Lumia 950 makes a quiet 'hiss-pop' noise every six seconds

My contact in Microsoft has reproduced this issue and will escalate to the product group tomorrow. Of course, there's no word on how long a fix will take yet.

And thanks for using the feedback app.
Glad to hear it has been escalated. Just experienced this on my Lumia 950. Coincidentally, or not, it was after using WhatsApp. That's certainly not helping my battery life issues.
It happens mostly after any sound output, turning off vibration helped a little, or maybe .36 update, who knows, but still having those clicks sometimes. Fingers crossed for a Fix.
Happened to me once and it was caused by WhatsApp (only installed app - phone 3hours after hard reset), reboot helped
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Mostly it comes back after changing volume, and noticed, mostly when in app store, searching, installing.
A similar issue, L630,10586.36, Some pop sound while playing videos in tubecast. Don't know about the interval, but not while playing podcast or music. And not every time. Just some times.
This happens to me pretty frequently although 3 seconds gap. Soft reset fixes it for a time. Also seems related to whatsapp use for me.
This happens to me pretty frequently although 3 seconds gap. Soft reset fixes it for a time. Also seems related to whatsapp use for me.

True that! It randomly happens if I get whatsapp notifications. As I mentioned, StopMusic! app solves the problem at least for some time...
just came on here to register my interest, ive had this issue within two weeks of owning the phone but didnt know how best to describe the problem, but white noise is probably it. i just turn it on and off and its gone.
I've been going nuts as well trying to figure out that sound as well! WhatsApp could really be the issue here. Some time ago it used something related to background music to keep notifications active if I remember correctly?
I think Audio is messed up on this OS / firmware in general. There were similar massive audio problems on desktop Windows 10 too. This included click / popping noise on start / stop of audio playback.

We as the users can only guess and hope that MS cares.
Well I do notice it only after using whatsapp with audionotes.. Might not be connected but obiously something is wrong with the drive prolly. The only thing what helps is the restart
Yes, you are absolutely right indeed and of course MS cares, but it depends, if they even know about the issue. And I guess it is only for W10M on L950/950XL, so probably a driver or firmware issue.
Add me to the list, I woke up at night and I thought I had a leak in the roof. I would hear 'pop' every few seconds. Only in the morning did I realize it was my 950XL doing the speaker pop thing.

I'm still on the 'production build' channel myself, but has anyone here been able to fix it permanently with firmware or OS updates?

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