Mango update - question


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May 11, 2011
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I've updated to the version prior to mango itself, but am getting hung up on step 6 of the mango update - restarting your phone. I have let it sit for a long time, and all the phone does is have a picture of a phone with a cord and arrow pointing to a computer. Has anyone else had this problem? The download takes such a long time that I really don't want to restart.


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Jul 9, 2011
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Yes, this happened to me, took an hour or so to get past this step. My PC actually froze, the keyboard and mouse stopped working. However, eventually the phone restarted and there was Mango. The PC never moved beyond the step of restarting the phone. I had to power off the PC and restart. I had wifi and 3g turned off the entire time.

Verizon Hopeful

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Oct 11, 2010
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I too have a Verizon HTC Trophy and for some reason also can't get past Step 6 in the final 7.10.7720.68 update. I successfully loaded 7.0.7392 and 7.0.7403 without difficulty (this was through forcing the update per the suggestions elsewhere on WPCentral). I?m trying to understand how long Step 6: ?Restart your phone? is supposed to take. What might I need to do to get past this step?

It's irritating as it seems everyone else just sailed through this update. Here is a little more context for my issues with loading the Mango update on my Verizon HTC Trophy, in case anyone can spot the trouble.

? I?m running a Dell XPS M1330 Laptop computer with Windows Vista (all the Service Packs).
? The only apps running are Zune and Windows Task Manager.
? Verizon HTC Trophy started with OS Version 7389 prior to any updates
? Attempted to load 7.10.7720.68 3 times before with same result ? hang up at Step 6
? Took battery out, hard reset and now 4th attempt. Start at 2:04 pm

Steps 1 through 5 proceeded nominally. Step 6 (Restarting your phone) started at 2:23 pm. At 2:26 pm, the phone re-started again with the showing of the HTC logo, followed by the Verizon Logo, the Windows Phone Logo and then the lock screen.

Curiously though, right before the 2nd restart, the phone showed a wire diagram of the phone, the cable, the PC and an arrow pointing toward the computer. I noted that the diagram showed the cable not plugged into the PC, however there were no instructions to do anything, so I didn?t. (Note that the cable was connected to the phone and PC the entire time.)

At 2:32, of the three buttons on the Zune app that were grayed out (Back, Next and Cancel) the Cancel button suddenly is enabled. I?m wondering if this is the signal that the process was in trouble and could no longer make any progress on the update?

Finally, at 3:24, an hour after the start of Step 6, I hit the Cancel button and pulled the connections. It was troubling that in that hour, there were no indications that the process had either hung up or was working fine. If I stopped things prematurely, then bad on Microsoft for not providing any progress indicator during this step. How is anyone to know what's going on?? How long should one wait to declare a failure??

Can anybody spot anything I?m doing wrong? Should Step 6 take an hour or more?? I?ve tried four times now and don?t know what to do to get Mango loaded on my phone!

Verizon Hopeful

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Oct 11, 2010
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Thought I would add a little more information. The reason I was running Windows Task Manager, was so I could see what was going on with the system. At times during Step 6, the CPU usage would hit 100%. I couldn't tell why this was occurring, but the Zune application certainly wasn't using more than about 20% of the CPU cycles. Maybe that's why it appeared to @SMBishop that his computer, keyboard and mouse "froze".

Verizon Hopeful

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Oct 11, 2010
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I'm happy to say that yesterday, I plugged my phone back into Zune, started the update process and was amazed to find that the infamous Step 6 only took 3 minutes! Finally got past that and onto a full Mango update of my Trophy. The total time it took was one hour and 20 minutes. I didn't do anything differently this time, but for whatever reason, it worked properly. Think I'll go have a Mango shake tomorrow in celebration!


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Aug 1, 2011
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I'm happy to say that yesterday, I plugged my phone back into Zune, started the update process and was amazed to find that the infamous Step 6 only took 3 minutes! Finally got past that and onto a full Mango update of my Trophy. The total time it took was one hour and 20 minutes. I didn't do anything differently this time, but for whatever reason, it worked properly. Think I'll go have a Mango shake tomorrow in celebration!

Congratulations! Welcome to the wonderful world of mango.

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