Lumia 930 v Samsung S5 - comparison

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What advice have I offered? We are all free to do what we want, if you choose to buy a 930 then great. If you don't, also great. Stay with WP, got to iOS no one cares except you. Its a good phone im sure, myself? well im going to wait for MS to release the Mclaren.

P.S: you shouldn't make assumptions, you know what they say about people that make assumptions right :P

You also know what you'd get in this WP forum and this specific L930 box with your thread, right? And yet you kept doing it :3 can I ask why?
What makes you think your HTC One X is superior, and what apps are you stating as being buggy? It's the fluidity and smoothness of the WP8.1 OS that attracts most people to it. Looking at your phone, it doesn't seem to be running WP8.1. Have you attempted to upload the update or can you?

You know, it doesn't matter if the OS is fluid. Mobile phones rely on apps to be usable. If the apps are broken, high end hardware is useless. There is no 8.1 yet for 1520 except for the developer preview which I don't want to install. I will wait for the official release.

I use my mobile phone a lot to connect remotely to my personal cloud (QNAP TS-220 NAS) where my files are stored. I don't use commercial cloud storage (OneDrive, GDrive, etc.) a lot.

Here's my NAS:


My NAS is accessible via internet but WP lacks the apps/utility to connect me remotely to my NAS. The HTC One X does it flawlessly. There's 2 apps available (QFile & ShareFolder Explorer) on WinStore but very unstable.

You can't upload an image to any forums unless you are using Tapatalk. All web browsers are unstable including IE. Even the basic app, Facebook, can't even upload a video unless you go to the video album and do it from there.

I can go on and on. But yeah, let's see if 8.1 can do anything. But as I said, 8.1 will only fix internal issues within the hardware. It has nothing to do with unstable, broken apps or apps that doesn't exist at all. MS needs to focus their attention in developing QUALITY APPS that matter. You can't drive an expensive Jaguar with a flat tire.

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Either you like android or you prefer windows phone. Seems apples and oranges. Specs don't mean as much if you don't even like an os or Samsung either. Nothing is prefect, but a smidgeon more power doesn't cut it to the other side when my icon does what I need. I realize its human nature in tech to want the latest and fastest and greatest , but the next thing is always right around the corner, then where are you at? If I need a phone to last at least two years I wouldn't pick any Samsung device.
Just because it has better specs doesn't mean the OS works any better and takes advantage of the specs.

Android will always be malware infested and laggy which drags down the specs of the S5.
3 basic thoughts:

-The OP, who likes and enjoys MS products, has a concern that the flagship WP 8.1 device will look a little pale compared to Android specs, resulting in loss of sales to tech hogs when WP can not afford those losses. I think it is a great point.

-Many posters feel that because of WP's requirements, it is not an Apples-Apples argument as WP 8.1 needs less to do as much or even more then top end Androids. Agreed, though until that is common knowledge, you will STILL not get the tech hogs to buy your product, which WP can not afford.

-This leads to the arguing back and forth among WP users about spec sheets. This kills me. There is no reason to argue with fellow WP owners about WP specs, only Android users.

I think this thread has run it's course. Too bad, as I find this conversation fascinating and vital. Just wish we could keep it calmer.
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