Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I've been running 10536 on my primary device, an L920, for 3 days now. Overall, I'm very pleased. It runs smoothly, and I like the new look and functionality.

I've only found a few bugs so far:

1) If you switch the camera to manual focus, it won't go back to auto focus right away. Eventually it did, but I don't know why. I closed it out completely several times before it did.

2) Sometimes the keyboard won't come up when you attempt to enter data, specifically when entering a calendar event. This was sometimes a problem in 8.1 too.

3) Items pinned to start don't always show up right away. Turning off and on usually brings them back.

4) The "low" brightness setting is actually "high".

5) Tasks don't go away when you back all the way out. You have to use task manager to close them. This may be intentional, IDK.

6) Battery life is much shorter, but I had to restore back to 8.1 during the install, and this took me back to Cyan rather than Denim. That may have something to do with it too. I was anxious to get WP10 installed, and didn't go thru all the upgrades to get back to Denim first.

7) Web pages pinned to the start screen sometimes open to a Bing search for the number three "3" instead of the pinned URL.

But overall, I'm quite happy.
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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Hi guys,

according to these 2 sites, Windows Mobile 10 will start rolling out around December and only to those phones that have denim update or higher.
Windows 10 will start rolling out to phones in December | The Verge
FAQ - Will Windows 10 update be available for my Lumia phone? - Microsoft - USA

So one point we can note is that we still have a lot of testing to do. For sure there will be more builds coming our way.

Second point is that only denim phones will get update. This begs the question, how can we make sure we all have denim?

For example, in my country (Kenya) these phones haven't received denim update, 9 months since Denim came out:
  1. Lumia 625
  2. Lumia 630
  3. Lumia 820
  4. Lumia 920
  5. Lumia 925
  6. Lumia 1020 (my phone)
  7. Lumia 1320

In these countries, it's more or less the same
Zambia - 1320, 1020, 625, 630, 820, 920, 925
Angola - 1520, 520, 625, 720, 820, 920, 925
Ghana - 1320
Mozambique - 1520, 520, 625, 720, 820, 920, 925
Nigeria - 1320
Tanzania - 1020, 1320, 625, 820, 920, 925
Uganda - 1020, 1320, 625, 820, 920, 925

Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, Senegal, Tunisia, South Africa - all the lumias in those countries have the denim update

In Europe
Albania, Austria, Bosnia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Cyprus, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, UK, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Sweden, Turkey, Norway, Poland, and all the other countries in Europe

In these countries, denim is not available for the models indicated
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Czech republic, Russia - 630
Ireland - 625

In Asia-Pacific
Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan.
Basically all Asia Pacific have denim availability on their lumia phones

Middle East
Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar and Saudi Arabia
Basically all lumia models in all middle Eastern countries have denim availability

Latin America
Bolivia, Brazil,

Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Paraguay - 1020;
Chile - 1020, 620, 720, 920, 925;
Costa Rica - 1020, 625, 820,
Dominican republic - 1020, 820, 920
Guatemala - 1020, 820, 925
Honduras - 1020, 920
Jamaica - 1320, 520, 625, 620, 820
Mexico - 1020, 820, 920
Nicaragua - 1020, 920, 925
Peru - 920, 920
El Salvador - 1020, 820, 925
Uruguay - 1020, 1320, 1520, 520, 625, 820, 920
Venezuela - 1020, 620, 925

Here it can be seen that the 20 and 25 series of Lumias have not received denim update

North America
USA-1320, 520, 530, 620, 635, 820, 920, 925

Canada has for all

This is the short of it. Latin America and African countries are missing out on the Denim update for more than a dozen phone models in more than 20 countries combined. A few countries don't even have cyan update. The denim update is available for almost all Lumia models as can be seen in Europe and Asia.

It doesn't make sense for African and Latin American countries to miss out on the Denim update and hence Windows Mobile 10 in the future.

