Microsoft rumored to announce Android apps support for Windows 10 at Build 2015

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Re: Very mixed feelings - Windows + Android

I just said the other day I am getting bored with windows phone and I am not a fan of windows 10 for phones just yet.

Hearing android apps coming to windows phone will be precisely why I move over to the iPhone.
Re: Very mixed feelings - Windows + Android

Hearing android apps coming to windows phone will be precisely why I move over to the iPhone.
This, and all the people threatening to move to Android, is the part that makes no sense.

"If my Windows phone suddenly gains the capability to run Android apps, I will move to something that doesn't."

"If my Windows phone suddenly gains the capability to run Android apps, I will move to an Android that can't run Windows apps."

Both statements make equal sense, if the reason you have a Windows Phone is because you like Windows Phone.
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

You do realize what you said makes no sense right.
Android and IOS users aren't using Microsoft apps from the windows store. You can't download fhotoroom for windows phone on android and ios. They are using Microsoft apps made specifically for those platforms.

I have no clue how android apps run on blackberry but I do know android apps certainly hasn't helped blackberry be relevant in the least. I do also know that native apps made specifically for blackberry are far and few between from my understanding.

So if this is the case I certainly will be dropping my Lumia and getting myself an iPhone

My post, and this thread in general, has nothing to do with making WP or BlackBerry any more or less relevant. It has nothing to do with where the apps come from nor what the BlackBerry World app count is. The thread is solely about running Android apps, whether ported, native or from an emulator, to run on WP. I mentioned BB because it's the closest example of what's being rumored and from my personal experience, it's not what some theorize.

If you wish to drop WP in favor of any other platform, you're certainly free to do so. But to willfully exclude products to enhance the experience on the platform you profess so much love for because the apps are not native is seriously short-changing yourself. But hey, knock yourself out.
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

Besides myself, anybody else here using a BlackBerry with 10.3? The reason I ask is because I keep reading the same tired posts over and over about how Android apps don't run well on BlackBerry. If you haven't tried it on 10.3 then you don't know what you're talking about. There is zero difference between a BB and a KitKat Android device.

If WP10 can "run" Android apps as well as BlackBerry, who cares? Android and iOS users are enjoying Microsoft apps on their devices and they're not shunning their own handsets for not using "native" apps. Why should anybody else? I never once heard anybody say to a Mac user "You're using Office for Mac? I wouldn't be caught dead using anything except iWork." Sounds ridiculous doesn't it?

I've had a Z10 and Q10 as a daily driver on 10.3.1...
Android apps run quite well when they run. However there are some minor issues, and it isn't perfect. I'm amazed at the quality though.
Sometimes performance can be better. (I think Scanwritr and Blackboard Learn leave some to be desired, but others like my friend's app and FNAF 2 run well)

The ones I ran into issues with off the top of my head are Snapchat, Yik Yak, HERE, Office Lens Preview (perhaps understandable since its in development), OneNote.
The first two needing Play Services, the middle two refusing to run at all, and the last one performing poorly.

Without functional Play Services, its interesting to see what Google stuff runs. My friend got Play Music to run on the test Q10 I lent him. Docs worked, Drive was buggy, YMMV, etc.

I'm not sure what's ahead in the app situation actually.
Blackberry's App World isn't so great but Android apps adds a massive boost.
Windows Phone is better off, but doesn't have Android. I'm left deciding which set of apps I prefer having actually. I get HERE offline maps and Office Lens on my Lumia, but then I can get a useful school app and an outdated but working Google Maps app on the Blackberry.

Re: Very mixed feelings - Windows + Android

This, and all the people threatening to move to Android, is the part that makes no sense.

"If my Windows phone suddenly gains the capability to run Android apps, I will move to something that doesn't."

"If my Windows phone suddenly gains the capability to run Android apps, I will move to an Android that can't run Windows apps."

Both statements make equal sense, if the reason you have a Windows Phone is because you like Windows Phone.

I will huff and I will puff and I'll BLOOOOOW my house down. Then I will bite my nose off to spite my face. Does any of that make sense to you?
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

I would love to see a source for this. So far, all I've seen is rumor and speculation for Android apps coming in any way to Windows. Haven't yet seen anything credible from a reliable source at Microsoft yet.

Even Paul Thurrott says, "most likely," because he isn't sure about it either. He also seems unsure of the methodology that will be used to accomplish it.

