Microsoft rumored to announce Android apps support for Windows 10 at Build 2015

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How is it going to work exactly? Can someone explain it to me. [Sorry, I'm a noob at this] For example, we can have two versions of whatsapp installed in our phone? One .apk and another .xap version?...

From what I'm getting, they will be in our Store.

Also, I'm sensing Build will reveal a dev feature that Android doesn't have.
Re: Very mixed feelings Windows plus Android

...It's definitely great news for the platform....

The opinions seem to be polarized on this. Personally, If true, I happen to think it's bad news for the platform.

Nothing to do but wait and see....
From what I'm getting, they will be in our Store.

Also, I'm sensing Build will reveal a dev feature that Android doesn't have.

So if we are allowed to have both versions of an app installed then I think it will be a mess... I mean, imagine having several copies of a software installed in every drives of your computer including C drive.
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

Because it's speculation.
Companies don't usually comment on rumors and other stuff.

Honestly, I don't see it as a huge plus. While it IS a plus, Blackberry, even with its Android app layer and all, isn't much further ahead IMO. Snapchat is practically a no-go among others there too. It's going to help, but its not the silver bullet because of Google Play Services.

Besides myself, anybody else here using a BlackBerry with 10.3? The reason I ask is because I keep reading the same tired posts over and over about how Android apps don't run well on BlackBerry. If you haven't tried it on 10.3 then you don't know what you're talking about. There is zero difference between a BB and a KitKat Android device.

If WP10 can "run" Android apps as well as BlackBerry, who cares? Android and iOS users are enjoying Microsoft apps on their devices and they're not shunning their own handsets for not using "native" apps. Why should anybody else? I never once heard anybody say to a Mac user "You're using Office for Mac? I wouldn't be caught dead using anything except iWork." Sounds ridiculous doesn't it?
Besides Snapchat, what other Android apps don't run at all on BB10? Which apps require Google services?

Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk
So if we are allowed to have both versions of an app installed then I think it will be a mess... I mean, imagine having several copies of a software installed in every drives of your computer including C drive.
I'm guessing the same, certain apps work better on windows and vice versa, wondering if the apps will be optimized for windows phones, also wouldn't that mean that windows will face the same security issues which Android has?
Re: Very mixed feelings Windows plus Android

Thurrott is one of the few decent Windows blogger, and he has good sources. This is most likely true.

I wouldn't believe it just yet. Thurrot has a tendency to write these types of overly-dramatic articles indicating the death of Windows Phone and he ends up being wrong.
I'm guessing the same, certain apps work better on windows and vice versa, wondering if the apps will be optimized for windows phones, also wouldn't that mean that windows will face the same security issues which Android has?

Yap I wonder those too...
The whole point of Windows Phone is it doesn't run crap apps from Android. WP is a much more stable experience than Android will ever be. And I try to avoid google stuff as much as possible. I hope Microsoft see some sense I'm seeing a lot more people with WP nowadays.
I think its a good move from Microsoft. First, they fill the app gap by introducing android apps. Once, they gain market share, they stop android apps in a way so devs can port their apps.
Re: Very mixed feelings Windows plus Android

The opinions seem to be polarized on this. Personally, If true, I happen to think it's bad news for the platform.

Nothing to do but wait and see....

Based on last year's discussions, I estimate that WP users are split about 50/50. Developers definitely aren't however. Introduce that ability without heavy limitations and restrictions, and all 3rd party app development for WP will cease within a very short time, likely also signaling MS' retreat from the consumer space and the crash and burn of universal apps before they even got off the ground

It's very delicate and tricky business, and the devil will be in the details.

You're definitely right. The only thing for us to do right now is wait and see.
Re: Very mixed feelings Windows plus Android

Ultimately allowing Android apps would be the death knell for WP app development. True, it may be beneficial since the platform is not gaining significant traction or seems capable of sustaining momentum. However, it leaves little reason for developers to create a WP app or even a universal app. I'd imagine most would consider their Android app "enough work." Though it would be interesting to see how MS overcomes the technical issues around Android emulation. Will apps run smooth? Are they sandboxed? Will they be able to incorporate the notification center? Cortana? Here maps?

Hopefully Android emulation isn't their plan to close the app gap. We've seen how that has worked out for Amazon and BlackBerry. People do not want to (or even know how to) download apps from a different store. It's asking for too much from the end user. Though, as a side project for more "advanced" users, Android emulation could be perfectly acceptable. Microsoft would just need some other incentive to keep developers from leaving.

Plus, I'd be amazed if Microsoft mastered app emulation from all the major stores. Being able to run any software would make Windows Phone much more like Windows. That is something I would get excited about.

One phone to rule them all
One app store to find them
One company to bring them all
And in emulation bind them
Re: Very mixed feelings Windows plus Android

IMO making Windows Phone support Android apps is the only way to get developer attention.
Let's face it, major app developers doesn't look for Windows Pone unless there's any kind of agreement between them and Microsoft (Instagram Beta was bought, Faceboook is mad eby Microsoft, Vine app was an agreement with Twitter and so on...).

