Re: Very mixed feelings Windows plus Android
IMO making Windows Phone support Android apps is the only way to get developer attention.
Let's face it, major app developers doesn't look for Windows Pone unless there's any kind of agreement between them and Microsoft (Instagram Beta was bought, Faceboook is mad eby Microsoft, Vine app was an agreement with Twitter and so on...).
If Microsoft let all of those devs (Tinder, Snapchat, Vine, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter...) put their Android app on Windows Store they will already give us a look. In this moment there will be no excuse to not buy a Lumia Windows Phone (market share rises!).
Later Microsoft could make an app promotion... "Adapt your UI to Windows and get on top of Store search and Spotlights".
The problem of having Android UI on Windows would be A LOT LESS negative to Windows platform. (normal people wouldn't even care!)
tl;dr: It's better have apps without Windows UI and sell Lumia phones than not having apps AT ALL!