Maps. Why the difference?

830 maps app is newer, we recently got magnetometer support(again, for like the 9th time) so it shows an arrow pointing to north, cause yo dis teh new ms! so your older mid ranger got an update before than la creme de la creme 2016 wp for some reason
having followed fast ring until 10.0.14393.67 I oped out of insider builds, did a hard reset and set the 950xl up from scratch.
I was excited to see the added compass feature that I missed so much since here maps. it worked nicely but since yesterday it stopped working. after much head scratching I decided to move the offline maps from the SDcard back to the device - which didn't help.

only after finding this thread I checked the build number of maps: 5.1606.1671.0. how come maps were 'downgraded' to the previous version without the compass feature? didn't install any upgrades since the reset. any ideas?
having followed fast ring until 10.0.14393.67 I oped out of insider builds, did a hard reset and set the 950xl up from scratch.
I was excited to see the added compass feature that I missed so much since here maps. it worked nicely but since yesterday it stopped working. after much head scratching I decided to move the offline maps from the SDcard back to the device - which didn't help.

only after finding this thread I checked the build number of maps: 5.1606.1671.0. how come maps were 'downgraded' to the previous version without the compass feature? didn't install any upgrades since the reset. any ideas?

Reference TechFreak1's post above. lol
How 'bout this. Just a bit ago my 830 gets a Maps update to version 5.1608.2311.0 ... and I get an update for Windows Alarms & Clock.

No updates for my 950DS....
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