Mango Speech to Text "can't connect"


New member
Sep 28, 2011
Has anyone else had this issue?
I've tested w/ my bluetooth and w/out and same result.
If I hold the Home asks what I want to do.....I say "text ......"
it recognizes the command and prompts me to say what i want to text....
then i get a "can't connect" message
i did a factory reset of my phone over the weekend to try and clear up a couple other quarks on the phone and it it actually worked the first time after I did that but now its back to "cant connect" again.

its strange that it recognizes the initial command but cant go further.....
a friend of mines husband works at MS and they passed the bug onto their test team i'm told last week so hopefully get an answer but thought i'd see if i'm the only unfortunate one
Hows yur signal? You know the audio file is sent to MS servers to be changed to text so you have to have a data connection.
Hows yur signal? You know the audio file is sent to MS servers to be changed to text so you have to have a data connection.

i was at home over wifi when i tested it so it was pretty strong.

seriously?? this new built in feature requires a data connection?? i just had to dump my data plan unfortunately so this feature isnt even usable to me now ? i'm not interested in the bing search......just the speech to text for texting purposes. (not sure if they are different)
Look in Settings/Speech it explains it all there. So yes you do have to have a data connection to use this feature
I had this the day after I updated, but after a couple of days of leaving it, it went away and everything works just fine now.
Look in Settings/Speech it explains it all there. So yes you do have to have a data connection to use this feature

damn! yup after testing over wifi and it at least tries compared to turning wifi off and "cant connect" that sure does seem to be the case
well that sucks. i was really hoping the speech to text transcription feature was going to be a built in function and the submiting back to ms for feedback was more just to improve the product over time
damn! yup after testing over wifi and it at least tries compared to turning wifi off and "cant connect" that sure does seem to be the case
well that sucks. i was really hoping the speech to text transcription feature was going to be a built in function and the submiting back to ms for feedback was more just to improve the product over time

if it makes you feel any better...Android is the same way lol
if it makes you feel any better...Android is the same way lol

a little bit :) i guess we'll chalk this up to my idealistic view/hope of how this technology was actually going to work! my wife briefly had a 3rd party blackberry app that sort of did this but wasn't very good at accurately transcribing.....i'm not sure if this used the data plan as well or if it was locally managed

i guess i still get the option to have my incoming texts read to me when they come in when i'm driving so thats nice

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