Microsoft STOP PLEASE These Mobile builds as of 14385 are getting WORSE OMG

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I'm going to the MSFT store tomorrow to replace my phone. If its only me having issues then perhaps its the hardware. I can keep my phone from rebooting without it plugged in.

I can't take it anymore. I am about to leave this ecosystem. I am sending off a tweet to Panos Panay, Bill Gates, Satya Nadella and heck Steve Balmer about how insanely horrid these builds are. There is no excuse for just how bad this is. No software company, let alone the premier software company on the planet, should be release software that is this garbage.

I don't CARE if these are preview beta builds. We are getting close to a release of Redstone 1 and gosh darnit these builds should becoming more stable.

I want to jump of this fast ring and head to the slow ring or off insider period.

Windows 10 or Xbox preview programs do crap like this. New options and or features may have bugs but this crapolla keeps screwing everything up for the entire windows mobile OS. It sucks SO bad.

The battery life is doing insanely crazy things. It will be 100% full and 10 minutes. YES 10 minutes later it will be down to like 15 - 20% and start rebooting like crazy. Then it will get so hot the battery completely drains and you have to plug it in.

LOL i literally have to plug in this phone to even get any use out of it. FML

Microsoft this is embarrassing. And I don't care what jolly naysayers:cry: come here and say "get off the fast ring" or "it's beta bro" it doesn't matter. This experience is horrible and Microsoft and the development team working on this should be embarrassed. Fired, or restructured. NOW.

People are experiencing this and they shouldn't have to. Nothing should ever be released like this EVER. NOTHING. EVER. no matter how alpha or beta this is. my god.

Please people help Microsoft out by yelling at them for this so they FIX it. don't cuddle them into thinking well der der derrrr it's not that bad. NO it's bad and they need to FIX IT...


I'm a firm believer of finding solutions rather than going backwards or complaining but doing nothing.

So if you have issues with batery life, we can try to help. However, you've taken another course of action which can also work. So good luck
please keep them coming! Ever since I dived into 14371 on my 950xl as a daily driver, I've been quite happy.
And builds cannot be stopped as the newer builds are meant to fix old issues and bring in new features. You have seriosu battery issues now? If a lot have it, MS will get the feedback so that they can improve on it in the next few builds
OP: You should not be on the Insider program. It is a test program for people who can cope with and expect bugs.

If you want a stable phone with good battery life, you should be on the production release Windows 10 Mobile.
YES, rant rather than DO SOMETHING ... are you providing Feedback to MSFT about your issues?

You do NOT belong on the Insider Fast ring!
You do know the Fast Ring functions as beta tester for changes?
And every device is different as an instance of installed apps (it only takes 1 poorly written app to cludge everything up)

My experience has been diametrically opposed to yours.
I've installed Insider preview builds on my Lumia 640 (with minimal apps), saving my daily driver (Lumia 1520) for Production builds.
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I hate being "that" person, but Learn2Beta.

I will say that a couple builds back the phone somehow reset my battery use settings and Edge was draining it like crazy, probably due to an ad on a website tab I left open. Turned background use off for that app and it hasn't been an issue since. (It's not like I want my browser notifying me.)
I can't take it anymore. I am about to leave this ecosystem. I am sending off a tweet to Panos Panay, Bill Gates, Satya Nadella and heck Steve Balmer about how insanely horrid these builds are. There is no excuse for just how bad this is. No software company, let alone the premier software company on the planet, should be release software that is this garbage.

I don't CARE if these are preview beta builds. We are getting close to a release of Redstone 1 and gosh darnit these builds should becoming more stable.

I want to jump of this fast ring and head to the slow ring or off insider period.

Windows 10 or Xbox preview programs do crap like this. New options and or features may have bugs but this crapolla keeps screwing everything up for the entire windows mobile OS. It sucks SO bad.

The battery life is doing insanely crazy things. It will be 100% full and 10 minutes. YES 10 minutes later it will be down to like 15 - 20% and start rebooting like crazy. Then it will get so hot the battery completely drains and you have to plug it in.

