Mango bugs/complaints thread

Yep @mes3 and Slinky. Same here

Also, small but I don't have that awesome lockscreen/album art feature that happens when you play music. Do you have to stream songs for that to work or what?
Have to enable that option in Settings --> Lock+Wallpaper.
The only thing that really bothers me right now is that we still don't have a standalone SkyDrive browser/app. The Office integration is all well and good, but I'd still like to be able to upload, download and browse all my files in a native, dedicated interface.
- Multitasking thumbnails seem to lose quality over time
- Search fields lower audio volume
- Still can't load images in an email instantly
- Sometimes my Omnia 7 reboots when I try to power off
- Emails with no subject specified are threaded (WHY???)

I used to have the lockscreen time delay, but it's instant for me now. Samsung could have fixed it with the update I received yesterday.

The only thing that really bothers me right now is that we still don't have a standalone SkyDrive browser/app. The Office integration is all well and good, but I'd still like to be able to upload, download and browse all my files in a native, dedicated interface.
SkyDrive needs to be opened up to third parties so I can store my eBooks on there, etc. Adobe Reader needs to be able to browse SkyDrive instead of requiring a download in the Office hub. Apps are currently using DropBox and such, which is kind of stupid when Microsoft has its own cloud solution.
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Audio from a video is not streamed to bluetooth headphones

When I am connected with my bluetooth headphones music files play fine on the headphones, but playing a video file or you tube video streams the sound thru the phone speakers not on the headphones. It is annoying this is not fixed yet.
Samsung Omnia 7

The maximum volume on my phone is significantly lower than compared to NoDo
I've noticed the occasional lack of auto-capitalisation too. It also seems that the autocorrect doesn't work as well for me as it did previously. Anyone feel the same way?

I remember hearing that Mango supports alphanumeric passwords but I can't find the feature anyway. Did it get removed in the final build?
I find autocorrect to be better, actually. I have a bad habit of hitting 'b' instead of 'space' and it seems to catch it every time.

I would imagine the volume level on the Omnia 7 is on Samsung and their firmware. My HD7 is all good.
By alphanumeric passwords, are you referring to networks? My home network has an alphanumeric password and I connected up fine.

I find the volume level on my Omnia 7 is fine. If anything, I'm annoyed that it doesn't go really soft when using phone speakers - even volume 01 is pretty loud. Plugging in earphones makes it much quieter, but I find myself listening at around 20. Seems fine to me.

Typing suggestions don't apply in some search fields or the URL bar. I would understand why auto-correct wouldn't be present here, but I think suggestions and manual corrections should be displayed.
So you're saying that since I have it set to "As Items Arrive", until the next e-mail or until I manually hit "Refresh" it won't delete from the server?

As far as I can tell, that's the deal. I have mine set to manual and if I don't sync after deleting messages they don't even register as having been read when I check my email on my computer later, let alone deleted. It doesn't seem to automatically feed back any actions performed.
I don't have that problem with the clock not showing up right when I press the unlock button on my phone. When the screen lights up, the clock is there with no delay.

The thing I really miss is that the search button doesn't work on the marketplace anymore, instead, there's the on-screen button. I was used to it. But, on the other hand, when you search Bing for the name of an app, it searches the marketplace, too. Not the same thing, but it works when I know what I'm looking for.

Another thing I'd like is the option to have toast notifications for, well, notifications from the Me Hub (when someone mentions me on Twitter or writes on my Facebook wall) and a counter for the Me tile (instead of just the last notification). That'd be nice.
My Twitter contacts are missing and I know I'm not the only one. No, it's not having unselected the Twitter contacts/feed. It's a proper bug.
  • Pictures in emails don't show up by default
  • Autocorrection for Spanish isn't as powerful as for English (or maybe it's because till now, I was able to get the Spanish keyboard for HTC HD7 which was previously not available for this model due to HTC stupidity - Does the keyboard 'learn' from you? In other words, as I enter more words, does the keyboard learn and then in the future suggests me more options when typing wrongly)
1. Tabbed browsing is atrocious. WTF!
2. OTA podcasts don't work so far.
3. Battery life seems to drain overnight.
The new IE interface takes longer then it did before to navigate - switching between tabs is kind of a pain now

I wish they had added a feature like task manager where you could go in and stop programs (especially internet explorer). There are times I have had things lock up and then I am just stuck with having to restart the phone - task manager would mean they could actually be stopped instead

Wish they hadn't changed the XBox live background - that white background is glaring and painful, and they seem to have made the list so it is smaller which makes it harder to read, especially with the white background

And I wish that I could get audio with my bluetooth headphones when watching videos - I have an attachment that makes them work but it would be nice if they worked directly with the phone like it does with music

