Microsoft support for Windows Mobile

I contacted B2X company few times.
Unfortunately, the very first question they ask is IMEI number of the phone.
All my Lumia phones (3 of them) are out of warranty. After that question no support is offered by B2X.
Support is denied based on the expired warranty!!

Though all my support needs is about MS OS or MS applications not the physical device:
  • Mail and Calendar app.
  • Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter app.

As end result, I just don't know how to get support from MS for the OS or apps on the MS Lumia phones.
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B2x sucks rocks. And I have a 950XL. Quite clearly, all they do is recite boilerplate. If boilerplate worked, I wouldn't need tech support.

When they called for a follow up I told them exactly what I thought of them.
BTX are terrible!
Im in Australia so our support is even worse, my Lumia 950 XL has been out for repairs since the start of this year and i just got it back for the third time yesterday.
The shop that i purchased the phone from said they wont replace the phone unless its a hardware fault cause Microsoft keep saying its a software issue.
Regardless the phone has been reset multiple times, has up to date software and still has issues...the phone is not fit for purpose but i guess Microsoft/B2X dont see it that way.
I think they are averting a class/group lawsuit. They backlash would be tremendous to their reputation and costly to settle. It is not that they care a bit for current customers. They don't want to be blamed to selling devices that they would willingly stop to support before their end of life cycle without a proper refund.
I had EXCELLENT customer service... at the Microsoft store. I had an issue with my Lumia 950XL, they exchanged it on the spot. No questions asked. I do have the extended care service plan. That did help. And the issue was fixed.

I think the real problem for many of us is that there are certain bugs in Windows 10 mobile that they will never repair. They are moving on to the next version of Windows Mobile C Shell whatever and there are certain things about Win Mobile that I will just have to live with. And that sucks, but it's part of a larger problem at Microsoft.

They have always been very tolerant of bugs in their software. Always. Every version of Windows has been buggy. Windows 10 was released with a mail and calendar app FULL of bugs. Made the original apps unusable.

They've recently become a company that puts a lot of care and thought into hardware. They really really need to put that same care and effort into software.

The ONLY reason why I put up with all the bugs that I do is because of the things Windows gives me over Mac OS. But I totally understand people who don't want to put up with it and move on to other platforms.
I had similar bad experience with my B2X. Had my Lumia 950 keeping rebooting, not charging above 60£ (even after a full night charge), then jumping to 100% ... to die just 15mn later.
Explained everything to them, put again a description of the issues in the package.

After 2 weeks, got the phone back to discover they did not do anything because there was a strip on the top left of the screen!!!
They have to improve support if they have any hope moving forward. This is one of the reasons Apple is so popular.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
I had EXCELLENT customer service... at the Microsoft store. I had an issue with my Lumia 950XL, they exchanged it on the spot. No questions asked. I do have the extended care service plan. That did help. And the issue was fixed.

I think the real problem for many of us is that there are certain bugs in Windows 10 mobile that they will never repair. They are moving on to the next version of Windows Mobile C Shell whatever and there are certain things about Win Mobile that I will just have to live with. And that sucks, but it's part of a larger problem at Microsoft.

They have always been very tolerant of bugs in their software. Always. Every version of Windows has been buggy. Windows 10 was released with a mail and calendar app FULL of bugs. Made the original apps unusable.

They've recently become a company that puts a lot of care and thought into hardware. They really really need to put that same care and effort into software.

The ONLY reason why I put up with all the bugs that I do is because of the things Windows gives me over Mac OS. But I totally understand people who don't want to put up with it and move on to other platforms.

Literally the only thing so far in any of the feature2 builds, since CU, is bugfixes. Like, that ATM is ALL the mobile team is working on. That'll probably be 90 percent true, for the remainder of this year.

For the mail app etc, IDK. I've never seen any bugs in any version of windows, apart from once, in one build BT didn't work on my win10m. I've never reported any. I see bugfixes in every new update of windows, but I have yet to personally notice anything.

I did report the BT bug, but its was already fixed when I enrolled in insiders preview, so they had already solved it.

