Microsoft for all it's Smarts in pushing the Band has still missed the boat and a trick. Yes the Band is a Good Fitness wearable, and no doubt it will rank above most of the Fitbit type devices. However as a Watch it will not crack the top 10.
Right now Moto 360, LG G Watch (Newest), Pebble are among the must have items. Apple and this Taptic feedback will no doubt jump to number 1.
As the $349 model will be a full on sell out for some time to come Yes it has some Health options....but that is not what will drive the Geek community. Look at it logically .....Fitness and Geek are a rare combo. New Tech and Geek is what drives the Apple Market. Most of the Apple base will use the Health apps to figure out they are having a heart attack or stroke.
Microsoft has missed the boat on the Watch lover crowd.......what is the worst is they had the ability to get in front of this and have a leg up on Apple. Even if they did a Limited release much like the Band to say here is tech we wish to License to other makers and gauge Community response.
Anything they do now will be the same old sad Microsoft is something good.....after the fact....much like the Zune.
The part that boils my bunny the most......Microsoft had lots of community outcry for a watch, even after the band release...and still did nothing.
However mark my words the Apple Watch will sell and for most Apple fans it will be the second coming, and it will rank as the #1 Watch Wearable.
Most reviews I have read when it is looked at as a Watch with the ability to interact with the phone, have been glowing and upbeat.
Just to add....I am a Microsoft Baby, it's my full ecosystem. PC/Tablet/Phone.....The Apple Watch has my attention, and now has me thinking of a switch. Something I would never have thought of before. As I have been an Apple hater from the first iPhone ( The iPhone before the touch screen one....their music phone)