Microsoft STOP PLEASE These Mobile builds as of 14385 are getting WORSE OMG

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I wonder, upon returning the unit, he remembered to roll back to production? Walk in there with RS build, and the statement when accepting about warranty voidances, and told to go away ;-) sort of thing someone would try and hence avoid replacement. (tongue in cheek!! Before complaints roll in)

Latest RS is fab on my 2x950xl and 2x950, along with my elderly 930 and my 640's. I use all as daily drivers in my business. Just an occasional hang when ending a call, but that's it.
I actually think Redstone Fast is far more polished than TH2 Production. I have 14385 on two Lumia 640s. A lot of the bugs and issues that I had with 10586 have been solved with Redstone. To name a few:

  1. Swiping to scroll up and down in webpages is jerky in 10586. This is fixed in Redstone.
  2. The Start icon is missing when you press and hold the back button with 10586. This is fixed in Redstone.
  3. Apps don't autoupdate in 10586. This is fixed in Redstone.
  4. Putting the People tile in a folder causes it to show up as a blank square in the folder's live tile. This is fixed in Redstone.
  5. The settings pages for the Start Screen and Lock Screen have to refresh themselves to show the correct settings in 10586. This is fixed in Redstone.

This is in addition to a more updated Edge experience, photos app, etc. There are still the issues of Living Images and HDR not saving correctly, but it happens much less frequently in Redstone. All-in-all, I like RS a lot more than TH2.
I just got a new phone from Microsoft not in any ting yet and experience is awesome. I will be upgrading to see what happens. After Redstone I'm getting off the rings for a while
Originally posted by Christian Matthew
i will take a video from my friends phone and post it on youtube. would you believe me then? i will take a video from my laptop even. why do you think i would take the time to lie about this? i want Microsoft to win and be better and get this darned mobile thing right. I want these things. but these release are TRASH
Microsoft isn't the only one having problems with updates apple have had they fair share of bugs with IOS even worst than we have had as well such as the date brick

Android also have problems with updates as well

Some issues can be fixed by hard resets as well so try that
I am jumping back on fast ring now. I love pain lol. I also wanted to add that when I went to the Microsoft store the tech told me they have had a few people come in the past few days with the same issue. It was that 78 88 build. The one I'm installing now is 90.
Yes but MS never seem to address feedback. Issues reported months ago still not even acknowledged. Beta is not alpha. These releases are not even alpha quality.

If you're not using the fast ring in a production environment then you're not testing the system.

The problem is that beta shouldn't have so many issues.
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Totally agree Christian. I've been a software developer for over 40 years and a Windows proponent for the past 20 years. Software releases from MS have been getting worse and worse. There appears to be no regression testing and even the design philosophy leaves me scratching my head,
Totally agree Christian. I've been a software developer for over 40 years and a Windows proponent for the past 20 years. Software releases from MS have been getting worse and worse. There appears to be no regression testing and even the design philosophy leaves me scratching my head,

OK, as a software dev you gotta know math.
Take the top 25 apps in the Store & apply them to each version of each device in ALL permutations - a pretty big number.

Now, let's assume some number (50%) of problems result from apps, poorly written, poorly deployed, not updated. - still a pretty big number.

As a software dev, you'd prefer to start with a clean slate, which doesn't normally happen - ergo the Hard Reset.
I just (3 days ago) installed the latest Fast Ring build on my Lumia 1520. Had to Hard Reset, the Photos app was fubar'd, but NOW the phone is trouble free, like a new phone.

Everyone's experience is different - my experience directly contradicts yours.
What apps do you have installed?
What device do you have?

BTW - I've only been a software dev for 24 years ...
To his and my point... I went out and got a new phone. I think the battery was caput in the old one. Now I'm back on insider ring and boom I can't use the edge browser and my app updates are all stuck. Lol come on

Totally agree Christian. I've been a software developer for over 40 years and a Windows proponent for the past 20 years. Software releases from MS have been getting worse and worse. There appears to be no regression testing and even the design philosophy leaves me scratching my head,
Guess you didn't hear that Nadella fired all the testers...
Lol are you serious

That's what youse guys are for ... beta testers, I get my check every month. jk

The task of testing every device with multiple permutations of (sometimes troublesome) apps is monumental.
IF your latest build is NOT behaving correctly, when I open XYZ app ...
uninstall XYX app, soft reset, then tell us about your device's performance.
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That's a bit dramatic. Sure, they scaled back the team, but I'm positive the mobile test team is still decent sized.

How Windows 10 on both PC and Mobile has behaved to-date though has me convinced mostly to the contrary. :/
Lol I can't use edge or maps. It's insane. I have the 93 latest build. Its like apps are tricking the functionality of the phone.
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