Windows Phone Prices from around the world (let's help people find the best deals)

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Bought two nos. of Lumia 920 each costing 136$ from, check out for more deals there,
In India :
Lumia 730 : Rs. 15,000
Lumia 535 : Rs. 8,500
Lumia 638 (4G ) : Rs. 8,200
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Thanks, Peace :smile:
Prices in Hungary: Nokia Lumia 1520- 105.000 HUF, Lumia 535 -39.000 HUF, Lumia 930 - 150.000 HUF, Lumia 530 - 20.000 HUF, Lumia 520 18.000? HUF. High-end phones are very expensive. 1 ? - 300? HUF.
my two cents in Chile have seen on

Entel PCS that they sell the Lumia 630 at 119,000 clp (188 usd)
in Movistar (telefonica Moviles chile the 530 can be found in my local supermarket at 39,990 (69 dollars) in stores at 99,990 ( 158 dollars)
the 1320 Movistar is 199,990 (316 Usd)
was before the past year the 520 at Movistar at 49,990 clp (79 dollars)
Claro have in their stores the Lumia 820 at 199,990 clp (316 USD)

well i do not remember more because the higher models are not already in here some are not even offered because are waiting by new ones, and most is seen android phones in stores

USD (United States Dollar)
CLP (Chilean Peso)
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Nokia 1320's flooding French websites for 199 euros with 50 euros rebate from Microsoft making them 149 euros.These are no contract phones and 4G enabled.
See or
Here's a smal tip of how to get phones for cheap or even for "free".
I am Dutch and Dutch people are wel know of going for cheap or even cheaper................
And i hate the idea of paying hundreds of euro's for something that last only one or two years
( its just like cars, its the worst investment ever ).
Besides of the second hand market witch can also be cheap,
there are some websites who works with a system so you can earn points or even real money.
But when you opt in for a couple of those sites maybe it can speed up some things. ( or use multiple accounts ;-) ).
Some of them you need to click on a lot of adds and others you need to fill in evaluationforms of radioprograms, tv or politics etc.etc.
I would advice to make a extra mailaccount just for this, because lessons can get a lot of spammmmmmmm.

I only know a few sites here in the Netherlands, but maybe there are some of these sites in your country as wel.
So you need to find them your self.
Keep in mind that not all of them are trustworthy.

There are a lot of those systems out there so you must find out witch one is best for you.
It doesnt make you rich thought, but when you have some time to spare and every penny count's
maybe it would just give you that little extra.

But remember, not al of them are trustworthy so be carefull and for the youngones consult your parents.
Good if you know how to take advantage of those things without all the spam but for me i would find it easier to buy at a good price with less hassle..
I like to see it more as a hobby.
My wife is grazy about those coupon actions that we see on tv unfortunately we don't have that where we live ( on the other hand i am glad, i hate doing grocery's :P ).
thanks for the info.. Great deals btw

Something Is wrong with those links on the forum hope they will be fixed soon.
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Thanks for the heads up, seems that the link system for WC is broken, for now go to and select Clearance under SHOP.

I will refer my post to the Admin team to hopefully fix their link system...

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