Guess you find out how much the mail app team care about bugs or not, by reporting it, or upvoting the issue in feedback. You never know until you try.
B2X is the worst service I ever experienced, while Microsoft is usually second to none. My 950 went back and forth during months until they found out the problem may be a faulty battery (which you can't send with the phone btw). When they found it, they refused to replace the battery while it was still under warranty when I first sent the phone...
W10 mobile is LOADED with bugs that I run into every day. Most are just slightly annoying. I only put up with it because I refuse to go with google's evil plans to own you and all your personal files,business dealings, data, habits, health and hobbies, and apple is 5 years behind everything, but don't tell them that.
Daily bugs:
  • Crashing major apps like messaging and mail (white screen), re-load fixes 9 out of 10 times
  • Switching between continuum and regular mode really screws up some apps, sometimes have to reboot
  • notifications are a disaster, and they get wrecked on every new build causing you to have to re-set them up, and figure out how to set them up, as half of them won't show for you to customize until a first one comes for that particular thing. Settings for notify are all over the place and a complete fail.
  • calendar won't update from an email meeting notice

I could go on...but you get the point
W10M works great for me. No problems at all. Admittedly, I run public production version.

No problems either here. Very very occasionally an app will play up. But that happens on all mobile platforms. I generally get more app crashing on Android 5 than win10m.
Earlier this month, I sold my 650 that I used as a backup and as a way to get the Insider releases. Each update introduced some different problems from the last update. Just got tired of all the problems; I'm too old to wait for support that will never come.

I bought a Nexus 6P to use as backup to my iPhone 7+. It's the first time since the early 2010's that I haven't had a windows phone of some sort. Guess I'm not the only WM user that has or is deciding to move on. Guess what; when MS introduces the "Next" generation of mobile device, I'll remember just how quick they stopped support on the previous iteration. Bye.
O B2X, how I loathe you...

When I bought my 950 XL (from a reseller off eBay), I thought it would be smart to register it through B2X. Surprise! I have NO WARRANTY!!! I just bought the phone a week earlier. (I'm still trying to get that issue taken care of...)

When the front camera stopped working (update? just a common issue? huh?), I went through the usual two steps via MS support (soft/hard reset) and then was shuffled off guessed it, B2X. After going through the same routine, they decided to see if I could solve the warranty issue.

They THEN decided to call me EVERY DAY asking if I had solved the warranty issue. After the fifth call, then then asked if they could close the issue!! Nothing had been done, with the exception of near harassment.

MS, if you are reading this, B2X is a JOKE. I'm guessing that the awards they've won is due to the fact that they have closed cases.
O B2X, how I loathe you...

When I bought my 950 XL (from a reseller off eBay), I thought it would be smart to register it through B2X. Surprise! I have NO WARRANTY!!! I just bought the phone a week earlier. (I'm still trying to get that issue taken care of...)

When the front camera stopped working (update? just a common issue? huh?), I went through the usual two steps via MS support (soft/hard reset) and then was shuffled off guessed it, B2X. After going through the same routine, they decided to see if I could solve the warranty issue.

They THEN decided to call me EVERY DAY asking if I had solved the warranty issue. After the fifth call, then then asked if they could close the issue!! Nothing had been done, with the exception of near harassment.

MS, if you are reading this, B2X is a JOKE. I'm guessing that the awards they've won is due to the fact that they have closed cases.
Earlier this month, I sold my 650 that I used as a backup and as a way to get the Insider releases. Each update introduced some different problems from the last update. Just got tired of all the problems; I'm too old to wait for support that will never come.

I bought a Nexus 6P to use as backup to my iPhone 7+. It's the first time since the early 2010's that I haven't had a windows phone of some sort. Guess I'm not the only WM user that has or is deciding to move on. Guess what; when MS introduces the "Next" generation of mobile device, I'll remember just how quick they stopped support on the previous iteration. Bye.

Bye :)
I have an ATT business account so whenever I have had a technical issue I get straight to MS enterprise support, which is both state-side and w/ high level techs. Sorry, consumer side...
Yes, Microsoft service is top notch but the company they delegated the Lumia service to (B2X) is awful!!!

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