on my phone with the MS Recovery Tool and since then I no longer have a really hot phone.
Hello guys... I bought lumia 930 and I have the same problems like overheating and battery drain. I tried hard reset and recovery tool but it didn't work. But at the end I think I found the solution.
first open the battery saver option when battery is less than 20%. Second disable the location setting and restart the phone. After these steps mine works just fine.

I think there is something wrong with location services in denim update. Lets give a try and let me know if it's works.
I have same problem. please help me. what are the soluation Friends.
This issue not good for Microsoft future. Becuase Lumia 930 is a Best Performance phone in Microsoft.
Is it possible for you to play something stressing the phone while charging it to conserve the battery?

Mine gets unbearably hot from the lower right side up to the middle and to the lower left side: does anyone know where the battery is positioned?

I fear the heat could damage the battery.
Tell me someone please this issue come hardware or software? All global Lumia930 users face this issue. Please kindly help us.
My Lumia gets really hot when using twitch and YouTube primary. My galaxy s5 didn't get this hot. I don't get any overheat errors but I can't even hold it because its so hot. Is this normal and I should just live with it or could a replace of the phone solve it?
As much as I was able to gather infos it is normal for a Lumia 930 to get hotter than many other phones and it drains its battery rather quick as it is more of a small computer with not-so-optimal cooling, that is to say it cools enough most of the time but releases the heat on a bad spot mostly where the hand of the user would be.
You could try a hard reset but I felt no difference from before.
I find the 930 quite reasonable for heat generation. You should have tried my previous phone, a Samdung Note 3!! Any type of internet activity got it so warm, I ended up with a cracked digitizer, that Samdung wouldn't replace under warranty!!
You see how strange this phenomena is, I have a Note 3 that never ever gets hot while my 930 does, especially when I play solitaire...

Via Tapatalk de mon splendide Lumia 930
What makes lumia 930 "feels" overheated is it's own design wich is based on a single aluminum frame body.

"The aluminium is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, The thermal conductivity of aluminum is used in many heat dissipation applications , that is to say cooling ( such as air conditioning systems in vehicles)"

Think of it as an advantage not an issue when compared to phones that keep heat inside and can't dissipate it because of their plastic design...
Normally it will only be a bit warm after some moments of use, the hottest moment is that after watching some mkv file in official VLC player, the heat is so obvious that I couldn't put it in my pocket right away, it would be so hot that I'm afraid it would burn.......
My 930 gets very hot using gps-software and charging at the same time. Only charging no problem so it seems to be the display that is constant on causing the problem. Also it does not managed to keep the battery fully charged when using navigation, slowly the battery drains out even if connected to a charger. Have tried several different chargers including Nokia CR-201 and some chargers that should deliver up to 2,1 amps..
Was in Spain at vacation last week and did some driving and Here + started act strangely and after a while the phone shut down itself because overheating. After some time cooled from AC it started up again. So the phone is useless for long navigation-sessions. To bad, love Windows Phone but will go back to Android for next phone.. My Wife has a Nokia Lumia 735 and it has the same problems..
Hello to everyone!

I just got 930 this Monday from an online store (Greece).

**intro which you can skip starts**
I got a Lumia 640 for 100 Euros after renewing my contract with Cosmote, probably the top carrier here and I was extremely impressed with the Windows Phone experience and overall snappines. Offcourse my initial choice was the 930 (I am a semi-pro photographer & videographer), but I would lose the contract bonus, so I went for that. My wife had a 6 year-old Samsung "dumb" phone and fell in love with the 640, so I just gave it to her and decided to buy the 930 for 296 Euros from a local online store. A bargain if you ask me.
**intro which you can skip ends**

Now, the phone came in excellent order and packaging and I let it update all the apps I had installed on the 640 (it detected it from my account).
Ofcourse after a few minutes it started becoming warm.
Then really warm.
Then a bit hot-never "unbearable" but HOT.
Also I noticed the battery dropping fast to 0. Faster than an Android half-baked ROM that is.

After my initial frustration and dissapointment, I read this thread and took the following actions (which are mentioned in other forums/blogs too):

  • Reverted the phone to factory settings.
  • Reinstalled all the official apps only.
  • Enabled battery saving mode.
  • Disabled gps, nfc and other services from automatically running.
  • Set screen to auto brightness.
  • and (very important) DISABLED all the background tasks that were running

The phone became uber cool-except for the case when I had an hour long Skype session with a friend and at the same point the phone was updating some apps.The battery went down to 50%-BUT that is to be excepted when you are using Skype for such a long period.
After I closed Skype however the phone cooled down again. :grin: That night I charged the phone fully.

Yesterday and after a normal everyday use (a few calls, a few photos texting etc.) the phone battery dropped down to 90%-at 21:00 :wink:
When I got home from work I listened to youtube for quite a long time, read on the internet etc till Midnight. Battery level dropped to 40%-but I used the phone continuously for 3 hours.
During that time it became slightly warm, but nowhere near to hot.

Right now battery is at 36% and I am sure it will drop to10-something this evening.
That is 48 hours without a single charge.

I must stress however that I am mostly using my phone as a tablet/media player with the occasional app testing/gaming and not as a GPS navigator.
So for people that need some background tasks running I would recommend to just keep open what you really need.

I hope that on Windows 10, everything will be fixed! :smile::smile:

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