Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

So what is it with the immense differences in the "final outcome", whether it is a success or fail, in regards to WP/WM in general?

Being noticing a trend for some time, especially w/W10M, where some will have minimal issues while others end up with a complete and total disaster, adding to the confusion, same model devices will vary widely. Another thing, after doing a fresh install w/o backup many recommend do another hard reset, the way I see it the initial fresh install should have sufficed. Throughout all my years toying with various OSs I haven't seen nor experienced such an anomaly of this magnitude before, W10 for PC too had some similarities when it was first released to the masses, but then hardware vastly differs compared to WP so that’s much more understandable.

Such is the case with my L830, did the preferred method of install (fresh) of build 10536, no backups and a hard reset afterwards, results were pretty disappointing to say the least. Now I read others stating their 830 is running great with the minimalist of issues (WTF!), just don't get it sigh!
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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

So what is it with the immense differences in the "final outcome", whether it is a success or fail, in regards to WP/WM in general?

Being noticing a trend for some time, especially w/W10M, where some will have minimal issues while others end up with a complete and total disaster, add to the confusion, same model devices will vary widely. Another thing, after doing a fresh install w/o backup many recommend do another hard reset, the way I see it the initial fresh install should have sufficed. Throughout all my years toying with various OSs I haven't seen nor experienced such an anomaly of this magnitude before, W10 for PC too had some similarities when it was first released to the masses, but then hardware vastly differs compared to WP so that?s much more understandable.

Such is the case with my L830, did the preferred method of install (fresh) of build 10536, no backups and a hard reset afterwards, results were pretty disappointing to say the least. Now I read others stating their 830 is running great with the minimalist of issues (WTF!), just don't get it sigh!

I think its like some else said, depends on what you are doing. Some people do everything on their phone others don't. For example I don't use FB on my phone, so that is not an issue for me. Store problems are annoying because everyone uses store at some point.
Also its not just the OS, the Outlook app update seems to be using more memory and killed the response on my L520. When I click on phone and I could not make a call, that was when I switched back to 8.1.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I think its like some else said, depends on what you are doing. Some people do everything on their phone others don't. For example I don't use FB on my phone, so that is not an issue for me. Store problems are annoying because everyone uses store at some point.
Also its not just the OS, the Outlook app update seems to be using more memory and killed the response on my L520. When I click on phone and I could not make a call, that was when I switched back to 8.1.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

For me it had little to do with “what you are doing” as the basic operation of the phone itself was hugely impacted, it would be totally unavoidable even for the casual user, the problems with apps, store etc just compounded an already bad situation. So there is much more to it than simply usage from where I’m sitting, is it bad hardware, OS or both, after going through some trials and tribulations w/Windows 10 for PC’s I’m inclined to go with the latter as being the most at fault, look at how many have stated that upon the initial install things weren’t all that bad but after a few day it begins to self-destruct.

I’m sure many will state “it’s beta, what do you expect!”, from the view out my window we’re too far along in the game to blame it on that alone, as it stands now I have pretty much zip in the way of anticipation for next week’s announcements, hope they do well but a tiny voice tells me there’s going to be some disappointed WP diehards.
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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I received an update this evening for the Mail, calendar and calculator. Battery life drain has slowed down averaging only 2-3 percent during non-use. Maybe its a fluke but I re-enabled location as well and same results. We will see how the long term holds up.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

When they start porting apps from android will it work with banking apps too??
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Working with this build since it came out, and still enjoying it more than 8.1. I must admit that 8.1 was better when it comes to performance and functionality (mainly because it didn't include Edge, which is still rubbish in my opinion), but 10 wins it on layout. Like many others said: 8.1 looks so big etc. Almost feels like my old Atari 2600 when I compare it with the layout / look & feel of 10 Mobile.

Battery life is sometimes good, sometimes bad. It seems that once every few days you should restart your phone (not reset, simple restart) to keep it fresh. 10 also requires more upkeep then 8.1 when it comes to apps in the background: almost nothing closes when using the back button (unfortunately, hope Microsoft will fix this) so after a few hours you have to close the open apps because the phone starts to lag.

For me, Microsoft did a good job on 10 overall and this build in particular, but they could have made one change that would have made it (much) better: they should have included the old Explorer alongside Edge. Edge just isn't ready for reliable everyday use and it holds back on the user experience. By including the old Explorer we would have had a choice and I think experiences would have been better.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

The latest build is fine performance-wise, but the graphics/animations are having severe issues with stuttering animations, especially when you make a multi-task switch between apps. I thought it was just my old Lumia 920's fault, but then I witnessed the EXACT same animation stuttering on a co-workers' Lumia 930, so it is definitely the OS that we should blame here - not the hardware. I do believe the 10.0.0 version (so to speak, whatever build version it will hold) will be fine on newer devices, and Snapdragon S4/S4 Pro devices will have to wait maybe two more months until it is behaving really fantastic. That is what I myself think, anyway.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Samsung galaxy note 5 update!!! It just works. Damn lol don't waste you money on windows new flagship phones they are crap. Everything is better on the android side.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Except the part i don't like Samsung, or android
Sent from Lumia 1020.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Samsung galaxy note 5 update!!! It just works. Damn lol don't waste you money on windows new flagship phones they are crap. Everything is better on the android side.

No updates, bugs, viruses, costumized skins in every different phone that makes a phone dead faster. Yeah, no, thanks, I'll stay where I'm at for a few more months.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Samsung galaxy note 5 update!!! It just works. Damn lol don't waste you money on windows new flagship phones they are crap. Everything is better on the android side.

I rather waste my money on a good windows phone than wasting my money on a android phone wich has crapwiz (touchwiz) and has viruses all over the place and is slow as hell no thanks no crapdroid for me.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Switched back to 8.1 on my 620. The lags and bugs finally got the best of me. And also it suddenly started draining the battery like crazy. Not lasting a day without really touching the phone much. Now on 8.1 after 12 h it has lost only 7%. I still like W10M, but I'll wait, 'till they optimize it or untill I buy a new phone (whichever comes first)
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Android is more polished and things work better, no need to stick Note 4 in a fridge for an update :p The only problem with it is that I don't like Android, don't like Alphabet, I don't like how they don't care about their customers to deliver updates to everybody. And I'd rather cut off my hand than to pay anything to Apple with it :D
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

There's been many mini-updates along with 10536 and over the last several days I've noticed even more of a battery drain. Example: I charged my phone (wall outlet) to 100% late afternoon, left it unplugged & unused and by next morning (approx. 16 hours) the phone was at 18%! I've since disabled Location so I'll see if that makes a diff today.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

After close to 4 weeks of my phone attempting to install the build, I gave up, because a user should NEVER have to reset a device back to factory in order to install a build. The error messages were sent back in feedback, yet no one on Microsoft end would fix it so the build
would install. Not only on my phone, but I know another person had the same problem with the
same error code. My phone is now back to Windows 8.1, and don't plan on up grading yet,
since I know I may have to hard reset the phone again to get a build to install.
This was my 2nd time with the phone to hard reset it, and that's enough.
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