Miracast streaming to TV options


New member
Oct 29, 2010
So the SP2 and Win 8.1 support miracast. What are my options with this?

Can i stream to a dongle that plugs into my TV via HDMI? Or do i need to buy a new TV that supports it? If do which models? Any that support 4k?

The HDMI dongle would be the best option right now
Sent from my Lumia 920 using Board Express
Xbox One!!!!!! It has Miracast receive properties. So you should be able to stream content from your Surface Pro or Surface Pro 2 to an Xbox One.
Or you can also get a receiver. Rafael has a nice list going on over at his blog with various models. Check it out.
So the SP2 and Win 8.1 support miracast. What are my options with this?

Can i stream to a dongle that plugs into my TV via HDMI? Or do i need to buy a new TV that supports it? If do which models? Any that support 4k?

The HDMI dongle would be the best option right now
Sent from my Lumia 920 using Board Express

You can buy a device that connects via HDMI. Here's one that I use (and works flawlessly), Netgear PTV3000.
Just make sure to download the latest firmware for the device and the latest video, wireless, and widi drivers for your PC. The drivers/firmware released before May were a little buggy, but the newer ones have been rock solid. I love it.
I use this device to connect to my Sony VAIO, Nexus 4, and Note10.1, all wirelessly. It's great!
Thanks guys, the PTV3000 seems like the way to go. Lots of videos on YouTube and it looks amazing. Can-not-wait!
when is miracast coming to windows phone gdr3 or wp8.1?

Miracast has been supported natively by android for about a year and most phone hardware now a days supports it, so it shouldn't be too far off.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

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