Lumia 950 XL & 950 XL Dual SIM Specs + Features. Questions Welcome.

My question: has MS ever commented on the lack of visual voicemail on the dual sim 950XL, or dual sim WP phones in general? If not, can Windows Central do a story on this to prod them into action? It's such an odd omission on a premium device.

Edit: I just read that there is at least an explicit statement of the lack of VVM on dual SIM Win10 handsets, see here. I would still very much like a Windows Central expose on why this is the case!

Anyone know if a UK single SIM 950XL will provide VVM on at&t?
When I tap the lockscreen nothing happens and I have to press the on/off button to unlock the screen. Is this intentional from MS or is this is due to a bug or omission in the software? I have installed the latest firmware revision 01078-00027-15506-020xx via WDRT.
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That stated, why would MS issue out a dual sim phone (btw, no where in the ad or spec states this) where 2g is either disappeared or about to in the next year everywhere in N. America (Canada included for you canucks). The selling point for me was a dual sim thinking one sim for business and one for personal. Data limits to one sim is fine but having the 2nd sim on 2G only, really means a single sim.
Question: Is this a hardware limitation whereby there is no way MS can accommodate 2nd sim running on 3G through updates to software? If so, I may as well have kept my 830. If this is a software issue, I then remain hopeful for the future upgrade. Would really like to know the real story here.

I've observed that the single SIM version is harder to find than the dual SIM (same with 950). Is there a reason? Are single SIM still produced?

Thx for any info :-)
i wanna buy lumia 950 xl,but i have a big questuion,i could not find it in my searches,hope someone help me here
can i use a 1 tb external hard via display dock with lumia 950 xl?
Hello i have a single sim Lumia 950 XL and i have something what i don't understand. When I hold the windows button the screen goes half size. Why and for what is it to use ?
Hello i have a single sim Lumia 950 XL and i have something what i don't understand. When I hold the windows button the screen goes half size. Why and for what is it to use ?

That is the One-Hand Mode built into W10M. It pulls the top of the screen down to the bottom half so you can reach everything with your thumb.
Just Confirming that if you are on ATT your phone is about to no longer be Dual SIM. Microsoft store just informed me they will be accepting returns with full refund for a short time. ALSO please note that the moderators here are deleting any negative comments about this issue. ALL my posts have been deleted on this subject.. lol.... buyer beware.
AND to be clear they MS Store stated that there is no software fix coming on this issue. Its a hardware/phone company issue.
Dual sim for work and play? Yeah, not really. The feature set for dual sim is lacking basic functionality.
So I got the 950XL dual sim intending to set up one phone line for work and a second phone line for friends. I assumed that there would be a few features built in to the dual sim, without which, what's the freaking point for the domestic market?

1) Separate ringers - yeah, you can't set each line to have a different ring tone.
2) Should be obvious, but Which line is calling notification - there is none, when you get a call on either line, the phone only shows the caller and not which phone is ringing, so if you would usually screen unknown calls on your home phone but not on your work line, yeah, you can't do that.
2) Quiet hours - so if you have a dual sim, maybe you want to set up quiet hours for your work line, but not for your home line. That would be pretty cool right? Yeah, not possible.
3) Airplane mode/ cell service shut off - ditto the above. You can't shut off one cellular line and leave the sim card in. That's extra annoying because I do travel a lot, and it would be great to be able to set the VM greeting on my away phone as "not checking this line, e-mail me instead" while sending the caller straight to VM. Instead I'm looking at calls at 3 in the morning that I can't independently shut off or set quiet hours for.

So I bought a second line and now it's pretty much useless. Not only that, but when I do travel with foreign sim card, I can't just store it in the phone at risk of getting 3am phone calls. Not happy.
3) Airplane mode/ cell service shut off - ditto the above. You can't shut off one cellular line and leave the sim card in. That's extra annoying because I do travel a lot, and it would be great to be able to set the VM greeting on my away phone as "not checking this line, e-mail me instead" while sending the caller straight to VM. Instead I'm looking at calls at 3 in the morning that I can't independently shut off or set quiet hours for.

Update: Looks like this exists now! Yay! It's in cellular and Sim settings as an on/off toggle.
2) Should be obvious, but Which line is calling notification - there is none, when you get a call on either line, the phone only shows the caller and not which phone is ringing, so if you would usually screen unknown calls on your home phone but not on your work line, yeah, you can't do that.

Is the accent colour on the answer button any different?? My one is blue on main SIM and orange on the second SIM...

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