Missing contact photos

Same boat. Unlocked 950XL. Began before .189 build. Contact pics, associated ring and text tones...all gone. Only Skype pics remain. (No Google or Facebook for me.)

And today, Outlook just keeps crashing.

Can't wait to see what comes next, missing emails? Corrupted MS account?

Outlook update today
I found that the syncing problem and error message gone today after persisting for more than two weeks approx.However I did not get back my contact photos and specific ringtones for family members.
Some other users on MS community forum have reported that the problem has been solved for them too.So I suppose syncing problem will be solved for everyone gradually.But I found losing contact photos very annoying.
Same problem here.
Running a 930 with 8.1 Denim. I thought there was a problem with the phone. I reset the accounts several times and ended up doing a hard reset and restore from a backup I made last week,
Bloody annoying. I want the photos back.
I am also getting tired of this. Most of the photos used I don't have anymore. I liked this phone but MS keeps pushing me away.
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MS answer account stated last week it was a central iussue, and it cannot be reverted

Wow. What I'd love to know is whether

a) it didn't occur to anyone at Microsoft that the user contact photos were going to disappear when they migrated to the new Outlook interface; or
b) there was a conscious decision to move forward, knowing this would happen.

Either way, what kind of mickey mouse operation are they running here? This is a LOSS OF CUSTOMER DATA. That's a BIG DEAL for a company who operates a CLOUD STORAGE business. It would be nice to know that someone was at least reprimanded for the screw up, but let's face it, if they were the kind of business that had any accountability, this sort of thing wouldn't be constantly happening.
It's a massive shame that this has happened without any users being notified first of loss of data.

I'm really pissed off because the photos that have been lost I won't be able to get back.

Microsoft surely the data is somewhere backed up
Same loss of unique one of a kind photos of people and places not as upset about ringtone and message tones although losing tones' is inconvenience and of course loss of what I consider my valued time the loss of unique and irreplaceable photos is unacceptable windows 950 phone would like to know better how some have said their problems were resolved. I'm not involved with Facebook.
I just lost my contact photos yesterday (on Windows Phone 8.1, since I downgraded from 10 last month).
I've changed phones so many times and went thru so many Insider builts and hard resets but never lost a single contact from my syncing with my Hotmail. It does sometimes messed up if If I change the regions/language settings.
However, its a different experience for my wife. Contacts do go missing after she switched to a another phone.... Strange..

After my wife's 535 running on 8.1 lost all contact photos, today my Lumia 640 running W10 .321 also lost all contact photos. Shame on you Microsoft.
Just noticed that all of my photos for my contacts on my Lumia 950XL disappeared. Contact pictures also gone from my desktop version of outlook 2016 and the web-based version as well. Chatted with MS tech support for about 30 minutes and all they said was that the photos were disabled due to issues with the server after the outlook update and that maybe next update will resolve the issue. I'm still not sure if the photos are still in the cloud and disabled or if they are gone forever. Poor execution of an upgrade...
Well, let's hope not.
The days of Microsoft getting away with a cavalier attitude towards their customer's wishes have long passed. They should realise that.
Same here. Lumia 950XL and all contact photos disappeared since a few days ago. Come on MS. Your fans deserve better than this. :-(

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