Whoa! Didn't realise I'd kick off quite a debate. Could those in the US answer a question for me (as I'm in the UK)... Was there a lot of media buzz in the US for the Band - i.e. News on TV, editorials, adverts etc. I'm curious to see what kind of waves this 'surprise' released created, compared with what normally happens when Apple releases something new. I suspect that it wasn't as much as we all know that the media outlets love Apple too much and find every opportunity to bash MS... or am I wrong in this case?
BTW - in the UK we got some online coverage on BBC News and Daily Mail. They were neutral to slightly positive on the release in terms of let's wait and see. I'm surprised that the headlines didn't read "MS steals the show from Apple with a pre-Christmas same day release!!!"
Anyway, I'm just saying...