Is there something we can do about this? Who can we push for complete rollout of the denim update worldwide?
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

First phones with Windows 10 should come out in november, so guess RTM should be available at the end of this month.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

It just works, for about a week then bogs down to a laggy piece of crap. Enjoy your samesong. Windows is way superior to android, and WAY WAY superior to touchwiz android. Touchwiz on the note 5 hardware is the equivalent to buying a Ferrari and the dealer software speedlimiting it to 20 mph. GOOD luck. Will see you back here soon I imagine.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I think windows 10 mobile its not for the last generation phones.. like 930 or 1520. Windows 10 mobile uses a lot of resources and battery. Its so shame that Microsoft once again it tested products on users witch is not cool. Like the lumia 800, now the lumia 930. From that point of view apple is much more caring with they're users then Microsoft. But I hope this is just the passed, I see that they reached a 4th generation of surface witch is good, they don't destroy the product. I hope with the new lumia's they will keep that trend. As for the old nokia's I will install back the windows 8.1 and leave it like that. Insiders are/where just a test rats, and in the end they're products will die with them, it just offered us a taste of the products, but now its time to upgrade... again. Good one Microsoft!!
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I think windows 10 mobile its not for the last generation phones.. like 930 or 1520. Windows 10 mobile uses a lot of resources and battery. Its so shame that Microsoft once again it tested products on users witch is not cool. Like the lumia 800, now the lumia 930. From that point of view apple is much more caring with they're users then Microsoft. But I hope this is just the passed, I see that they reached a 4th generation of surface witch is good, they don't destroy the product. I hope with the new lumia's they will keep that trend. As for the old nokia's I will install back the windows 8.1 and leave it like that. Insiders are/where just a test rats, and in the end they're products will die with them, it just offered us a taste of the products, but now its time to upgrade... again. Good one Microsoft!!

Don't worry man, the 930 is 100% supported for windows 10 but it is a really good idea to upgrade though ;)
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I upgraded from W8.1 a week ago in my microsoft lumia 535DS and its still running smooth ang faster, just the lockscreen takes few seconds to respond
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I am currently on build 10166. While trying to update my phone is showing three updates from 10512 to 10536. Is it not possible to directly update to 10536 from my current build?I am on a limited broadband connection.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I am currently on build 10166. While trying to update my phone is showing three updates from 10512 to 10536. Is it not possible to directly update to 10536 from my current build?I am on a limited broadband connection.
This build is hardly any better. Wait n soon you will have a newer build.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

okay, even if I do wait, will I be able to jump from 10166 to the latest build without downloading the intermediate ones?
My phone still shows 3 downloads including 10536.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

On my 930 I am pretty happy with this build.
Few issues off course with many apps and settings but it is better than I thought really:
Main one being camera upload feature not quite there yet (cannot chose quality and not as fast as 8.1), app udates getting stuck, Wi-Fi hotspot dropping devices, various settings missing, ect. I am sure soon it will all iron out...
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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I've been using 10536 for nearly two weeks now on my Lumia 640 and here is my experience:

YOU MUST DO A HARD RESET: Without a doubt the phone performs much better if you do the upgrade then a hard reset. It works alright if you do not, but I find that the resume screen appears much more often and the notification drawer appears to be much more glitchy.

Batter life is okay. I see a lot of people complaining about battery life, since upgrading to 10536 I have not seen to much of a hit. I can still make it through an entire day without putting my phone on the charger. I'd say I'm a heavy user; I'm making phone calls periodically as well as constantly using Text/Email/Facebook. I probably have about ~30% when I plug my phone in sometime between 10-11PM. It gets taken off the charger around 6AM everyday.

App updates and install's seem to take a really long time. When re-installing my apps or when their are updates; it seems that it takes a very long time for them to finish installing. Sometimes they fail and need to be retried multiple times.

Locking/Unlocking the phone is nearly instant compared to previous builds where the lock screen was very sluggish and slow to render.

Resuming is still a problem, but its not nearly as annoying. I'd say 1 out of every 20 times unlocking the phone or hitting the home button results in a brief 2-3 second resuming screen.

Lumia camera works for me? I know its been said that only microsoft camera is availible, but lumia camera is currently on my phone and working just fine..

Notifications can be wonky... I've had a number of occasions where a text message or email notifications don't show a toast notification or make an audible notification. I'll unlock my phone to see it in the notification bar but I never saw the toast or heard the notification.

With this build I am really enjoying windows 10. It feels a lot more polished even with its bugs compared to WP 8.1 and I really hope google get on board and begins developing google services officially for windows 10. Really that will be what determines if I stay with windows phone for the long term. I'm primarily and android user, however i dabble in all major smart phone OS's because I'm a nerd. I think Microsft has a real winner with windows phone these days, however I'm afraid it may be to late. However if intergration of android and iOS apps happen and we get more polished apps like iOS and Android, i think windows might break out of its shell its currently in.

Something as simple as the messenger app for facebook really makes me cringe. The fact that everytime I open it it has to refresh everything and can't just do it in the background like iOS or android drives me bonkers.
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

New build out now!

So yeah just tell us how this one is rolling...
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