I know this isn't a big deal but I wish they had either made it so you can change the color/picture on live tiles so they are not all the same color, or at least added some color options because well, I would like my phone to be more fun looking then it does now and that would make it quicker to find things on the main screen, and speaking of live tiles I wish I could change the size of the calendar and picture buttons

Oh, and the autocorrect thing is annoying now and I can't find anywhere to modify it, where before you could turn it off if you wanted to (if they still have it as an option I haven't found it). And when you do talk to text for messages it decides what is and is not appropriate and if it finds a word offensive it gives you symbols instead. It isn't really up to microsoft to decide what is an appropriate word and what isn't.
Oh, and the autocorrect thing is annoying now and I can't find anywhere to modify it, where before you could turn it off if you wanted to (if they still have it as an option I haven't found it). And when you do talk to text for messages it decides what is and is not appropriate and if it finds a word offensive it gives you symbols instead. It isn't really up to microsoft to decide what is an appropriate word and what isn't.

No, but imagine if you were texting your grandma and said "I got you a shirt for Christmas" but you have a lisp and it sounds like you said "I got you **** for Christmas"

Would you rather it say "****" or "#$&" to your Grandma?
By far the podcasts are messed up. They dont update on the marketplace for phone but do on the pc. Visual voicemail doesnt work on tmobile. If you are using the phone as zune connected to speakers, you cant answer a call with bluetooth while playint music, it plays through the speakers, Nodo worked fine with that. Battery life is worse since apps run in the background and you cant end them like webos. Tossing the cars would be awesome. Zune is laggy, takes time to switch and name songs compared to Nodo.
I don't mind the time delay on the lockscreen. It's not long and it gives me a clear view of my wallpaper for a second.

The lack of custom alert tones is stupid. Most people have more alerts and get more texts than calls. When they said they were adding custom ringtone capability, I never once imagined they would exclude alerts. WHY would they think that was okay?

I also do not care for the new internet explorer.
-The address bar on landscape mode takes up too much room. If I want to change tabs or type in an address it's easy to flip to portrait to do that.
-removing the favorites and tabs softkeys was a stupid idea as well. i think their survey data lied to them, cause I used those all the time. They say it was so people could see more of the web. If that's the case, see the above complaint, and tell me that again with a straight face.
-why can't I tap to see signal strength, wifi connection, and battery life when browsing in either landscape or portrait? I wouldn't care so much if WiFi didn't drop out (and not notify me!) and go to using the data connection. My phone occasionally drops it, and starts using my data! I have to turn my data connection off now, just to make sure I don't burn through it accidentally.

Seems they didn't think alot of this through. They should have left the ie interface as it was, and just added the new video capabilities.
Ok, I think I discovered a bug introduced since this released version of Mango. When I'm typing a text and pause for a few seconds, the keyboard drops out of site. I didn't notice this happening before and unless there is a setting to cause this, its a bit of an annoyance. Fortunately I don't lose the message I'm typing and it may only occur in text messaging. (I haven't sent an email yet to know) but I have to touch the screen to raise the keyboard while texting. Anyone else see this?
I also do not care for the new internet explorer.
-The address bar on landscape mode takes up too much room. If I want to change tabs or type in an address it's easy to flip to portrait to do that.
-removing the favorites and tabs softkeys was a stupid idea as well. i think their survey data lied to them, cause I used those all the time. They say it was so people could see more of the web. If that's the case, see the above complaint, and tell me that again with a straight face.

Seems they didn't think alot of this through. They should have left the ie interface as it was, and just added the new video capabilities.

Agreed. Maybe I'll see it differently after a week but so far for every step forward Mango is 2 steps back.
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No, but imagine if you were texting your grandma and said "I got you a shirt for Christmas" but you have a lisp and it sounds like you said "I got you **** for Christmas"

Would you rather it say "****" or "#$&" to your Grandma?

I would rather say the actual word because I am an adult, and my grandmother is (well was - she has been dead a good 20 years) an adult and would understand. And it is a heck of a lot less work to add the R then to retype the whole word. And if it is really that bothersome to people who are too immature or are easliy offended, then that should be an OPTION and not forced upon everyone. And as far as I am concerned if words are just words - if you don't want to use things like damn and instead use darn, it doesn't change the meaning of what you are going for - there is no softening of intent.

And I am not just talking about the big 7 here that are being censored. It is fairly inoccuous stuff - I can't even use talk to text and let someone know that I am in the Galapagos Island and just saw a beautiful group of blue-footed boobies without getting censored. That is just ridiculous.

And besides, why would I be texting my grandma to let her know what I got her for Christmas - that would totally spoil the surprise.

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