Major lumia 920 problem!!!


Apr 4, 2012
Guys, I just dropped my phone in the ocean and it sank to the bottom in about 6 feet of water where a stingray ingested it, passed it through it's digestive system and then pooped it out on a coral reef where it tumbled against the rocks for 30 minutes.

When I took it out it wouldn't start up or work anymore!!!

WTF! Why did Nokia ship such a buggy phone that wasn't ready???? I am tired of being a BETA tester!

Should I do a hard reset or just send an angry email to Stephen Elop and demand a new phone?
You should probably take the battery out, put the phone in a bag of rice for 5 years and see what happens.
Definitely complain to Nokia. Maybe they can get you a new stingray.
Kinda what I did. I had trouble getting my car's bluetooth to recognize the Lumia 920, so I called Nokia Customer Service. They are sending me a new car. I think they said Mercedes. Supposed to be here next week. I'll post pics...
Lol, thanks for the laugh, very funny! :grin:
My story's slightly different.
I was benching about 450 for an hour. Afterwards I picked up my 920, my arms and hands were a little weak from benching, and it felt so heavy it slipped out of my grip. The phone's corner hit me dead center on my big toe. I felt like the thing broke my toe. I went to the emergency room and it turns out I had a hairline fracture on my big toe.

I e-mailed Stephen Elop letting him know what happened, and that the phone should be lighter. I received a response from Nokia saying they will cover any of my hospital bills. I knew nokia had great customer service, but damn do they go above and beyond.
I don't believe you at all. If you did drop it in the ocean, we'd have heard about a tidal wave somewhere else by now. Pics or it didn't happen ;)
I was working on my car and while I was under, I took a pic of broken part at night (awesome cam btw). Well silly me, the phone slipped out my greasy hands and in a panic to catch it, I kicked out the car jack. As I watched in horror, my 920 tumbled under the wheel hub and stopped the car short of crushing me by around 10.7mm.
After wiggling out, I called Nokia to complain about how slippery their damn phone is, but compended them on thier chosen shade of red and so was offered 90 days of road side assistance.
Nokia FTW
Guys, I just dropped my phone in the ocean and it sank to the bottom in about 6 feet of water where a stingray ingested it, passed it through it's digestive system and then pooped it out on a coral reef where it tumbled against the rocks for 30 minutes.

When I took it out it wouldn't start up or work anymore!!!

WTF! Why did Nokia ship such a buggy phone that wasn't ready???? I am tired of being a BETA tester!

Should I do a hard reset or just send an angry email to Stephen Elop and demand a new phone?

Well... look on the bright side, at least the screen wasn't scratched.
Wow I am glad people are starting to bring up all of the horrible issues with the L920.

Mine: Received it two days ago and everything worked fine. Went out of town for the holidays and then waited in line at Best Buy for black Friday. Phone was still working. When it hit midnight people starting rushing inside; I was trying to get to the front of the line and promptly threw my phone at the back of a guy's head to slow him down. Didn't work, so I picked it up and threw it at closer range. He got pissed and punted my phone.

Long story short, my phone screen is now cracked and it doesn't work. What was Nokia thinking shipping such a flimsy phone? I am so tired of buying products that won't survive brute force deliberately kicked/thrown towards hard objects!
My story's slightly different.
I was benching about 450 for an hour. Afterwards I picked up my 920, my arms and hands were a little weak from benching, and it felt so heavy it slipped out of my grip. The phone's corner hit me dead center on my big toe. I felt like the thing broke my toe. I went to the emergency room and it turns out I had a hairline fracture on my big toe.

I e-mailed Stephen Elop letting him know what happened, and that the phone should be lighter. I received a response from Nokia saying they will cover any of my hospital bills. I knew nokia had great customer service, but damn do they go above and beyond.

Unacceptable. Nokia should have bought you a new hospital.
Interesting occurrences, I had one too!

I was doing the funny chicken, in the middle of flapping my 920 popped out of my rear pocket right into the punch bowl. Now I have a PINK 920! How could Nokia have overlooked this, I’m emailing Elop.

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