Micro SD upgrade


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Jun 11, 2012
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I purchased a 64GB sd card to replace my 32GB card, ive activated the 64 on my phone then went to copy over my saved data, videos, music etc. I had to download the apps. But the problem is none of the data from those apps are on the sd card. So game saves, settings etc. I thought w10 would see they were reinstalled and restore them from a back up but it didn't.

Can I just clone the sd cards? Or am I missing something. I did go to settings , remove card prior to anything.

Tejas Javery

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Mar 19, 2014
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I purchased a 64GB sd card to replace my 32GB card, ive activated the 64 on my phone then went to copy over my saved data, videos, music etc. I had to download the apps. But the problem is none of the data from those apps are on the sd card. So game saves, settings etc. I thought w10 would see they were reinstalled and restore them from a back up but it didn't.

Can I just clone the sd cards? Or am I missing something. I did go to settings , remove card prior to anything.


Well, when you copy stuff from old sd card to the new one, only the files and folders get copied, which may include music, videos, documents, pictures, etc. It does not copy apps, or app data.

I see you reinstalled the apps again. But that does not mean you will get the apps backup.
They will start from scratch.

Although, there is an option in settings where you could have backed everything up, before removing the sd card. But now it won't work, as you already reinstalled the app.

And the backup you are talking about depends on the app itself. If the app has features within itself, to back itself up online time to time, like most of the games do, then only you can restore the original state, or else, you have to start fresh.

Another thing you could have done, which is a lengthy, but workable process.
Could have moved your apps from sd card to your phone, as many as possible at a time, then removed the card and inserted the new card and move the apps from the phone to the new sd card. Once done, repeat the process till you were able to move the last app. This way, your apps would have been the way they are, without any loss of progress.

Now all you can do is look up for a backup file on your old sd card or phone. If there is any.
And after opening the apps, try to find the backup within itself and try to contact the publishers from in app settings and ask them to restore them.

Would have been better had you written her before taking the step.
The store says "install", not "install and restore." I am sorry.

I hope i was somewhat able to help. :)

Good day, happy new year. :)


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Jun 11, 2012
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Yeah, being into IT I should have known better but was simply too eager to put my new goodie in. Thought itd be recoverable from the phone backup but was wrong.

I did restore my phone to a back up from two weeks ago. but all the files in the app did not restore like they did when I first got my lumia and restored from my 1020 backup. I guess between then and now the app was no longer compatible with backingup or there's some bug in mobile 10 that's not backing up app data if the app is stored on an sd card, seeing as when I used the 1020 backup for my 950xl, that app was on the internal drive... still have my 1020 kicking around so I download the files from it and manually put them on my 950xl in a folder

Tejas Javery

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Mar 19, 2014
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Yeah, being into IT I should have known better but was simply too eager to put my new goodie in. Thought itd be recoverable from the phone backup but was wrong.

I did restore my phone to a back up from two weeks ago. but all the files in the app did not restore like they did when I first got my lumia and restored from my 1020 backup. I guess between then and now the app was no longer compatible with backingup or there's some bug in mobile 10 that's not backing up app data if the app is stored on an sd card, seeing as when I used the 1020 backup for my 950xl, that app was on the internal drive... still have my 1020 kicking around so I download the files from it and manually put them on my 950xl in a folder

I understand. but I am glad you got your work done in a way. :)
good day! :)

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