Microsoft debuts new 'Rewards with Xbox' program, boosting the ways you can earn Microsoft Rewards pointsviagaming

So they are moving away from the getting reward points for an achievement a day? If so, thank God. That sucked so much fun out Game Pass. It will be nice to be able to just play the game and not worry about rationing achievements or feel like you are losing money every time you hear the achievement sound unexpectedly.

Definitely good changes here and a good start for Xbox this year.
Definitely good changes here and a good start for Xbox this year.
You really think so?

I think the new system was introduced because people collected to many reward points. With the old system you got 250 points for playing five days in a week, now you only get 150 (maybe 190) for five days and you need to play seven days for the 250 points. With the weekly or monthly rewards it's even worse, previously you got 1000 points for four weeks, and lesser amounts for two and three week objects, now you get 50 for playing four games and 350 for eigth games, thats a joke compared to the old system.
Now it goes all over the weekly mulitpliers, which don't seem to work for the first week right away (at least for me), all in all it's a huge step backwards.
So another week, finally got the multiplier and it only counts for the "bonus rewards on days 5,6 and 7. The new system is a complete joke.

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