Many apps don't fully close on WP8.1 DP

Here's a little tip when long-pressing the back button while on the start screen. If there is a suspended app to the left, you can swipe down on the left edge to close or remove that app from the list. No need to pivot to the left first for the (X) button.
Well if these apps are actually running in the background, maybe that accounts for a lot of the battery drain issues I've been experiencing with 8.1 Preview. I'm still seeing my battery drain by large amounts when it's just sitting there idle.
New apps for wp8.1 written using RunTime API will remains in task manager list, but they are suspended. Applications written using Silverlight for wp8.1 or 8.0 will be closed when you press back button. Microsoft now brought TWO worlds in Windows Phone. Silverlight and RunTime, both has it own advantages and bad sides. And MS again makes same mistake they did with Windows 8 which also has TWO worlds, old desktop and new Metro ( the last one is quite useless on desktop PC, but good on tablets).
Well if these apps are actually running in the background, maybe that accounts for a lot of the battery drain issues I've been experiencing with 8.1 Preview. I'm still seeing my battery drain by large amounts when it's just sitting there idle.

Until firmware is released, the entire discussion of WP8.1 preview and battery drain is moot.

I still see absolutely nothing in the developer docs that points to apps being able to run in the background, while much states that they can not. So if you must speculate, you're more likely to be correct if you blame something else.
After many smartalec comments that don't seem helpful at all ... "It's meant to be this way stop complaining" ... and such... I have my 2 penneth to add...

1: In the good old days of internet forums when someone had a problem they didn't know how to resolve, someone that did know would just tell them... no judgement... no "OMG NOOB" behaviour... just a simple answer. Why do so many feel the need to act like trolls all the time? It's making most forums useless hubs of mindless twaddle.

2: I don't know if you solved your problem but if it's what I think it is, this page might help:-
Switching between apps | Windows Phone How-to (United Kingdom)
It shows how to close background apps by holding the back button.

And if it's not that, my apologies, I'm pretty new to windows phones myself and there are plenty of foibles I have still to deal with!
... and plenty of forums full with people that only want to 'blow hot air' and not actually help another person out. ;)

Have a good'un.
I think the reason behind this behavior, if I remember correctly, is for a less confusing experience for new users, who don't necessarily expect an app to close when tapping the back button. It's a little annoying at first, but at least for me, not too hard to get used to.

And yeah, this will be the default behavior on Windows Phone 8.1.

I love this new approach.
lol all you have to do is go to the app switcher and 'kill' the app by tapping x on the app or swiping its card down. I like it this way, I really have control over what I'm running and if I accidentally close the app using the back buttoni can just find it in the app switcher.
Stop Complaing please.
Is it Facebook beta or for the matter any MS app? Then the problem exists, otherwise for other app I haven't experienced the problem.
Wow...this was new to me. But I have to say when I press the back button and then get rid of the app it stays gone for good unless I select it again.
I find it strange -and shows me that this isn't 100% planned- that in my lumia 520 the remote desktop stays in the background but IE not. How rdesktop staying in the background makes friendlier the user experience but completely closing IE doesn't?
@520, IE isn't really closed. It just looks it. Also, only 8.1 RT apps fo this, same with Windows. System apps like People, etc and Non RT/Universal apps don't do this
Before, if I wanted an app to stay in the app switcher I simply pressed the windows button and if I wanted to close it I pressed the back arrow button. But now I don't fully close the app until I go to the app switcher and close it (I waste time doing that). So the back arrow and the windows buttons have basically the same function now. For me it's annoying when I want to "quickly" change to another app in the app changer and realize there are still some apps I thought I closed. And that was one of the reasons I hated Android and loved WP

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