If Microsoft let all of those devs (Tinder, Snapchat, Vine, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter...) put their Android app on Windows Store they will already give us a look. In this moment there will be no excuse to not buy a Lumia Windows Phone (market share rises!).

Later Microsoft could make an app promotion... "Adapt your UI to Windows and get on top of Store search and Spotlights".
The problem of having Android UI on Windows would be A LOT LESS negative to Windows platform. (normal people wouldn't even care!)

tl;dr: It's better have apps without Windows UI and sell Lumia phones than not having apps AT ALL!
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

Besides Snapchat, what other Android apps don't run at all on BB10? Which apps require Google services?

Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk

There are apps that use Google services as dependencies (location, etc.) and there are methods (cough, cough, hack) to remove those dependencies which allow your device's own systems to work. Now, there are apps that require Google Play services such as Google Wallet and the Play Store app. I'm not aware of any reliable methods to make those work nor do I care to use them. As for Snapchat, I have no Earthly idea.
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

There are apps that use Google services as dependencies (location, etc.) and there are methods (cough, cough, hack) to remove those dependencies which allow your device's own systems to work. Now, there are apps that require Google Play services such as Google Wallet and the Play Store app. I'm not aware of any reliable methods to make those work nor do I care to use them. As for Snapchat, I have no Earthly idea.
I don't care about Snapchat. You've answered my question, though, about Wallet. How about banking apps? Do the Android versions work on BB10?

Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk
Re: Very mixed feelings Windows plus Android

Ultimately allowing Android apps would be the death knell for WP app development.

What app development? Rudy Huyn making hard work and trying to not get his apps pulled down from Store?

However, it leaves little reason for developers to create a WP app or even a universal app.

And tell me what is the reason any app developer will look at Windows right now? a new developing tool? Visual Studio is already one of the best and still no dev look for Windows Phone!

Though, as a side project for more "advanced" users, Android emulation could be perfectly acceptable. Microsoft would just need some other incentive to keep developers from leaving.

No, Microsoft needs to sell Lumia phones to get OS share in US to grow! A bigger OS share will get us apps. How they will sell those phone to normal people? Promising an app for a year after?
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

Thank you. This is what I've been trying to say all along that everyone always takes out of proportion. It's not Android apps on WP running in an emulator like BB10, its an Android app that is then easily ported and repackaged as a native Windows app.

I would love to see a source for this. So far, all I've seen is rumor and speculation for Android apps coming in any way to Windows. Haven't yet seen anything credible from a reliable source at Microsoft yet.

Even Paul Thurrott says, "most likely," because he isn't sure about it either. He also seems unsure of the methodology that will be used to accomplish it.

I suppose we'll just have to wait until the end of Build to know for sure if it was going to be announced at Build.
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

I don't care about Snapchat. You've answered my question, though, about Wallet. How about banking apps? Do the Android versions work on BB10?

Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk

I use Wells Fargo and it works fine. There's also Mint on the Amazon App Store that is even better but doesn't support mobile deposits.
Re: Very mixed feelings Windows plus Android

What app development? Rudy Huyn making hard work and trying to not get his apps pulled down from Store?

Really? REALLY? That has absolutely zero to do with anything I said. Your ridiculous comments will not receive a serious answer. Go pick fights somewhere else.
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

I never once heard anybody say to a Mac user "You're using Office for Mac? I wouldn't be caught dead using anything except iWork." Sounds ridiculous doesn't it?
You'd be surprised. Having recently transitioned from Apple I can honestly say the Apple fanboyism I left is indeed rabid in every way imaginable. :)

Many of them are very narrow-minded consumers who can't imagine why anyone would use anything but iWork. These types have no concept of productivity beyond garage sale flyers, lost dog posters and simple spreadsheets.
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

Besides myself, anybody else here using a BlackBerry with 10.3? The reason I ask is because I keep reading the same tired posts over and over about how Android apps don't run well on BlackBerry. If you haven't tried it on 10.3 then you don't know what you're talking about. There is zero difference between a BB and a KitKat Android device.

If WP10 can "run" Android apps as well as BlackBerry, who cares? Android and iOS users are enjoying Microsoft apps on their devices and they're not shunning their own handsets for not using "native" apps. Why should anybody else? I never once heard anybody say to a Mac user "You're using Office for Mac? I wouldn't be caught dead using anything except iWork." Sounds ridiculous doesn't it?

You do realize what you said makes no sense right.
Android and IOS users aren't using Microsoft apps from the windows store. You can't download fhotoroom for windows phone on android and ios. They are using Microsoft apps made specifically for those platforms.

I have no clue how android apps run on blackberry but I do know android apps certainly hasn't helped blackberry be relevant in the least. I do also know that native apps made specifically for blackberry are far and few between from my understanding.

So if this is the case I certainly will be dropping my Lumia and getting myself an iPhone
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