Windows Phone Prices from around the world (let's help people find the best deals)

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Re: Windows Phone Prices from around the world (lets help ppl find the best deals)

Nokia Lumia 530 upgrade at Carphone Warehouse now ?29.95
Re: Windows Phone Prices from around the world (lets help ppl find the best deals)

got a lumia 730 for 12500 Rs or ($204) in India at . This is one crazy deal.
I noticed that Lumia 1520.3 prices in the US are missing. B&H has been selling them for some time for just under $500 (varies up and down a few dollars).
Hi everyone! I'm from China. I have the latest price for three Lumia phones in China. ?2699($441 or ?354) for lumia 1520, ?2799($457 or ?367) for Lumia 1020 and ?2988($488 or ?392) for Lumia 930. No contact for all these three phones. What you need to know is that Chinese version of Lumia 1020 doesn't support LTE. Lumia 1520 and Lumia 930 need Hong Kong roms to support LTE(software locked I think). FDD-LTE bands: 1,3,7,8,20. That means you can't access LTE network in the US but ok in Europen countries. Hope that's helpful.
Hi everyone! I'm from China. I have the latest price for three Lumia phones in China. ?2699($441 or ?354) for lumia 1520, ?2799($457 or ?367) for Lumia 1020 and ?2988($488 or ?392) for Lumia 930. No contact for all these three phones. What you need to know is that Chinese version of Lumia 1020 doesn't support LTE. Lumia 1520 and Lumia 930 need Hong Kong roms to support LTE(software locked I think). FDD-LTE bands: 1,3,7,8,20. That means you can't access LTE network in the US but ok in Europen countries. Hope that's helpful.

Very helpful thanks Stuazt and everyone who has contributed so far..
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updated....still working on more info..also added links to unboxing videos for many of the handsets too
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Re: Windows Phone Prices from around the world (lets help ppl find the best deals)

Hi! I've just found promo codes for Prestigio Smartphones at

5% off for Prestigio MultiPhone 8400 DUO with promo code BESTPRICE8400 (for your purchase after the registration)
10% off for Prestigio MultiPhone 8500 DUO with promo code BESTPRICE8500 (for your purchase after the registration)
Go to and paste the code at checkout

You get free delivery to UK and 2 years warranty. Expires on 12/31/2014.
UK Lumia 735 from O2 for ?129 on PAYG + free charging plate and Bluetooth speakers.
Unlocked Nokia phones at great prices can be found at ,Lumia 535 at $125 now,Lumia 830 for $299,Lumia 930-$395, any phone with price at $0 means they don't have in stock currently at the moment ,purchased my Lumia 1020 from them since July. Recently ordered Lumia 535 for my mom to replace her old Blackberry phone
Just ordered a Lumia 930 for $446 at Amazon :)

Nice one that's about ?285 which is cheaper than what I paid for my Lumia 830 (payg it would be ?299, but on contract I am paying 23pm unlimited mins+texts 2gb data with EE)
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