
I don't think the reason carriers "delay" updates is to sell more phones. How many unsubsidized phones do you think the carriers sell? I'd think most people have subsidized phones.

I'm on AT&T and they haven't pushed NoDo yet. If the sell more phones logic was true there'd be a NoDo WP7 waiting for me on AT&T. But as it stands, I'd have to change carriers to get NoDo. So it actually hurts them or doesn't make a difference.

Well NoDo makes sense now that they said why they took so long with that new "wispr" thing they got going is pretty cool... However given that they did try and push it as soon as possible (they could've just as easily waited until the HTC Surround was finished to release all updates simultaneously but they didn't which kinda shows that they're trying to get it out there. You are correct on the subsidized phones being the majority of preference for subscribers, but think about it, for all the people that did get a WP7 device when they launched, last November... That'll probably be the same time frame that mango launches so the initial buyers will be eligible for an early upgrade, with new devices coming out before the update, it'll probably entice those early adopters to upgrade early.
If its Apollo it better be b!tchin cuz that name sounds rad!

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
they definitely didn't brainwash me... i worked for at&t as a manager. i've seen the prices in other countries. unlimited charges is the only unlimited they ever see.

people forget that they have to pay us managers.... they have to pay the reps. they have to pay for R&D. they have to pay for new towers. they have to pay for phone exclusives. they have to pay for new stores.

and if you compare other countries, we are cheaper. you ever traveled up north to canada? 3 year contracts! go check out their individual plan for $60 that give you 300 minutes and 500mb of data.

I'll throw out this data point - I have 2 co-workers in my office from Shanghai (for 6 weeks). I asked how much they pay for their wireless service and they pay $10/mo for voice, 300MB of data, and 100 text messages.

Also, they do not pay for incoming calls, just outgoing calls.

And they bought their iphone 4 when they went to visit one of our vendors in Canada late last year for a whopping $700USD + tax.

It's important to remember, the United States simply rapes Canada because they can.

Also, the Canadian government hasn't been to kind to internet consumers in their country. I like the FCC here wants to take a proactive role in protecting certain rights, but I'm also afraid that it could go to far.

Republicans are trying to shoot down the FCC mandates, mandates that I agree with, but I also agree with the Republicans that the government shouldn't mess with the internet. On this bill, I say yes, I just wish you didn't have to worry about the Government not taking a sensible approach in the future when it comes to present legislation.

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