So how cool are these rewards, really? I'm Dutch, so I stopped telling myself I'll ever be able to earn them, but what am I missing? Do you actually use them and are they rewarding?
I use the Bing Rewards in browser, end up with a $5 Amazon gift card every month or two. 99.9% of my searches go through Bing, it pops up a couple little specials every day to go click on, and I usually just check out the home page clicks (the fancy little hovering invisible squares) and the news links on the bottom.
I originally started using it when it was Live Search, they had a program then, I ended up getting around $500 cash discounts through that (would go to website like eBay and if you were signed it would offer up to 30% off).
Instead of Amazon it could be Starbucks, Xbox Live, Hulu Plus, Redbox, etc.