Lumia Camera 5 works on my 930 and i dont have denim.

Worked for me. Though unable to save rich capture, video does not go above 1080p. However it is tons faster at loading.

One thing I did notice, is that in the photos app, when you are looking at the picture there is no quick edit in the app it was taken. Like when I take a picture with the classic app, it says, open with lumia camera classic. This is no longer there, just edit options with the pencil icon.
I took a heap of photos at dusk and couldnt notice any difference in quality between Lumia camera and Nokia camera apps .Is there a diffrence ? i couldnt see one .
so its not creating the 5mp+16mp, its only producing the 16mp? interesting.
So the app was just updated to v5.0.2.42.
Now there are two capture options to select in the settings.
One's the JPEG 16MP
Other's JPEG 16MP + DNG 16MP
I wonder if someone knows answer about zoom on camera 5 with cyan. Zoom is great and I think that is a 10x. On Denim zoom is only 2 or 3x. Did someone noticed that?
Interesting... I found it worse when I zoomed in as it was pixilated but the normal camera zooms in better. Maybe its because I don't have denim installed. I don't have the option for 4K recording but it says pics are now 16MP but I can't see the difference myself when I done a comparison test
Ignore my last comment. It finally fixed itself after taking a pic. It can now zoom in with less pixilation. I really like this now. Should I take a pic in pure 16MP or 16MP+J-PEG? bear in mind I wont be using it on my laptop.. Just looking at pics from my phone

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