Where on that screenshot does it say anything about being intended as a backup mechanism?
Everything I've heard from MS suggests OneDrive really isn't supposed to be used as a backup system. It's meant to synchrone small files across devices. That's definitely not what a backup system does.
I think, what really is key here is the perception

so when you tell someone they have
unlimited storage and can have
all their files in one place.
What do you anticipate will happen?
Invariably it will become used as a mass back up solution lol.
Personally the removal of the 100, 200 Gig tiers (and to replace these with just a 50 Gig tier) along with the camera bonuses is what irks me the most as it impacts every single Windows Phone user.
I can understand why they did what they did however the way they went about it is just beyond any sort of rationale.
The abusers could have easily reprimanded since the TOS is there reprimand users for questionable content not penalize their entire user base.
They could have gone through a thoughtful approach:
1) They could have easily grandfathered the accounts using 1TB+ (as after all they have paid for an unlimited service).
2) locked down the offending accounts if the TOS was breached.
3) made new accounts going forward have only 5 Gigs (change coming into affect on dd/mm/yyyy etc).
4) offered the 50 Gig plans alongside other tiers.
5) kept the camera roll bonus, are they and their partners going to reword all adverts that showcase this bonus?
As otherwise it is going to be classed as miss selling and false advertising which is a criminal offence for which they will be heavily penalised for.
6) add 1TB increment add-ons so people have the option of adding more storage.
7) reduce new 365 accounts to 1TB after a cut off date.
The whole unlimited business was just fool hardy to begin with as it was an impossible task, us techies know there is no such thing as unlimited storage space when it comes to data. If they didn't roll out this "unlimited" service, no one would have batted an eye lid.
Perhaps some people envision the cloud in the literal sense :grincry:, that it's just there floating above absorbing all the data like a sponge - even then a sponge needs a good rinse out now and then lol.