Microsoft Lumia 535 available to UK visa Amazon France (


New member
Jun 19, 2014
Just bought one from (Dual SIM variant) - delivery Friday.
Total cost ?95 GBP which is pretty good considering this cost includes international delivery and its the Dual SIM model too.
Standard single SIM model expected to be around ?86 when finally available in UK so very happy!
Finally a good reason to be in the EU!
Let us know how you get on and what your first impressions are please?
I'm concerned as I placed an order yesterday and I have not received an estimated delivery date . I say this because I live in UK but the mobile will be a Christmas present for my brother. I am Spanish and I will go back to Spain for Christmas holidays... I chatted today with agents and they told me that is not yet available and they don't even know yet when they will have stock . When you have received the shipping date ? I do not know whether to wait or cancel the order. Help!
Not sure who you've been speaking too but my one was shipped from France today, estimated delivery Saturday/Monday. Have stock of dual SIM model.
Not sure who you've been speaking too but my one was shipped from France today, estimated delivery Saturday/Monday. Have stock of dual SIM model.

Color? My order for a black one(made 30 Nov) it still not dispatched. Anyone received the black one yet?
I chose the one in stock as colour irrelevant to me, as is the dual SIM facility.
If I dont like the colour I'll get a silicone skin to cover it and only have 1 SIM.
This was the one in stock so bought it.
Well, I spoke with two different representatives via chat. As per them their info, they haven't any colour in stock and they don't have any estimated date to re-stock soon. I imagine that they had limited availability when you ordered yours. On the other hands amazon germany seller will have stock from 12th dec.
I have cancelled my order as I need the handset asap.:unhappy:
Got mine today and very impressed, no issues with touch sensitivity.
I'm a music lover so more than impressed with the equaliser.
Camera good and build quality excellent.
Already had a gel case ordered/delivered as I find the case (and other lumias) too smooth for a secure grip.
Some people have mentioned about the logo on the back and at startup. You know wot, it could've been a pink camel for all I care!!
This phone cost nothing in comparison to iPhones and Samsungs so I won't be worried if I drop it!!

Disabled screen magnifier as luismfarelo suggested below but didnt have any probs with touch..
Completed a 10hr charge so will see how the battery fares today
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Got mine today, touch sensitivity is not perfect, but disabling screen magnifier setting in ease of access solves most of the problem. Good screen, no lags, overall fantastic phone for the price. Will evaluate battery during the week.
Got mine today, touch sensitivity is not perfect, but disabling screen magnifier setting in ease of access solves most of the problem. Good screen, no lags, overall fantastic phone for the price. Will evaluate battery during the week.

Same here. I notice some erratic behavior, miles away from the touch perfection on my 735.

The IPS LCD panel has better contrast than I was expecting, but what annoys me is the apparent lack of optimization from certain apps to this resolution, some have clear problems displaying/rendering the text in the correct ratio resulting in blurred text, while the remainder have no problems and the text is quite clear.

Another point taken is the sound quality front the back speaker. I find it quite tiny with a complete lack of any medium/low frequencies, not even in the same league as the 735 speaker.

Nonetheless the value/price is impressive(109€), if they figure out the lack of sensitivity it will be the best value device for a long time.
Hey does this have worst touch on a touch screen many reviewers in the net are dismissing it.need your opinions my fellow wp users.
From Windows phone
The touch sensitivity issue appears to be a bug as it is appearing everywhere.
When texting and swiping across to the top right side of the keyboard the trail suddenly stops and starts selecting random characters even though my finger is still dragging across the letters.
It'll be a firmware update that wasn't applied to the batch1 handsets no doubt.
Then it is bad on part of MS already wp is loosing to android it there are these type of quality issue then it is death knell for wp .

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