I suppose we'll just have to wait until the end of Build to know for sure if it was going to be announced at Build.

If you look at the "what to expect from Build 2015" article and read the comments, Daniel says that adding Android app support to the UAP is what he's leaning on. Tom Warren has teased it multiple times on Twitter, sometimes flat out saying it.
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

I don't care about Snapchat. You've answered my question, though, about Wallet. How about banking apps? Do the Android versions work on BB10?

Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk

I haven't used my Z10 in a while, but running 10.3, I couldn't get my bank (Huntington) to load. I would get to the log in screen, then it would never sign in. It worked fine on my OnePlus though. I'm not sure if that's a GMS problem or just an Android Runtime problem.
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

I think this rumor is mostvlikely to be true,from the one hand im glad,as much i love the OS,i hate the app gap,unable to play games that my friends do,from the other hand,this mean we'd better put the WP Store in the grave,if there was a chance to develop an app for WP,if they support android,then the chance is lost imo.Anyway i got irrirated from the app gap,maybe i will go back to Android,cant take it anymore.
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

My two cents: Ain't gonna happen. I believe many are confusing the emulator for developer to consumer apps.
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

  • I think these will be the same apps but adapted to Microsoft services (without google services), so they need to be modified and published in Microsoft Store, no sideload possibility.
  • If the rumours of multiOS are true they should run as fast as an Android phone and look like native
  • The hamburger menu move is now understandable.

Im the only one that thinks it is a smart move from Microsoft?
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

Even if they bring such support I won't leave my wp.I will use only native apps even it is only handful
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

  • I think these will be the same apps but adapted to Microsoft services (without google services), so they need to be modified and published in Microsoft Store, no sideload possibility.
  • If the rumours of multiOS are true they should run as fast as an Android phone and look like native
  • The hamburger menu move is now understandable.

Im the only one that thinks it is a smart move from Microsoft?

You are not alone. It is a smart move from MS.
Re: Very mixed feelings - Windows + Android

This, and all the people threatening to move to Android, is the part that makes no sense.

"If my Windows phone suddenly gains the capability to run Android apps, I will move to something that doesn't."

"If my Windows phone suddenly gains the capability to run Android apps, I will move to an Android that can't run Windows apps."

Both statements make equal sense, if the reason you have a Windows Phone is because you like Windows Phone.

The comment means that why settle for a second best scenario? Anything Android will be some form of VM which means they may run like crap. You can get all the MS apps on Android and they're great.

So why stick with WP if you want Android apps? There's little point in having a half experience which what it will likely be.
Re: Very mixed feelings - Windows + Android

The comment means that why settle for a second best scenario? Anything Android will be some form of VM which means they may run like crap. You can get all the MS apps on Android and they're great.

So why stick with WP if you want Android apps? There's little point in having a half experience which what it will likely be.
Another issue I could see involves paid Android apps. If I have Android apps that I bought from Google Play, would I need to buy them again for Windows?

Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013) using Tapatalk
Re: Very mixed feelings - Windows + Android

Another issue I could see involves paid Android apps. If I have Android apps that I bought from Google Play, would I need to buy them again for Windows?

Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013) using Tapatalk

Interesting question there! I'm curious if it would be Google play or something more like the Amazon store... or just the MS Store with Android apps available.
Re: Very mixed feelings - Windows + Android

Some of you hate the Android app idea. But I love It. I mean, we could get native Java support as well! (and before you ask, there is an ARM Java compiler.)
Re: Android apps coming to Windows 10..according to Paul Thurrott

Because we'll all find out at BUILD...No spoilers...

Woopsie, my bad, didn't read the article on main page.

Because it's speculation.
Companies don't usually comment on rumors and other stuff.
Would've been easier if they could give a definitive yes or no rather than a this & that or maybe & come clean. Anyway guess we'll find out tmrw.
Re: Very mixed feelings - Windows + Android

Interesting question there! I'm curious if it would be Google play or something more like the Amazon store... or just the MS Store with Android apps available.

Given the animosity that Google displays toward Microsoft, especially anything mobile, I highly doubt that any sort of access to Play can be arranged.

In light of the less than stellar sales of Amazon's Fire Phone, an alliance between Microsoft and Amazon in this arena might actually make sense from both sides...

My jury has not begun deliberating as all facts are not presented. The above is pure speculation.
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