Seems to me this is much more advanced in development than the NoDo update was. Also, have they said that Mango would run on 1st generation Windows Phone 7 handsets, like my Focus?
Seems to me this is much more advanced in development than the NoDo update was. Also, have they said that Mango would run on 1st generation Windows Phone 7 handsets, like my Focus?
My guess is that it will be coming out late fall. Probably in time for a Nokia device with Nodo. ;-)
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Two Nokia WP7 devices will be launched later this year. You know what I've been wondering? The mango dev tools will be available in may, giving devs access to more stuff on wp7, now I'm pretty sure Microsoft isn't gonna change the way everything works on our wp7's so what I'm wondering is, if an augmented reality app or a third party camera app were to come out in June, would it work on our devices running NoDo? Good food for thought huh? Unless Microsoft has already had a statement on the matter that I just haven't seen then I ask if someone would kindly enlighten me...
Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
Two Nokia WP7 devices will be launched later this year.
Mark this post. I am calling it right here. No one will have Mango this calendar year unless you buy new hardware!
There is no way any carrier, especially AT&T_mobile, will allow an OS update when they could be selling new hardware. Since most early adopters will be due an upgrade (and contract extention) in November, look for "The Great and Powerful MANGO" to not even begin its' roll out as an update until late first quarter 2012.
I wouldn't bet on that. A better bet would be 1 WP7 in 1Q2012 and 1 WP7 in 3Q2012. Maybe another in 4Q2012, but more like 2013.
I'm not sure if it was Nokia themselves or someone very close to them, that stated the W7 and W8 were to be released later this year with 12 WP7 devices coming in 2012.