minecraft clone survival craft coming

I've tried to get into Minecraft a few times and can't and it does amaze me that we are seeing so many clones but I guess that is to be expected I mean you get clones of Angry Birds even if the platform already has the game!

Just looking at the Screenshots I can't imagine it being easy to look around... I've hit the Back/Home/Search button on my Phone countless times just playing Fruit Ninja! Never mind have a fake analog stick on the screen.

Do games have the option to disable those buttons from doing anything? Should be a option to do so and if you want to quit the game you then use the Power Button.
ITS AVAILABLE!!! Wow this game is great! I just bought it.

Remember boys and girls, survivalcraft is one word when searching the marketplace!
Im loving minecraft on the go haha

Only think is i cant even get it to make a pick axe? wtf?

I can make a wooden spade and a stone axe but not a pick axe??...
Also when its dark its DARK, i cant see anything at all haha
Im loving minecraft on the go haha

Only think is i cant even get it to make a pick axe? wtf?

I can make a wooden spade and a stone axe but not a pick axe??...
Also when its dark its DARK, i cant see anything at all haha

Yeah I am not sure yet of what all this game has to offer. But in minecraft you need coal and sticks to make torches.
Yeah, iv played normal Minecraft quite a bit, but just found it weird that i couldn't create things the same way on this!

Ahhh well, will have to experiment haha
Do games have the option to disable those buttons from doing anything? Should be a option to do so and if you want to quit the game you then use the Power Button.

I second this motion 1,000 times. It is SO frustrating to be involved in a game and keep hitting the Bing button.
I've had no probs with the Bing or back button... I just don't know how to make anything or what my purpose is lol

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Currently you can only make a wooden spade (shovel), Stone axe (this is used to mine stone blocks faster until the actual pickaxe comes in a later update) and a lantern (wood + coal), and a crafting box.

To make a crafting box you put wooden planks in each of the 4 squares. You can place this down like any other block.

To make a shovel use the crafting box - Turn the wood into planks, then put two planks on top of each other to make sticks. Put a stick in one square and other above it with a plank on top and you get a shovel.

To make a stone axe use the crafting box and put a stick on the middle-bottom and one above it then stone blocks on top of that.

Hope that helps! Hard to describe without using pictures lol.
Are there creatures at night?

None in my game. I get the feeling that this is a very early build (EDIT: Just noticed it says Alpha 1.0. So it's not even in Beta!) and more and more content will just keep coming and coming. Early adopters might find it a little feature-less but the patient people will be rewarded. Some people might want to wait to get it.

P.S. For everybody who cares... wood planks on top (or maybe bottom) of coal gives you a lantern.
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Damn, I'm not finding any coal yet, and I'm afraid to venture too far because if I get lost at night, I'll never find my way back!

Yes, this is a very early release, but most of the basics are already in place, and its just now needing features to be expanded upon.
Damn, I'm not finding any coal yet, and I'm afraid to venture too far because if I get lost at night, I'll never find my way back!

Yes, this is a very early release, but most of the basics are already in place, and its just now needing features to be expanded upon.

I had a problem with not finding coal too. I deleted my world and keep making one (took about 3 tries) until I found one with an abundance of coal close to the starting point. Just keep doing that.
Can someone explain what survival craft actually is??? I have no clue, looks kind of fun but also confusing. Does it get boring??
It's kind of a sandbox game so depends if you like that kind of game or not. The developer seems intent to keep adding to and improving this one so I have high hopes.
Can someone explain what survival craft actually is??? I have no clue, looks kind of fun but also confusing. Does it get boring??

It CAN get boring. I spent hours and hours in minecraft before I got bored but then you can just start a new world and do everything different.

Its a game where you are on an island... alone. HUGE world where you can "mine" every block. Right now there is just water (which you cant mine), sand, dirt, stone, coal, wood, and leaves.

You use these blocks that you collect to make tools that make it easier to mine or you can place the blocks back down wherever you want and build a huge castle, a cave, a space ship... whatever you want.

The game is in Alpha right now. Which comes before Beta. Alpha means that quite literally its just a working copy that people can play. It's very stable though. The developer will slowly add more things you can craft, different kinds of blocks you can mine etc.

In minecraft you can make railroads, mine carts, torches, doors, switches that open doors, beds... theres also animals like sheep and pigs that you can kill and then you can make a stove and cook their meat to regain health. At night monsters come out and you should stay inside unless you made a sword and think you can fight them.... It's basically like if you were trapped on an island and you had to survive. Make a house, make food... etc. But you can do whatever you want! I had a water park in minecraft that I made.

Survivalcraft is very young right now and you can only make a few items. Shovel, Stone axe, lantern, stone blocks.... probably a few more things. There are no monsters and no animals yet. However there is a day/night cycle. minecraft on android and ios cant even say that.
I quite like this and it may be the first non live game I will pay for. How close is this to minecraft? I haven't played Minecraft.

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