Mango bugs/complaints thread

I don't think I posted this here.

When receiving a text message, selecting the tost notification opens a new instance of the conversation. If you are texting back and forth and don't back out of the conversation, Mango will open multiple instances of the same conversation rather than opening an existing instance of the conversation.

Update: Please vote to get this fixed.
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Bing Maps got me lost yesterday. Had to use my friend's iPhone, which got us to the correct address. Bing was 1.2 miles off.
Samsung Focus bluetooth sporadic

I just upgraded to Mango on the Samsung Focus. Prior, Bluetooth worked perfectly. Post upgrade, on a single call, Bluetooth will be connected for 10 seconds, then disconnect for 10 seconds (I have to use the phone against my ear during these 10 seconds), and then connect for 10 seconds, etc., repeating this process for the length of the call (the call itself does not drop). I have tried rebooting the phone, turning off/on Bluetooth, deleting the pairing and re-pairing. None of these resolve the issue. The behavior effectively makes Bluetooth useless and my workaround is using the phone's speakerphone.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? Is there a resolution? What's the best way to get this feedback to Microsoft?
status bar

Hi everyone, first post. I thought with mango release it would have the ability to display the reception status permanently on the screen. Anybody able to find a setting for this?
I dont remember seeing anything about that. Are you talking about signal strength?
I dont remember seeing anything about that. Are you talking about signal strength?

I think he is talking about the system tray. I also don't recall this being a feature in Mango. What I do know is many devs have been starting to make that feature available in their apps, perhaps that is what he is thinking of.
Yes I'm talking about the signal strength. It said there was a setting where the signal strength wouldn't disappear from the screen after 10 seconds.
Yes I'm talking about the signal strength. It said there was a setting where the signal strength wouldn't disappear from the screen after 10 seconds.

You may already know this, but you can flick from the top of the screen down to display all of the indicators at the top.
Yeah I know,but I want it to stay on permanently where I can always see it. Sometimes it's frustrating when you have to keep tapping the screen to look at signal strength.
Not happy with the new browser. The previous version was perfect apart from landscape view missing the options strip at the bottom. As someone said earlier it should be a 'tap to view' item anyway. The new address bar is now far too big and was better at the top in it's smaller form, and the favourites is just another item in a list of options. I also think that it's more clunky and jerky when shifting from protrait to landscape mode, and as you scroll through a webpage it seems to be rendering on the fly with quite a bit of lag.
Also I can't switch my phone off properly. It just hangs on the 'goodbye' screen. I find that I then have to hold the power button down for 10 secs for it to finally switch off. Failing that I have to remove the battery!!!
On my HTC Arrive, I'm able to send a pic via text, but am not able to open pics others send me. Instead of the picture showing up it says "Get media content now" when I click on that it says "getting media content" but then reverts back to Get media content now and it doesn't open anything.
On my HTC Arrive, I'm able to send a pic via text, but am not able to open pics others send me. Instead of the picture showing up it says "Get media content now" when I click on that it says "getting media content" but then reverts back to Get media content now and it doesn't open anything.

Do you have your EvDo 3G turned on? You have to for MMS.
I've got my Samsung Focus paired with my car via Bluetooth. It worked awesome on NoDo, but I have an interesting problem in Mango. The voice prompt lady is practically inaudible now. I'm not able to hear text messages being read back or the confirmation I'm calling someone. The volume for my calls is fine though. Anyone else having this problem?

Same issue for me, but I am not using BlueTooth but rather the 3.5mm headset plug into an AUX jack in my car.

I normally have the volume on the phone at 30, and the car at a 10, but when I would get a text I'd have to turn the car up to 25-30 (we NEVER listen to music over a 15 level) once the text is sent, you have to quickly turn the music back down or suffer a blown car speaker. It is very annoying.
Anything's possible but FWIW, I also forced the update on my Arrive and the only "bug" I'm experiencing is the music pause when the slider is opened or closed. Not a big deal for me but I know it is for some.

No problems with auto-caps or the VKB popping up when it shouldn't. Hope you figure it out.

Sent from my T7575 using Board Express
Not sure if this happens to all phones but I've noticed on my Focus that sometimes the first letter of a sentence doesn't always auto capitalize. Also "dont" doesn't always autocorrect to "don't." Although that has been going on since pre-mango.
Not sure if this happens to all phones but I've noticed on my Focus that sometimes the first letter of a sentence doesn't always auto capitalize. Also "dont" doesn't always autocorrect to "don't." Although that has been going on since pre-mango.

Perhaps you added "dont" to your dictionary and it thinks it is now a word so doesn't correct it anymore. I do not know how to remove words from your dictionary, but perhaps you type it out and there is "-dont" as the 1st auto correct option?

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