LOL i literally have to plug in this phone to even get any use out of it. FML

Microsoft this is embarrassing. And I don't care what jolly naysayers:cry: come here and say "get off the fast ring" or "it's beta bro" it doesn't matter. This experience is horrible and Microsoft and the development team working on this should be embarrassed. Fired, or restructured. NOW.

People are experiencing this and they shouldn't have to. Nothing should ever be released like this EVER. NOTHING. EVER. no matter how alpha or beta this is. my god.

Please people help Microsoft out by yelling at them for this so they FIX it. don't cuddle them into thinking well der der derrrr it's not that bad. NO it's bad and they need to FIX IT...

Sorry bro. I have the latest red stone build installed in my low end Lumia 435 and I must say its the best. By the way i am using it as my daily drive. So, your issues could be hardware related.
My 950XL seems to be working just fine on the latest fast build. That said, when you chose the Fast Insiders Build, MS makes it clear that you are on an unstable build with all the attendant risks. But then again, it really seems your device may be a problem aka hardware problem.
Its a preview and if history has shown us anything the OS will get tightened up in the final builds before release. So wait until its released as a final update then start crying.
Even I am facing lot of problems. The worst is app scaling issues. It's Lumia 638, same prob in Lumia 635. It's hard to do stuff...Microsoft are you even taking a look at Lumia 638/635...It's quite disturbing and unsatisfying.
But it's up to the product manufacturer to decide what the levels of performance acceptability are for their products that are undergoing testing. As they determine what the standards are that are to be attained, which bugs - if any - will be fixed and when the product progresses towards its launch. Obviously they are also able to change their launch dates, review the product that will be launched: potentially altering the specification as well as manage the overall process.

People like ourselves who are beta testing products are not the people who are calling the shots, in terms of what corporate strategy is, which products are to be launched and - at a finer level - what actually happens operationally, down on the street, to get the products out to market, and achieve corporate financial targets etc.

Being part of the Insider programme means that we are but interested and involved parties: sure, we can be really wanting MS to get its stuff out there and be phenomenally succesful, or we may just be interested in trying out their new wares, before the general markets have them. We're not the project/product managers who have been managing what it takes to achieve their targets - we don't call the shots, even if we may be vocal and influence policy, in our own ways.

As you state op, there are options within Insider Preview to choose the type of relase that fits your risk/comfort level. If you've taken the wrong decision, then maybe the programme isn't for you, however well meaning you were, when you signed up. It's recommended that you don't use your main equipment to run the previews on, so that you don't potentially get the levels of inconvenience that that may entail. By just using fallback devices, then we can revert to our primary equipment, should a particular release not fit to our objectives. Or we can suspend our involvement in the Insider programme. We're not left without options, and we shouldn't try to pretend that we aren't aware of the trouble that we could face, if we use Insider.
Sounds like a broken install. I've had a very pleasant trip through the builds on my XL.
I'm extremely pleased with the current build on my 1520. Once I replaced my bad battery that is. Before that, it didn't want to have anything to do with a NEW os. Neither did I because I figured it was the OS but turned out to be hardware. But so far, these later builds have not broken too much.
Opening battery settings to see what is draining your battery could have helped :P

Hard reset could help.

Exit fast ring could help.

Rants won't help.

(950 on latest build working very smooth here...)
Every build is going faster and faster on my 650.

Some 3rd party apps are unable to follow improvements, like Whatsapp >.<
I'm on the run-of-the-mill production ring. I still have problems here and there, but at least my phone is not a "project".
Sorry to hear you are having issues but you definitely won't get a flawless experience on the fast ring - none of us will. We all knew this when we signed up (I hope). In saying that though, I only have one minor issue on my 950XL on the fast ring so I suggest you take a look at what apps you have and how much battery you consume them and try removing the ones the take up a lot of battery and see if that helps.

Also, try a hard reset and see if the battery settles down after that. After the hard reset, do not restore from backup or install any extra apps (remain stock) for 24 hours. See if the battery still dies then, if not, install your apps, one by one, until you find the culprit. As we are all testers here we need strength in numbers so please try to not give up yet.
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