Mobile Build 10166 - 10536 how do you like it?

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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

New build is out now


This thread is for people to tell wich phones they are running the build on and how they like it

Tell us! :wink:

I updated both my lumia devices (920, 1020) and the experience so far is quite impressive compared to previous builds. The most annoying factor (for me), the key press tone with phone dialer is gone. My Lumia 1020 performance far better than 920, most probably due to 2GB memory and the camera on both phones are decent, less choppy while video replayed.

Under settings, Extra region is yet to get some love from the devs, it looks as ugly as earlier builds with accent color and font size mismatches with rest of the settings area. I didn't do a factory reset after the update because the additional language packs are not yet available. So far this build is rock solid & I am pretty pleased.

The one thing never worked throughout the builds for me is PPTP VPN, which uses CHAP v2. I couldn't establish a VPN connection until date and I believe it is because there is not advanced options available to select the authentication methods available. Hoping to see it is included with later builds.

I had a single instance when swiped down, half of my 920 display got blanked out, however refreshed within a second or so. I feel, the OS is maturing to RTM. Looking forward towards the socket broker API, and truly wishing that it would let few of legacy apps would able to keep the connections in the background, so that I can take the advantage of our SIP implementation at work.

Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I think most things are better/faster/smoother on my 830. Took forever to update (almost 4 hours), so be prepared if you are thinking about updating to the new build. Still get the start screen "Loading..." bug. Full disclosure I didn't do a hard reset, might help, but doesn't seem like it helps based on others comments.

Also the camera gets stuck in one orientation and nothing I do seems to free it to flip back and forth, not the end of th world, but still annoying.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

guys, I am having issues in downloading updates to the Here Maps and Here Drive+ apps after Install this update. They try to update and go through the it for a few mins and then error out. Please look at the attached screen shot.

I am on Nokia Lumia 1520

Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a workaround for this?


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Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I would strongly advise you to perform a hard reset. It ALWAYS improves performance!
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

The lock screen bug ..half a second delay occurs when using the power/lock button.If u use tap to open,there is no delay.
And could any of you tell me what the first one is(pic).
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Lumia ICON. This is my first dive into the Preview builds.

I went directly from Windows 8.1 to the latest 10536 build of Windows 10. Currently my start screen does not work at all and I am unable to turn on Bluetooth. This is after a full OS reset.

For all those who have encountered these issues in the past. Any tips you can give me for getting these features to function again?
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Sad to say Battery Life is still very tough on the Lumia ICON...loses about 5% an hour and using the phone sucks it much faster...light use since off the charger at 6AM and already 75%. LIGHT use...

battery was @ 100% at 8AM, starting the upgrade process, finished about 10AM. @ 15% battery.

plugged my 930 to my laptop to charge since 10 Am, its now 5:21, 27%.

I know laptop barely give amps to charge but still.... i do this daily , and i get my phone charged in 2 hours.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

On Lumia 535 this build is better than all previous builds, so far so good :)
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Upgrade from 512 did NOT require a hard reset for me! (I was willing, but so far not needed)
And while I am one of those that had a glass-half-full outlook on 512, I have a VERY favorable response to 536!
Phone is much more responsive. HotSpot is fixed! Photo App enhancements make me believe they are far from saying they are finished with it.
I'm still drilling down in it but I just like how it "feels" like a phone with horsepower underneath should feel and respond.

No matter how much gnashing of teeth this build will likely be met with, I SEE the progress and am aware of how much WORK it takes to get this progress.

Grateful. Really. W10M is going to be my choice for a very long time. Can't wait to see our corporate Apps running on L640's!
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Lumia 830. Upgrade went flawless but did take a long time, about 2 hours to do all of it.
Re: Which phone are you running Insider preview and how do you like it?

after all the updates my core build is 3051.50009.1451.10458?

is this right
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

Either I cleaned up the screen of my L1520 or the picture looks crisper, fonts, games, etc. The funny People tile animation is back. People report missing Messaging app, mine is still there. I updated from 8.1 and did not perform the hard reset though. Oh, nice to see folders in Photos app. And I like the UI there much more than hamburgers elsewhere. I wish MS people made up their mind and designed their apps' UI consistently. Either with hamburgers or without, better without; have Settings in the same location, etc. Looks like the programmers did not have the same brief.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I have some issues with installing apps from store, from there, no issues, runs good, my Lumia 1320 it's quite well, but there's always a but, my Whatsapp just doesn't work, and when I try to reinstall it fails.... so no Whatsapp for me, the store says that I can't install it on the SD, I changed the storage location on settings and yet still can't install it....:angry::angry:
I have some issues with installing apps from store, from there, no issues, runs good, my Lumia 1320 it's quite well, but there's always a but, my Whatsapp just doesn't work, and when I try to reinstall it fails.... so no Whatsapp for me, the store says that I can't install it on the SD, I changed the storage location on settings and yet still can't install it....:angry::angry:
After changing settings from storage sense, go to store-> downloads then touch on "x" next to WhatsApp and then redownload WhatsApp. It will work
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I have the Lumia 1320, currently with build 10512.
Should I update to 10536? I heard that once you get that build, you won't be able to update to future builds and you'll have to revert to Windows Phone 8.1. Is that true?
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I have a Lumia 640 and I just went back to 8.1. Too many bugs still. I can't even pin a app to the home screen without any issues. I'm thinking about leaving and grabbing a Moto g 3rd Gen. I just don't see them getting this OS together until next year some time. Still love windows but Microsoft needs to do better to earn my money.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

I have the Lumia 1320, currently with build 10512.
Should I update to 10536? I heard that once you get that build, you won't be able to update to future builds and you'll have to revert to Windows Phone 8.1. Is that true?
This one should be okay. They pulled the build on Friday, that was the problematic one.
Re: Build 10536 how do you like it?

In which phone and how do you managed to do it?
Thanks in advance
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